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Everything posted by CaptainBeaky

  1. They are about 6 or 7ft.lb - designed to put holes in paper at 10m, not imo suitable for live targets. I remember seeing one set up for running boar targets, with a scope, must be 35 years ago now!
  2. Mum was middle school, teaching maths. Management teaches primary.
  3. I thought you were remarkably restrained, actually... I come from a family of teachers - I'm the only one who doesn't do it for a living - so I see it from the inside. The Management spent 5 years working a 75+ hour week - I was effectively a single parent family. She has now gone back to teaching after a 4 year break, part-time only, and it still works out at 35 hours a week she works at it. My mum had to retire on medical grounds at 52, because the stress was killing her. An easy profession?
  4. Nope, they didn't. A bad solution to a real problem is still a bad idea. A good solution would not cause more problems than it solves. Unfortunately, the Krankies' approach appears to be, "When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail". Don't like the fact that some people own large areas of land? Let the state take control of it. Kids getting abused? Let the state take over control of children's upbringing. A drug-addled Ned shoots a child with an airgun? Let the state take control by licensing those comply with the law anyway. Bit of a pattern here - the postscript to all three is, "How well will that work, and how much is it going to cost? We don't know."
  5. Thanks for the kind comments, peeps. Ukp - sounds great: which settlement did you visit?
  6. "Pressed from good sheet metal" For someone trying to promote his product, he doesn't manage to load that fast...
  7. Roll it. And mind your fingers. Don't ask me how I know...
  8. Not too bad to cut using the very thin (1mm) disks - they cut really fast without removing too much metal, so don't heat up the surrounding metal. This was a bit of quick and dirty tool-making, so I wasn't too concerned with a pretty finish, hence the non-polished blade and somewhat rough scales. Even a cheap belt sander is a great improvement over filing by hand - you can make bigger mistakes much faster! A proper belt grinder is something else again - I've used one once, and one day I will own one
  9. Needing a new wallet, I decided to make one, at which point I realised that a round knife would be a far better tool for cutting very thin leather than a craft knife. Looking around the web then revealed eye-watering prices for anything half-decent, so I made one instead... Made from an old circular saw blade, cut with a fine cutting disk to avoid losing the temper, then ground on the belt grinder. Scales are some oak burl that has been sitting in the garage for the last 10 years or so, and the mosaic pins were a leftover from a batch I made about the time I cut the oak, and used for this one just because. I've just been cutting some 3.5mm bridle leather, and it works just fine
  10. I suspect more modern ones will eat anything you give them, but this is a piece of 1950's Americana, so possibly a little more fussy. I'll with work around the CompX issue, and get some Fiocchis to feed it in the meantime.
  11. Ah. Wish I'd known that before buying a thousand! Still, they work fine in the o/u and sxs, so they'll get used up, if I don't put then up for sale on pw.
  12. Took the Higgins out for some exercise again today - not so good this time :( Lots of ftf today, almost all double feeds - I tend to put the next two cartridges in the magazine, then eject the last empty case from the previous pair. At least half the time, it would release both cartridges from the magazine. I didn't have this problem last time - the only thing that has changed is the cartridges: Fiocchi TT One last time, Hull Comp X this time. (Case length is the same at 65mm). If not just the gun not liking the Comp X's, any suggestions as to the source of the problem? NB. Still lots of fun, even with the feed problem.
  13. Take the lumens figures on Ultrafires with a big pinch of salt - if you manage to get 2000 lumens out of an XML-T6, you will melt it first. Solarforce are good and tough in your budget range.
  14. There's your clue - the seller is not a member, so won't respond here, or see your question. Contact via Gunwatch.
  15. I anticipate a new thread... "What calibre for unicorn?"
  16. Thanks, Roland - there are a few of these scans around the web, of various issue dates. This one has a nice clear schematic page, which should blow up to A3 - helpful for stripping the trigger group.
  17. It works ok now - the trigger group just has a bit of vertical play! The problem with soldering or brazing ali is the oxide film that forms almost instantly on a cut surface - aluminium is actually very reactive, but forms a hard oxide layer very rapidly in air. Hence soldering a peg in may be a problem, whereas a butt or lap joint would work. Tig welding with a.c. gets around this as the electrode-positive part of the cycle blasts the oxide film off the surface (and heats up the tungsten more), while the electrode-negative part does most of the work heating up the job. I'll do some test joints first, then I'll make the call as to how to make the repair.
  18. I asked the question at work, specifically with a couple of lads one of whom is a coded welder of 35 years experience, the other being a machinist/artificer. They both said, "Don't do tig, you'll blow a hole right through it!" Both, however, mentioned Technoweld, also marketed as Durafix. Low temperature brazing solution for aluminium - offers a way of breaking through the oxide film and making a proper joint - this looks fairly viable, so I've ordered a pack, and will do some trials on scrap bits when it arrives. Watch this space... John_R: Yes, I've drilled for pegs, but slightly inboard of the position of the ears, so putty would most likely have the same issue when built up onto a bolt head. Btw, it was Donkey who lost the retaining pin out of his MP153 - Don't know if he found it, bought another or got one made, but thanks for the kind thought
  19. Superb! I've only ever seen one of those
  20. Is that the average number of days taken? If so, not best pleased with Kent taking 224 to renew an SGC 😬
  21. As far as I am aware, the ethnicity questions aren't compulsory (not allowed to make them compulsory!)
  22. Another vote for Olight - really well built torches.
  23. Some great ideas here. Keep them coming, folks
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