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Everything posted by NatureBoy

  1. In the EDP this week. Huge catfish weighing 55kg/ 122Lb caught by carp angler from Diss Mere in Norfolk. That's some moggy! could not be returned as non native and no stocking licence. EA moved it. Hommersfield pits i wonder? NB
  2. Well done that man! Cracking kipper! NB
  3. Sounds like my ideal woman! 😉 NB
  4. Some folk are just very precious/strange! Farmer must think his behaviour strange if he knows him and sees him doing it? If the farmer wants you to or has offered you the shooting. Just carry on. Should be plenty of space/land and shooting for every one. I have found peps like that get bored accepting or disappear eventually. Others become mates and share land and info. . . . Least he not setting up on same field, shooting your flight lines or putting out rope bangers in your field and shooting else were. Had this and two fellas that other farmers called my shadow follow me about for a while. Drive fields or sit in gateway/clear view and watch me for ages. Or the more sly move of turning up in two trucks leaving one parked in full sun with window glare reflecting up field or line to my position putting birds off. Or parking one in gateway to block fields and shoot else where. The last two farmer hadn't seen for ages until he offered me the shooting. He had enough when couldn't get into his own field one day and they were off. Others got my number off farmer rang me and said it there land and that the farmer didn't mean to give me permission as he was so stressed that day, and to stay off the fields i had been shooting as they planning a big day. When i told/asked farmer he couldn't stop laughing. Had others drive some distance right up between deaks and hide while i was shooting.Thought sorted and all OK nice to my face, they leave only to get call from farmer/keeper they not happy. Had rim fire fizz past me in past. Weather accidental or not? One of the few times i knocked up a permnant hide i never got to shoot in it myself as another would be in there most weekends regardless. Another would hang rope bangers on them during the week. I thought this kinda thing happened to all of us at some time? Especially when pigeons were worth a bit (market guns and thursday shooters ol boi's called them) and more dealers. . . . Several other shooters or farmers mates/family shoot same ground as me. Get on with most. I always ask if other shooters on same ground if offered shooting and how often they on, any likely probs with them neighbours or tenants.. Most who are country folk know each other! Have always said i will never fall out with anyone over a bit it shooting. Life's to short. Others only jealous if you are any good or do well. End of the day if we weren't useful to the farmers few of us would have any shooting. Had my share of nails in tyres at one time. Hard to prove! Always try and park my truck where i can see it. Especially with so many more folk running long dogs and nicking stuff. Seem to be less butterfly shooters about this year. NB
  5. Cracking pic's GG. Have you seen pics doing the round this week titled Weasel v's Heron? Truely Amazing! Feisty little ******* they are. Sorry have no link NB
  6. Turned down/ lost a job yesterday and not for the first time. Why? Because i refused to remove or work near still very active and used house martins nests. No worries! But! What i have noticed looking around and also in birding/shooting/conservation media is people that should know better thinking/saying that come the beginning of August The breeding /nesting season is over. It's NOT! Not only are house martins. swallows and swifts still going. i know of goldfinches, spotted flycatchers, sedge warblers and tree creepers still with young in nests. One lot of bird/ insect mix and hedge still has at least at least 5 whitethroats still nesting and no doubt other warblers are to. Whitethroats seem to be using these crops more this year because less rape has been grown. Some turtle doves were still calling and behaving as if still nesting last week. I hope so. Young were still about in September last year. And wood pigeons seem to be full on with nests every where now. . . . Just saying, still check before cutting, slashing, or doing any work where birds may still be nesting! Does it really need doing? Leaving it another 2 weeks could make a lot of difference. Another rant over! ATB NB
  7. There's an interesting recent post on C4PMC site social media of RSPB suppressing a multi org bird survey on moors last year. Why? 1) Because it showed a significant increase in both BOP's and Moorland breeding birds. 2) They were after a big chunk of money (£600,000+) from HLF for more "monitoring". 3) Not fit with there money making agenda. Long but worth a read. NB
