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storm in a teacup

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  1. Got my first ever fox this afternoon, I'm so chuffed. =30
  2. I wasn't expecting to see much this morning but there were loads of geese around. As you say plenty of small groups below 50 yards. Due to the clear weather the views into cumbria were amazing.
  3. I see a couple quite often on the annan while I'm walking my dogs, love to see them.
  4. This year I would like to go wildfowling more I took a decent chunk of leave this season but I couldn't go over the border. Finally find some land with a few deer on. Run a 100 mile ultra i was preparing to do an unsupported 100 but covid stopped all that.
  5. BBC News - Liverpool Mayor Joe Anderson arrested in bribery probe https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-55192375
  6. Hi, I'm looking for some beating around Dumfries. The syndicate I have beaten on for the last few years is no more and doesn't look like it will ever restart. Dont need paying or a day as I've not had either before and I just like a day out. I have also helped on the syndicate in the rearing fields building pens looking after the birds etc etc so I'm keen to help out if possible. A small informal DIY shoot preferably as sometime my kids would like to join me (if I can ever get them off fortnite), I also work alternate shifts so I cant guarantee I can make every day during the season. Personal reference's can be provided. Thanks, Storm
  7. Its as loud as my solway and my olt, loads of people use them and like them. I just prefer my olt.
  8. I've got a custom one my wife bought me a few years ago for a present. People rave about them but ive never called a pink in with it. Im probably not using it correctly so I usually stick to my solway call and my olt.
  9. My kids use a hatsan junior 20G, we use 21g eley ct fibre 7.5 and doesn't seem to have a problem with them. We've only shot a couple of slabs but we've not had any problems with it.
  10. I use gamebore mammoth and eley lightning with a kicks full choke and it patterns well for me.
  11. Mines broken once and is used pretty heavily on the foreshore. My benelli is newer never seen the mud has broken several times and is now on its way back to Italy, it was twice the price.
  12. I have an sxp that I use for everything its been pretty good and well worth the money. The only issue is spares, the after sales service from browning is woeful its only broken once but took months for the part to be sent. I also have a benelli supernova which seems to be made from chocolate, however gmk and benelli are excellent to deal with.
  13. I shoot waterfowl mod and full but I have the 4 they do as I picked them up when I was in the states.
  14. I shoot 42g gamebore bb with a kicks chokes. They give a great pattern through my sxp I ether miss totally or they are dead before they hit the ground. I think I do better than when I had the factory half choke in. But then again it could be all in my head
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