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Everything posted by CaptainBeaky

  1. Just bought a 2011 Cooper SD for the Management - nice car, lots of toys, has some real "go" to it. More powerful than the Golf GTI it replaced, everything works, good build quality, good economy. Highish mileage at 42k, but really doesn't show it. Doesn't have quite the go-kart quality of our previous Cooper (the last 1275 version with carbs instead of fuel injection), but faster, better built, better handling and actually more economical, even allowing for the fact that the new one is a diesel. Later R56 model series have a better reputation, so I am told.
  2. Scandi is great for wood working, not so great for meat. You might be best off with a full flat grind, or if it will be just for game prep, a slight hollow grind. (In my opinion, your mileage may vary, etc)
  3. Going by the groove in the jaws, it's a pin vice. Used for filing pins to shape, and sometimes for sharpening drill bits.
  4. Bread's "Everything I own", as murdered by Boy George, especially the coda, which is supposed to be slower, not in THE SAME BLASTED REGGAE BEAT! And from the same source, "If" as wrecked by Telly Savalas - so bad, it's actually funny. And as noted above, definitely anything by William Shatner...
  5. Where are you, Mr Saddler? I can't tell on my phone (I'd be interested )
  6. Take a deep breath, count to ten, then get proper legal advice. Hope you can get it sorted.
  7. Ann Barnes is not standing for re-election, fortunately, given her blatant anti-shooting stance.
  8. Lots of mine already listed... 633 Squadron Carry on Cleo Carry on Up the Khyber Blues Brothers Enter The Dragon Battle of Britain
  9. Worth every penny! Buy it,take it out and use it every day - it's a knife for generations.
  10. Very nice I'm guessing at purpleheart and ebony for the spacer, but what is the main handle wood?
  11. Start engine, then seatbelt on. Gives a few seconds for the oil to get round before pulling away - always makes me wince when I see people start the engine in gear and pull away immediately.
  12. I'm looking at that handle - and thinking, "That looks uncomfortable..."But the sheer quality of the build - exquisite! I love the little Chou Scully posted above - feeling inspired to get out into the workshop and make something now
  13. A Hultafors Craftsman? Like a Mora - very cheap, very good, and in almost all cases, all the knife you'll ever need They do a range, varying from the simple working tool above to some very nice laminated steel blades. Well worth a look if you need a knife to do a job of work.
  14. Very nicely executed. Cheap. Sharp. Easy to re-sharpen. Cheap. A certain rustic charm. Cheap.
  15. Loving that Lagouille The Muntjac is just exquisite...
  16. Some lovely stuff showing up in this thread. This one is definitely not my own work - apart from the paracord wrap: ROK by Stuart Mitchell.
  17. You try it, and it didn't come it as well as you hoped. You read up on it, and find out how other people do it, and ask for advice You try again. Rinse and repeat. Have a look at the British Blades forum, where you will find the really good stuff, like the Bones61 knives above. My stuff is not in the same league.
  18. Nice! Beautiful chatoyance you have achieved on that sheoak 👍👏
  19. Any uk site selling prescription-only stuff will want to see the prescription before they will despatch it.
  20. As above, Viovet, also Vetmedic, Vetimed, Pet Drugs Online Make sure you use a UK site - they have to registered as pharmacies, and are therefore controlled, and are operating under a qualified pharmacist. (So you are less likely to buy Smarties!) There is a list of accredited online animal medicine retailers on the gov.uk website. Accredited Retailers
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