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Everything posted by timd999

  1. Have you tried sitting the dog outside the hide while you're shooting? Perhaps he's wary of the confines of the hide, or maybe the heightened noise levels inside it (or a combination of both). I'd be very careful not to do anything that could exacerbate the problem further as it could be difficult to undo. Maybe desensitisation is needed through positive reinforcement? You could try setting up a hide in your garden at home and feeding the dog inside it, so that it equates being there as a reward. If this works ask a friend to fire a starting pistol - secreted inside a gamebag to muffle the noise - at some distance from the hide, rewarding the dog each time a shot's fired. Over a matter of time the gun can gradually be moved closer. Try not to rush things - if it's a bit of gun nervousness patience may be needed. Good luck!
  2. Great photos Terry, and a great sport Have you finished the bottle yet?
  3. Minor bacterial, mite or yeast infections are common in dogs and a solution of white wine vinegar and water can be used to clean out the ears. First, check the inside of the ear for debris as you don't want to inadvertently push something like a grass seed further down the ear canal. Next, prepare a solution (1:1) of white wine vinegar and tepid water. Twist a piece of cotton wool into a taper and then gently swab out the ear. You may have to repeat this several times to get rid of all of the muck. If this doesn't work, because the onset of hearing loss has been sudden, it may be worth a trip to the vets as your dog may have an infected eardrum or something equally serious that needs specialist attention. I really hope he gets better soon
  4. Like so many aspects of training there are umpteen ways to teach a blind retrieve, and it may just be a case of finding which is best for your dog. The main thing is not to demand too much of the dog otherwise she'll lose confidence in both herself and you. Patience is the name of the game, building up things up slowly but surely. It can sometimes help to take a friend along with you. Have him stand 10 yards or so from you and throw a 'seen' retrieve (he can clap his hands first or fire a pistol to draw the dog's attention). Send the dog for the same 'seen' retrieve two or three times in exactly the same manner (i.e. to the same mark and distance). When you feel confident the dog is anticipating what's coming, you can now try an easy 'blind'. To do this get your helper to throw a 'seen' retrieve. Line up the dog and send her out in exactly the same manner, however when she's on her way back to you with the dummy have your friend throw a second dummy to the same spot, out of the dog's view. Next, line up the dog and send her out for the 'blind'. Hopefully the earlier repetition will have instilled the confidence she needs to trust your commands. As PERCE said, never let her fail as it'll shatter her confidence. Go out and practically show her the dummy if need be, giving plenty of praise when she finds it. Over a matter of weeks slowly build up the distance - 10,15, 20yds and so on. Failure is usually due to trying to progress things too quickly. I wish you the very best of luck!
  5. The little Webleys are great - i've had a couple of them. If you consider selling it in the future, don't, as you'll regret it Their only 'down point' really, is the 2 1/2" chamber. Ditto; had one as a boy and enjoyed many a happy hour with it
  6. Shoot looks great from the photos. Wishing you continued success
  7. Many happy returns Colin, A true gent
  8. Well done Hayburn - a lovely gesture. Your generosity got me thinking and I will definitely donate to a charity this weekend. I wish your partner the best of luck and a speedy recovery.
  9. Great offer. Same old cliche, wish I was closer
  10. Was at sixth form college when the The Young Ones started back in 1982 and have such happy memories of watching on BBC2.The comedy was like nothing see on TV before (or since for that matter). R.I.P. Rik, you'll be sadly missed
  11. Go Outdoors sell telescopic spinning rods for under a tenner, so it wouldn't really matter if you lost it. I took one on my hols and had no problems. http://www.gooutdoors.co.uk/omni-tele-spin-8ft-1035gm-p270604
  12. Wonderful programme and the vid brings back lots of happy memories from my youth. Thanks for posting
  13. Stunning attention to detail. As many have asked before, how on earth did you make the water so realistic?
  14. Regardless of the aforementioned comment, the pups look awesome. Hope you find good working homes for them.
  15. Well done mate. You and the farmer both happy.
  16. She looks great! I'm sure you'll share many happy experiences together over the coming years. Enjoy.
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