  8. Two very good new vids from TGS/NGO on YT also. For Peats Sake and Is Conservation Cruel. Very well made and worth a watch. NB
  9. And guess what? It's another TAGGED Hen Harrier reported missing over a grouse moor now. It's getting hard to keep up. No evidence it's dead, back story, info or time line. Crazy. Just enough to keep there followers going coming up to the Glorious 12th, DGS and shooting. What timing. I don't think any of us sing from Steve's hymn sheet! Pest and vermin control is necessary. But all wildlife matters! Any conservation and education we can do to help it in this crowed land is important. Why you think ST is a weak publication Teal? Is that a reflection on shooting or poor journalism? They should still use that tag line. Say's it all! NB
  10. Glorious 12th tomorrow. Annnnnd guess what? The WJ three are on about another sat tagged eagle (Tom) disappearing over a grouse moor and blaming us. When did it disappear? May 18th. Strange. No bird! No body! No evidence! Even Packham says i can't tell you what happened to him. BOP persecution is wrong! But imagine trying to get a jury to believe that one! Case dismissed!. Enough spin in video and mood music to get there baying mob going though. . . . Saw Packham being interviewed on Hardtalk by reporter Stephen Sachur. Almost crocodile tears claiming HE is the voice of the song thrush and the poisoned eagle. Strange fella! Poor actor! What other PW folk think of the new GWCT Fact Checker Website launched last week? Again. Not seen it mentioned on there. Seems good and a good idea. Avery and co been going over it and have strangely not dissed it. NB
  11. Yep. . . Samo! . . .! So who is watching us? Why are we blind? Is there folk standing behind every tree with a clipboard copy of GL and a camera waiting to catch us out? NO! Some people in shooting/here talk like they want to undermine us themselves! Strange? If you have doubts don't shoot live quarry! Simple! Seems others just wana argue for sake of it. Why? Have you ever tried to explain the GL and what we have to do to comply with it to any non shooting folk? I have, Including RSPB/Trusts field workers and rural crime officers. Most haven't a clue, indifferent, are totally baffled and amazed we are being challenged. that we have to jump through so many hoops to shoot, even what they recognise and can see at times is a pest species. In fact we are educating them. And we should do! I got nothing to hide! Would happily take/have taken any of them out and show them what we do and the benefit to farming and conservation. Got plenty of evidence i can show em. Been a good year and could of been better but for to many magpies, jackdaws and random twitchers. As i tell others that have noticed it's down to WJ's actions and folk that think they know it all's ignorance. . . These folk who bring these challenges, WJ, etc, NE, DEFRA have shown they all know very little about shooting, how pest control is practised, any of our quarry or farming and country practices. . . .Example being. RSPB's own top moorland crime investigation officer Ian Thompson reported just last week that hares were being shot on a moor, filmed and carted off in poly boxes. When this was in fact a target shoot. The hares were metal gongs. The flags were for wind direction and the poly boxes were there gun cases. Wilful ignorance/blindness from one of there top investigators. No retraction! A waste of members money. . . . . I hope anti's do read this! Anything i have ever posted i am happy for any one to read/discuss and i stand by what i do. Are you? I am surprised that the anti's don't come on here and have a go? Or are they? . . . . These shouty small number of folk who have wrongly made the countryside, shooting and conservation political think they know best about the countryside and my way of life! Wrong! It's wilful ignorance to achieve there agenda to take down shooting! As for pigeon flying over a field. Pot shot or flightlining? You decide! Comes down to location and confidence in your understanding of GL and your fieldcraft skills. If in doubt don't shoot! Simples! NB
  12. I guess not. just fenced off with signage. Lock down prob had an effect to. Less disturbance on arrival start of season and birds nested in unusual places. Just hedgehogs done 70 plus nests in two nights a few years back and that was a 24hr wardened site in Suffolk. They all up against it with increased disturbance, predators, dogs and egg thieves. Lost several red list nests on farms etc this year to. Some because of ignorant tick box birders that should now better. Least Holkham a bit far for the urban fox dumping scum. NB
