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  1. Very intelligent fearless and funny protest singer! Ahead of her time! Anti war! Publicly challenging the catholic church on hiding child abuse on national TV in US (tore up picture of the pope) over 30 years ago! First to turn down a Grammy as protest about controlling/abuse/censorship in the industry. They tried to destroy her for it! Her book and film a good read/watch. Thank you Sinead! We heard You! NB
  2. Great series! Recommend the pub. Had some good times in there over the years and Fram in general. Shame developer's are cashing in on it and raping the town where filmed and other villages in this part of Suffolk. We now have new development companies, estates close's and muse's named after the fictional town in the series. Pitched as "Crafted homes".? Some sites involve rescaping and shifting/trucking hundreds of tones (800+) of earth out before a single footing is dug. It's out of control and no one seems to care. Any opposition gets pushed through on appeal. And i say this having lived and worked in the trades here all my life. They getting away destroying loads of habitat, meadow and farmland. The villages and wildlife with it. Right homes in the right place! Not happening! . . . . . . . We also get more chancer/nighthawkers about. NB
  3. Flintstone! The old skool multitool. Weapon? Only if you're caught knapping. 😀 NB
  4. RIP Robin! You had great vision and understanding of all things nature farming and politics. Shame it all went wrong with the CRT. NB
  5. Not kestrel. No bar patten. Another redstart. NB
  6. You do know the Packham 3 court case starts next month? Should be revealing. He's also taking Field Sports Channel to court. Look em up and his social media feeds if you are serious? Even though he multi millionaire and bringing the actions Tingay started a crowd funder and SM pile on for it that raised £100,000+. He proper playing the victim at mo and has some real nasty abusive followers. Surely the Beeb know all this? Robin Page flagged him up and challenged his/his teams actions regarding CRT years ago. He get's away with calling us the nasty brigade on the Watches. He was saying that the jailed Dartford tunnel protesters should be seen as heros on stage at last weekends protests. Thinks he's untouchable. If you go looking/asking questions be prepared to get abuse. NB
  7. Yep! And shared with many! Who have shared with more! Up to us all to step up. Do something! If you care make that difference! Start a conversation and educate more folk. It's not all doom and gloom. Some of us have been pushing back for years with little support! Get behind and support the Packham 3 and Fieldsports channel cases to. Lot more nasty abuse (blocking) being chucked at us who dare speak out! NB
  8. Nice place on edge of brackland. Very few gos nest though. Because open access wood/land and very busy popular area. Not the place you could wander with a gun. Doubt they were killed "shot" there or at same time. Plenty of folk have never see one there. Odd all 5 are young birds looking freezer fresh. What are the chances of that? Found in winter showing no signs of predation or disturbance? Not been there long or even over night? Many have said set up/dumped. Who actually found them reported it? Be interesting to see how this develops. Hope we get to see/hear all info forensics, when/how shot, stomach contents, been frozen etc. Had they been shot pre/post mortem? Had any gos fledged 5 near by? A lot for one successful brood?. . . . . Surprised RPUK not picked up on it again yet. But Tingay to busy with latest hate campaign/propaganda towards us/ fieldsports to try and protect (victim playing) Packham. Getting gullible public to part with money for the Feildsports/ Packham 3 court cases fund raiser she has set up. Get ya popcorn in for May folks. Donate to the 3 if you can. The truth will out! NB
  9. Like Dave and what he does. But not a big fan of this vid for promoting "best practice". Watch fella over Dave's left shoulder at 14.05ish and see what you think? I think it's his loader to. This was pointed out to Dave when it was first posted.
