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    South Wales

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  1. I’d like the theme to the Detectorists by Johnny Flynn
  2. Looks lovely to me and I bet it tasted lovely too.
  3. My first port of call would be the Environment Agency or if in Wales National Resources Wales and also the council.
  4. Being a Yorkshireman I can only rightly drink Yorkshire tea. Depends on the mug/pot size but one or two bags in a mug, four in an pot, and at least a six minute brew time. A dash of milk. Perfection.
  5. Right up my street - proper grub
  6. She was a keeper. You should have proposed.
  7. I have one of these. Old school and classic design. Nice leather holster type thing too.
  8. Well it generates heat 🤷🏼‍♂️
  9. Not had the heating on yet but the log burner has been lit quite a few times. I like the ambience as much as the heat.
  10. It is listed in other sales, so why would it be shooting related?
  11. I’d be all over that, I’d probably eat the whole pie mind.
  12. The costs are extortionate now. I had some anti-allergy tablets for my huntaway the other day. £145 with a very brief consultation. Return prescription for a second set at £82. Had all my dogs Neutered. I was thinking maybe £120 each. Was close to £250 each. Obviously not done at the same time. Part and parcel of pet ownership I know but Wowsers.
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