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Everything posted by CaptainBeaky

  1. Bipac - mine has done 4 years without a problem, fast and stable, ready to set up. That said, I've probably jinxed it now!
  2. It's not the size that's the problem - where the angle of the strong touches the skin, and presses in, even very slightly, when the string is released, it can flick the surface of the skin, leaving a nasty welt after a dozen or so shots. A guard also keeps clothing down and out of the way - the majority of target archers wear one. Nice bow, btw - neatly done: it doesn't look like a take-down - and nice shooting, especially for a beginner 👍
  3. Is that a Border Griffon I spy in the photos?
  4. Gas Uk charge IIRC about £29 for delivery, as it had to come via a dangerous goods courier. It was still the cheapest, by quite a healthy margin.
  5. Try Gas-uk - cheapest I found for that size.
  6. I don't use them at all now - too many keys that don't work, plus the scratch they left right across the face of my G-Shock...
  7. Still locking blades, so fall foul of the interpretation from R vs Harris. There are some non-locking multi-tools about.
  8. That's the one. Phony Tony had just won a huge (200 plus) majority, so could do pretty much what he liked, especially as a lot of the newer MPs were firmly under the thumb of the Whips.
  9. Nope. Home-grown. Criminal Justice Act 1988, section 139. Para 2 sets out the exemption for a folding pocket knife with a cutting edge of less than 3" Para 4 sets out the "good reason or lawful authority" defence Para 5 specifies the work, religious obligation and national costume defences. The locking-blade bit comes from a couple of pieces of case law - R vs Harris and R vs Deegan. The significant upshot of these two was to establish a locking blade as being the same as a fixed blade. Daft, right? If you look at Hansard for the discussions on the CJA, the intention was that all folding knives under the max length would be exempted, but at the time of the two cases mentioned, judges were apparently not allowed to read up on the discussions before ruling. That has now changed, afaik, but it doesn't help here - the only way that bit of case law will be overruled is at at the next court up from the Crown Court, i.e. the Law Lords. Of course, if you are carrying your (perfectly legal) non-locking folder in the pub and a fight kicks off, none of the above applies anyway - we go straight to Offensive Weapons, which is a entirely different kettle of weasel vomit.
  10. Don't forget the chap in Wales who built his own spaceship, and reached the moon before the Americans. Morgan, I think his name was...
  11. You lot are really NOT helping me resist the temptation of the Bosher's beaten-up A5...
  12. Only if we can use him in the foundations...
  13. Blow that for a game of soldiers - why should we give Nicola Krankie a big chunk of Northumberland?Rebuild the Antonine Wall instead
  14. Being called for already... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-36615879
  15. Don't buy off eBay! At least, not until you have more of an idea what you need. If your mate's uncle is an instructor, he should have access to some light training bows to get you started. The surest way to get put off is to start with a bow that is too high a draw weight - you will be amazed how tired your muscles get at the beginning, until you get the technique. "Buy nice, buy once" doesn't really apply to bows. You need a light draw to start with, then move up in weights as your technique develops. Expect to go through three or four bows as you progress - this is where club membership is useful, as it can give you access to cheap second-hand gear, and a ready market to offload stuff you have grown out of. Your instructor friend can help - ask his advice before spending any money. Hope you enjoy it
  16. Mmmm, nice. I have that itch that needs scratching as well
  17. Was following this on the text updates on a combination of BBC Sport, Telegraph Sport and (would you believe it) Wales on line. Very tense! Excellent job by the team - now on to Sydney
  18. Moras actually have very good blades, especially the laminated blades, and will hold an edge extremely well - no less so than your Fallkniven. They may not be as desirable, but they do the same job, equally well.
  19. They will ALWAYS blame the water treatment or lack thereof - everything is always the fault of the water chemistry, from corroding radiators to late trains and Arsenal losing at home to Fulham. A radiator that leaks less than a week after installation is patently not of "merchantable quality" - unless you are running your radiators full of descaling acid, the water chemistry really isn't relevant over that short time. As stated above, your contract is with the vendor, so it is *their* problem.
  20. So a *NET* cost of £164 million plus some small change per week?
  21. It is a sad fact that 97% of people don't understand statistics!A quick exercise of the Google-fu reveals 17 mass shootings (more than 5 dead or injured) in the last 50 years, and in the same period, 4 mass deaths by arson, one by stabbing and two by blunt instrument! Sample size is simply not big enough to draw a valid conclusion that the firearms ban was responsible for the drop - see Reversion to the Mean. Also, the highest casualty figures were for the stabbing incident, followed by the arson cases. Ban knives and petrol? This is the same logic that convinces the gullible that homeopathy has any effect beyond a placebo.
  22. Depends on your choice of string gauges...
  23. It might help to post the serial number, as that will help pin down the year and place of manufacture. It will probably be behind the headstock, or possibly on the cover plate behind the bridge.
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