  10. Time to step up folks! This is the time for action! If you value, care and think your way of life and freedoms are worth it make that difference! NB
  11. Great spotted cuckoo been seen in Suffolk. Along with white stork and alpine swift last week. Cetti's warblers and loads of chiffchaff's about. Still big mixed flocks of redwing and fieldfare to. See kite's about weekly now. Goldfinches inspecting usual shrub nest sites in garden. Don't expect them to start nesting (more leaf cover) for another month. Robin, blackbird and dunnocks on eggs. Local early attempt by lapwings got predated but, they still about. Have randomly found 3 long tailed tit nests this year. Spent ages watching pairs of english up the hedges yesterday. Still very few pigeons (Where are they?) about and they on buds. Brimstone butterfly about Tuesday and odd bumble bee. Lost so much of turtle dove and nightingale habitat over winter. Folk seem more obsessed with cutting and being tidy. Was trying to talk to "conservation professional's" about this, and telling them turtle dove nest on 14 sites i do pest control on. Also of nightingale, adders, owls, door mice. grass snakes, hobby and water voles locally. Not believed!!! Cos it's nowt to do with them and connected to shooting. They know it all. Sod em! Many still choose to be ignorant, blinkered, drive division and negativity. It's their job, agenda and where the money's at. At the expense of wildlife. Don't see nowt changing soon with the confusion and delays in farm payments and schemes. 1 farmer into 3rd year of conservation scheme he put several acres into but has only just got payment for the 1st. Minus penalties because he wouldn't cut valuable wide hedge/scrub habitat. Plenty more like him to. It's their passion for wildlife and conservation that keeps them going! " Nature depleted UK". Yeah right! If they chose to look they would see! Those that know, know! NB
  12. Yep! Jointly with GWCT! Yet 108,000 signed WJ petition to try and change/ stop woodcock season/shooting. Where are they now? There's a shortage of volunteer's in several areas. Not hard to do if you know woodcock and their habitat. Many birds already seen roding. A early nest was found last week with 3 eggs. It and other early nests will of fledged before the survey window. If only a 10th who signed the petition were actually bothered and done something, instead of being sucked in by Packhams emotive misinformation anti shooting agenda yet again! What a difference it would make! I wonder how many that signed had even seen or could identify a woodcock? If you read the science they said part of the problem with the last survey was poor volunteer knowledge and many were urban based. NB NB
  13. Same. I harvest and dry loads. Experiment with them in and create/add to different habitat/ edges/ scruffy corners and add to again if need be. Surprising how many mini beasts in seed heads to. Can make great shelter belt along thin hedges and hardy. Manage and cut gaps/back where needed if get to thick and wide. Naturally hold pheasants/partridge in Autumn because they attracted by so many other species feeding above. They and many species stay and feed with confidence under and on what the finishes and buntings drop. Having more pairs of eyes to preds and good prickly cover. Some plants stand up better/longer than others. You can knock back some areas so they come and ripen later once established. Or just push some over to make stops/gaps. If grown and remain thin a great frame for bramble and grasses. Nest habitat for yellow hammers whitethroat blackcap etc. If harvesting your own look for thickest stem, bushy plants with biggest and lots of heads and use those year on year. Deer don't seem to like them or pushing through them. Under rated i think. Native plant. Why aren't they included in conservation mixes like the miniature teasel (to tall)?? . . . . Good numbers of chaffinch about. Few corn buntings spotted and pair of lesser woodpeckers in same copse again. 3 curlew came into sheep pasture at back of mine other night. Few lapwings using poached pasture to. Otters! Everywhere! Emptying ponds, and that's with a mild winter. Clearing out long established stocks of some quality fish. I am amazed where they turn up and how far they must travel over land. Forcing there way into the smallest covered isolated ponds. How do they find them? Have there habits changed/been released? Found laying up in wood piles, compost heaps, under decking, straw stacks and a piggery. To many!? So doesn't look good for nesting water birds locally again. Wild mallard, grebe, coot numbers well down. Sedge warblers etc to. Is it them keeping mink numbers in check? Local Otter Trust were releasing on quiet years ago, but dinghied it. NB
  14. No need for yet another law! It got sod all to do with woodcock! Did anyone else watch the debate? Not many there. Their body language was interesting. Arrogant! I hope the powers that be picked up on it. Packham more interested in his eyebrows and what's with his platform shoes? All head shaking, laughing at and talking amongst themselves when anyone against them speaking. Rude! The 3 of them reminded me of the old boys off the Muppets. Megan McCubbin didn't even stay till it had finished. On WJ blog they say it went better than they expected. North Norfolk MP spoke on their side and had been briefed by them. NB
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