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Everything posted by NatureBoy

  1. THIS!!!!!!!! Totally Agree! Great Post! NB
  2. I thought the same as MM. And it's the same in my part of Suffolk. Lot less rape and even less pigeons. Never known it so quiet for pigeons or gas guns. last 3 winters there has been less and less. Even the maze game covers are not holding any numbers. None in the woods. Heard of bags of 500 400 and a few of 200 a few weeks ago. But they seem hardly believable. In the past i have thought that you need a good local population to hold/attract the travailing migrants? Some of those birds then stay and breed growing the local population. NB
  3. Worth a read. Informative! Why is that? Don't expect they are. But he has given any bad ones 5 years to sort themselves out or face licencing. I read it that he's in favour of grouse shooting and what it provides for the economy and wildlife. Anti's wanted licencing now and/or outright ban! I support grouse shooting though it is something i will probably never do. NB
  4. Been going on for many years! I am surprised BASC and other orgs haven't known about and investigated it before?? Thats why i started the thread because there are more foxes being dumped. Many with mange. Almost like they target shoots, farms with livestock and campsites. Never hear of any reserves having a problem. As Vince has said though it's easier to dump them. Who is paying them to do it?? Its NOT solving the problem as he says at all! It's just passing it on to someone else and causing havoc in the countryside for wildlife, farmers, shoots and anyone with a genuine real interest in conservation. Spreading mange etc in the tolerated managed rural fox population. Maybe we should catch them up and return them to town, the reserves or Hampshire as they love them so much. Many that don't get shot quickly starve as they don't know how to hunt or dig for voles worms and Beatles NB
  5. Any one bother reading it? Not seen any mention of it on here! I thought it made an interesting read. Avery and co been slating it so it must be good. Looks like grouse shooting has got 5 years to get sorted or face licencing. Scotland also says it will wait until April now before making any changes to the GL. NB
  6. If any publicity around it highlights a lot of vegan and LACS double standards it's got to be good. Only people that will benefit from them are the few big food and nutrition companies that want to control the food chain! NB
  7. In the news today. Vegan Jordi Casamitjana is going to court to claim ethical veganism is a philosophy or religion? This is after he was sacked from League Againest Cruel Sports ( LACS) for whistle blowing a while back that they were investing there pension funds in company's that experiment on animals. Interesting as to be recognised as such it means not opposing or interfering with the rights of others! I wonder if Packham and co will be back him? Not! NB
  8. R.I.P Neil Innes! The not so urban spaceman. Another local legend and character gone. Genuine funny bloke with great talent and quirky humour. In my youth he made for many a memorable night int local pub if he was in the mood or in with mates. Keep hunting tigers Neil.😉 NB
  9. Once again! Just like before a very and far to convenient alleged incident just when they are pushing a new campaign and launching another new org. Wildlife Rebellion. That's not trading on Extinction Rebellion at all then! Much! Fake again i say! Hope the police can see it to. Same mo. Doing his same over acted wooden bit to camera for max publicity before calling them again. Even still handling the evidence. It's laid out very conveniently for the shot if that was where it was found? By the good condition there is no way that fox has been in or died in a snare. No sign of any mud, blood, damp, dew or matted fur if placed there over night. Surely the police must be asking or thinking the same? Would love to know what other conservationists make of it? But it will mug the general public and his followers off again and make a good fundraser/ publicity for his new org. I hope his lot, the anti orgs and press data harvest off there and realise at least we see through them. Shame we haven't got better ways of informing the public. NB
  10. Peace n quiet of first light was magical! Great to have a bit of sun on ya back in Suffolk for a change. Been watching newly arrived lapwings and golden plover on the very water logged fields. Someone had some festive fun in the woods last night! Found a ball mask, rope, cane, poppers and lube up the farm . 😉 Bet it was them pesky carol singers getting full of Christmas spirit having a bit of yule log after to much mulled wine!. Ho! Ho! Ho! Enjjoy ya all! NB
  11. Saxmundham Angling Centre do engraving, NB
  12. Top man! R I P! A great conservationist! Treated badly by the BBC and others. Patron of Countryside Restoration Trust from the start.. Another org well worth supporting! Apparently stood for the referendum party against John Major in 1997. NB
  13. We all do our bit don't we! Good communication and cooperation! Lots of knowledge and joined up thinking. Then it's not that hard! As most of us know, a little bit of the right habitat and food/water in the right place at the right time with targeted pest control can get big results for game and all wildlife! . . . . Sadly also in news this am there's been an out break of bird flu in Mid Suffolk. Not good news for wildlife or farmers. Especially with Christmas coming up! NB
