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Everything posted by CaptainBeaky

  1. Kids? It's a Baikal: your great, great, great-grandchildren will be inheriting this, still zombie-ready, and still stiff as a very stiff thing to open...
  2. Ok, thanks. Bit of a long jaunt from Kent, I'm afraid :(
  3. Pickup from whence, please? (On phone so can't see location)
  4. That really does have the potential to be very, very pretty, with not an awful lot of work. Get thee behind me, Bosher!
  5. TT1 are 65 mm, as are Hull CompX.
  6. Lots of 2.5" cartridges around - also known as 65mm or 67mm. I find they are frequently cheaper than 2.75"/70mm, especially with light loads - see the recent thread in the Reloading sub forum regarding Hull Comp X
  7. Try laser etching? Looks much better
  8. Apropos of the above, if you're willing to split, I'd be interested in the Loadall, the paper cases and the No5
  9. I paid £150 for a thousand two weeks ago... In Surrey, though.
  10. Thanks OF - any suggestions as to a good manual? Excellent idea testing in a modern gun first - the Baikal o/u should make a good test bed: if they don't fall under the "load a 20g into a 12g, followed by a 12g test, then should be safe enough to work up loads in. Precise and meticulous - check. I'm a chemist... Thanks for all the help - I have a suspicion this may be addictive!
  11. Oops - missed those out Punched out of milk-carton type card? Do I need to resize used cases like you do with brass cases?
  12. Having shot impala59's BPS the other weekend (which has one of those neoprene covers on the stock), I would agree with your instructor - it appears to make the gun point quite a bit to the left of where I was looking. When I consciously squashed into the neoprene, the gun pointed straight, so yes, (I think) they do alter the cast.
  13. An old meat cleaver, rescued from the local tip, post a little sympathetic cleaning. Stamping is, "England, Harrods Stores Ltd, Brompton Road", such dates it to between 1891 and 1920. Anyone seen one like this before? Any idea of value? It's in fair condition, edge is quite blunt, patina fairly even. The Management suggested I reshape it as a stage weapon, but I'm reluctant to hack up something this old!
  14. Good plan! (Just not this side of January!)
  15. Ok, so that is: Capper/de-capper RTO machine Powder/shot measure Powder Shot Primers Paper cases Anything I've missed?
  16. Good idea, dear Can't search for a lot of this stuff at work, due to firewall rules. Yes, Google isn't ideal, but it's a good place to start - that is exactly how I would *start* a literature search for a work project. There is also a large pool of experience on pw, which would be foolish to ignore. Any suggestions for good books on the subject?
  17. All good information coming here Would I get enough Pyrodex in a 65mm case? Edit - OK, that probably is a silly question!
  18. OK, I've used the search function, but my Google-fu appears to not be as strong as usual! Thinking of starting reloading, chiefly so I can use the sbs I've just picked up from bruno22rf, which is black powder proof only (wabbitbosher's Belgian Purdey-ish hammer gun). Hmmmm - don't need an explosives cert for Pyrodex - how difficult can it be? Yes, I know it would be cheaper to get it re-proofed for nitro, but where's the fun in that? So, my first question - will something like a Lee Loadall cope with 65mm cases, or will I need something expensively exotic to even consider it? (In which case, let's look up the number for the London Proof House!) Any suggestions as to how to go about this? All the websites I have found so far refer almost exclusively to 2 3/4" and larger cases. Thanks in advance
  19. Tim Farron talking BS as usual. The court's verdict was purely on a point of law - i.e. that ministers cannot repeal an Act of Parliament under the Royal Prerogative - this is important! That's the way the system works - only Parliament can enact primary legislation, and only Parliament can repeal it. The European Communities Act 1972 is primary legislation, therefore ONLY Parliament can repeal it - which is, in effect, what invoking Article 50 does. The verdict made no political point - it was purely ruling on a (vital) point of law. Parliament has, wisely in my view, voted in line with result of the EU referendum - hard to see how they could do otherwise and still expect to be in a job the next time they are up for election.
  20. Welcome, Oldfesta Don't worry, there's a few of us from the civilised side of the Medway as well
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