  13. Saddolin classic of chosen colour if a cheapy. Flood it on. Do underneath first. Put some in a tub and stand feet in it a while. End grain will really soak it up and it will prevent rot. NB
  14. Exactly! Common sense! Don't let the bull under mine your actions. Read GL comply and carry on! NB
  15. Good vid. Hits and the miss's. Well done and for having a go in this heat. NB
  16. Last of the only remaining 3 chicks from 23 nests was wiped out on Holkham beach today. Horse destroyed protective cordon leading to ignorant beach users and dogs using the area. Oystercatchers have been unsuccessful there to. NB
  17. From your OP Jonty do they only have the fishing rights in front of there property? Is it exclusive? If so, once you have sussed it out. Flow depths snags etc Get them to prebait regularly or before you visit. Cheap simple groundbait and particales. Make it easy on yourself and don't bait up to far out for float or feeder. Could make it something special if you can get fish to hold there. Bridges attract fish , , , Had silver bream that way in past. NB
  18. Stephen Moss ant happy they using him in vid. They also complaining, say the bearded vulture footage was filmed by a minor, and morally wrong of them to use it. Really? Bizarre! Cage well a truly rattled! Don't like it up em! Saying C4PMC out of order as poss backed by big money, (London) PR company and even poss connection to crown estate. One rule for them comes to mind. They have clearly shown they will use any tactics/slur to try and take us down with any false info. RSPB investigator shared /hinting that grouse were being shot the other day, when it was in fact target shooting. And the boxes the bag supposed to be in were gun cases. Just more ignorance and lack of knowledge being twisted to suit there anti agenda. . . . , Noticed none of there lot have not mentioned/shared anything about Packham wanting to make peace with us. They getting more rabid as the 12th is coming up. Again! . . . .Makes you wonder who would have an interest in getting moorland devalued with the banning of grouse shooting. C4PMC have flagged up poss connection with fracking and wind farm companies? . . . Some in shooting still seem to think urbanites and general public don't care about shooting and the countryside and we shouldn't be bothered. If that the case why are Gov bodies even listening to WJ and co? Unless they have been infiltrated? NB
  19. Great story Walker. 😉 👍 NB
  20. It's on C4PMC website Tedward. Be interested to know what other PW folk think of think of there posts and how they are campaigning. No one on there seems to talk of them. WJ and co seem to think they out of order "nasty" and saying they have big backer and PR company behind them! They certainly got there social media sorted and are really having a go at WJ and others. Raptor vid great (raptor day 8th Aug) short and to the point. Stealing WJ and RPUKs thunder coming up to the glorious 12th maybe. If so bring it on! . . . . No doubt there will be more convenient good looking dead raptors turn up in the next week. Freezer fresh or that died in April or some other month or year. Strange! Very few look like they have been out on a moor over night let alone days. NB
  21. C4PMC seems to of rattled there cage! WJ RPUK and co not happy and doing slur campaign on them. Say they have ramped up a campaign of nasty propergander against conservation org's and conservationists. Really!? Hypercrit's! Aint that what they have been do'n constantly against us? Talk of Law suits against them. I have flagged up C4PMC up before and got no comments. What are folks thoughts on them? Some have said they no better than RPUK with the way they campain? Or they just not affraid to have a go back? Telling it as it is? Least they are doing something! NB
  22. He is NOT a pest CONTROLLER if he is dumping urban foxes. His ignorance is simply making them someone else long term control problem for his quick gain! Causing havoc and spreading disease in the countryside. Stress and suffering to the fox. As Fisheruk says i would rather dispatch for them than they releasing. Shouldn't be hard to sort . . . . How do you know they don't come back? Do you tag or ear mark them? Three miles is nothing to a fox. Would have no trouble finding way back, just like dogs and cats can. . . . Dispatch yes! But releasing needs to stop!
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