  14. Same my way! And they have been told the same. Hasn't stopped them here. Been going on for years! But numbers of dumped/treated fox's increasing more recently! Hence the topic. Bet none get dumped on llocal reserves! Hard to believe these people can still be so ignorant! Waste of time and money! I hope Anti's have people gathering facts off here! NB
  15. For those who maybe interested or have read threads of me banging on about shooting (Scuse pun) and some of the successful conservation we do my way. There is a great artical written by Richard Negus about one of the local farm /shoots i speak of in this weeks Shooting Times. Some of you have probally shot there or know of the award winning Brewery Farm shoot the charactors the crack and the amazing amount of conservation work that goes on there. The hard work, knowledge and real practical conservation deserves all the recognition it gets! If you read this Richard i am once again sorry for bending your ear so much at lunchtime that day! 😉 But i fink you really got and summed up how passionate we are about our way of life and conservation! It's great that people like Richard are on our side and also writing about whats really being done for conservation! This is just one of the farms/shoots in the area making a real difference! Just the growing numbers of turtle doves and wild grey partridge have proven that. Hopefuly more will follow! NB
  16. Taking trophy hunting to a new level! Danger money if there's lions involved? 😉 NB
  17. Any one else have this problem in there area or know who's doing it?? Been going on round my way for years to varying degrees. But been getting a lot worse these last 2 years! Fox shooters been getting 4/5 a night and more where there was none! A lot with mange or that have been treated for mange. Some with shaved patches operation scares etc. Heard of some that have been nuitered. Have shot 4 myself sniffing round the back of my truck in field in broad daylight in recent years, but never linked they might have been some of the recently dumped urban animals until i got talking to other shooters, farmers and countrymen that had shot, seen or had problems with more about the same times, or had the same happen. Heard of some confronting reporting people caught doing it but nothing seems to come of it! Folk are getting fed up with it. Recently local to me there was reports of public finding 4 dead or near dead fox's in 1 day. Rumour mill got going after these people suddenly became experts and assumed they had been poisoned! As it was ground i shoot on and just out of interested i asked to see them and who found them. No joy! Ended up on social media and RSPCA informed. Who's advise was to report any dead or dieing fox's to them and to keep dogs on leads. Strange! I wonder who's funding it? These so called "do gooders" that are doing it have no idea! Even after being caught and told not to and why! It totally unbalances the local managed ecology and the number of local fox's that are tolerated. Cause's havoc to wildlife (hare numbers) ,around farms, livestock and shoots. Many of these weak and starving bin raiders just have no idea how to hunt or den in the countryside soon go down hill and spread disease. Hopefully a shooting journalist is going to take it up! Causes a lot more work for those that really care and know how to manage the countryside and wildlife! Enuff is enuff!!! Another rant over! Bahh! Humbug! NB
  18. Shame if he is going that way after all the good he has done! Always had a lot of time for him and his long held views on population control and whats coming before it became mainstream! He getting on, guess all scripted for him and what the prog makers wana push. NB
  19. Even had his name head of the prog title. No mention of deer or squirrel control. Woodland trust do neither. No guards or protection around any they planted or mentioned. Perfect grazing. No sincerity in any thing he says. All do as i say! Surprised he dosen't get called out more on his designer wardrobe to. Constantly changing ,never see him wearing the some thing! Can hardly be environmentally friendly. NB
  20. Same here. They quoted me to so was worth doing!. Looks good, reads well and they seem happy with a take up of 2,951. Lets hope it makes a difference. I only know 5 other folk that done it tho? I filled in the DEFRA one to on the day it came out. Be interesting to see the difference and numbers in the two if they publish them? Guess anti's will have an effect on them as Avery and co were pushing it. Angling Trust were one of the few that pushed it in media with the great slogan " if you don't participate, don't complain when nothing gets done". I guess that's after only 18,000 responded to close season vote. NB
  21. Think she may draw the line at Avery! 😉 Interesting that she is. Cos they promoting and are Labour to the max. NB
  22. As i have also said in past SBS Well worth supporting! They do a lot of good science based stuff. There latest Autumn/Winter publication got some really interesting articals in it. Cats etc. Whoops! forgot we ant allowed to mention cats on here.😉 Tried loads of wild bird seed mixes over the years. Best i have found and no i am not connected to this company is No Waste from Charnwood MIlling Co. There High Flyer mix good to. Both no husks so don't attract rats. Everything gets eaten. (Turtle doves love it)! Have also used to seed rough ground with great results. 20kg bag about £18.00 Discount on more than 10 bags. NB
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