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Everything posted by CaptainBeaky

  1. Ba-dump, tish! A nice South African Syrah for me, washing down the beef stew and dumplings
  2. LePrevo are pretty good as a one-stop shop for starters. There are also some suppliers on eBay who are cheaper for leather, once you know what you are looking for.
  3. Why would it rot? Properly undersealed on arrival in the UK, since when it's done a hundred k of those 122k with me in the last 10 years. No rot anywhere.
  4. Quite possibly, and is the logical first thing to try.
  5. I think you'll find there are plenty of 20-plus year old Hiluxes still driving around... My Surf is 20 in December, currently at 122k miles, and no sign of wearing out any time soon.
  6. It's not illegal to root a phone! (Despite what Apple would like people to think...)
  7. Try Gunstar, Guntrader and Gunwatch. There is an 812 on Gunwatch at the moment.
  8. That one has been going around for a while - I had it back in April.Not really Nationwide's fault, but raise it with them as suspected fraudulent activity, and they will get it sorted.
  9. Win 7 - Try softwaregeeks - £15 for a licence, and you download the ISO image to either burn to a DVD or copy to a USB drive. If you still have the original licence number, you can download the ISO direct from Microsoft. It will boot and install from a USB drive.
  10. I suspect this is less faulty manufacture and more faulty user. Have any other owners had this part bend like the one in the photo?
  11. Yup, your bolt release catch is properly bent! Never seen one do that before, but as Tony suggests, probably the result of some ham-fisted reassembly by a previous owner. Given the degree of bent-ness, I would suggest replacing it rather than trying straightening. Regarding what you are not paying for - that's Baikal: form follows function. lf it doesn't need to be polished to work, it isn't!
  12. It does sound as if there is some cack stuck under the bolt release lever - that or the tiny spring under the bolt release button may have broken and be fouling the lever.Have you taken the release lever out yet? Be careful if you do - the tiny spring is an evil little sod and will run away and hide at the slightest opportunity... Incidentally, mine eats 2.5" cartridges quite happily, and will cycle 24 g loads if the gas valve is wound in some more from where it currently lives. As set now, it won't, but it will cycle 28s reliably, without objecting to the occasional 42 thrown at a fox. The original adjusting spanners aren't great - I made another out of a piece of steel tube. I then found an old sprocket removal tool which also fits (typical that I found it after I had made the first one!).
  13. CaptainBeaky


    Lovely part of the country I'll be down there shortly, and about a mile from where you're staying - over towards Thurlestone. Been going down there pretty much every year for 20-odd years now, and I'll be out lamping bunnies again with friends while I'm there If you don't mind a walk and a scramble, Elender Cove is worth a visit - go through East Prawle and park at the car park near the coast guard station, OS ref 775355 then walk West along the coast path until you come to the cove. The Pig's Nose in East Prawle is also a good bet on your way back - good beer, good food and live music on occasions Edit: The cove you want is actually Maceley Cove, between Elender Cove and Gammon Head. My kids always said that Gammon Head looks like a sleeping dragon.
  14. Sorry - autocorrect strikes again! That should have read, "You can get advice...We breed cats, and switch between three different flea treatments on roughly a 6 month cycle. I can't advise on specifics, as dog treatments use a different range of active ingredients. Some are the same, like fipronyl, others not, like pyremethrin, which is toxic to cats. The problem with using the same treatment is that you are artificially selecting for a population which is resistant to that treatment, so the effectiveness will always drop over time. Switching to a different active ingredient will cure the problem, as the percentage of your population which is resistant to the new drug will be very small. Find another one that works for you, then switch between them every few months.
  15. Your flea population may have developed an immunity to the active ingredient in Frontline. Try swapping to a treatment with a different active ingredient. You can get above for free from an online vet pharmacy such add VioVet or VetMedic.
  16. Ah, I see the problem. You need another MP153!
  17. Interesting - I recently had an issue with the "Mark as Read" button not working. Went away after a few days, and after clearing the app cache 5 or 6 times, and the entire phone cache twice.
  18. CaptainBeaky


    Off topic, but interested - what cut do you use in this situation, and which one are you *supposed* to use?
  19. Boss Green or Boss Blue are WRC-approved for domestic water, as is ptfe tape.
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