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Everything posted by Mice!

  1. http://countrymans-diary.co.uk/its-just-a-dog/?fbclid=IwAR0e8FfD6wO2cl0TpuPiTwxsj-M89Ouh5Icblj-1GQqrRDmXcKdN4DfS-CQ is it this fella? If so you'll see why.
  2. it was on the radio but I've no idea what was said, never mind.
  3. cracking picture, i stopped Xmas eve morning to look at the moon, it always makes me stare.
  4. I'm wondering did sales of drones go up in time for Xmas? Great advertising campaign. Ho ho ho
  5. Some people make mistakes, some are incompetent, i worked at one place where you got paid your overtime a month in lieu, you really had to keep an eye on what you were working, between time and a third, half and double plus shift allowances it could get complicated really quick. There was always a queue on pay day to sort out mistakes.
  6. Two pictures taken with an iPhone , someone would have got a good picture if there was something to photo.
  7. Mice!

    Christmas Greed

    I love a bargain but that is just a **** take, probably all up for sale on Facebook Just to add, I'd probably have taken one out of her trolley 🙄
  8. Managed to get out on Christmas eve 😯 pitch black this morning with a frozen car and a full moon. Arrived in the dark with an owl going in front me followed by two dog walkers, went to a spot we don't cover much in winter because its exposed to Joe public but i wasn't spotted and no squirrels about which was a surprise. Off into the main wood, all seemed quiet until a squirrel pretty much ran into the tree i was leaning on, it was playing games moving about taking the micky going between three or four trees before finally settling down with a pine cone, he didn't get to enjoy it, not quite a vertical shot about 80 degrees. Seemed to hit every branch on the way down, fine looking male. I then played follow the squirrel for 40 minutes or so, they always seemed to be four or five trees away, giving no shot chances. I headed back towards my bag to head off home when another appeared, same game tree to tree seeming more interested in the pine cones than me, finally stopped to eat, giving me a shot, that ones in the brambles for Mr Todd to find later. Seems when the sun is out with no wind, the squirrels come out to play.
  9. Chances are someone in the office who isn't in work today. Changed it thinking ten hours is more likely than ten shifts without checking, sure you'll get what your owed in the new year.
  10. We've recorded it, but I've been told i have to give it a once over before the kids watch it, and the wife.
  11. I would love to see how other countries would have reacted to something like this happening, i cant imagine the USA, Russia or China having an airport shut down over something like this.
  12. Less than two years on a pair of wellies costing what? £100 plus? Sounds like you should ask for a refund then try and repair them.
  13. Mice!


    Think folk will need more info to give you anything useful,
  14. Mice!

    Tommy Fury,

    I went to a mma event a few years ago, low key but fun. We were told by the ref " Watch this fella coming up next, never been out of the first round! We thought should be good. he had no corner men and lasted maybe 2 mins, got punched and kicked a few times then curled up in a ball? There had just been a great fight then this, total silence from the crowd, took his couple of hundred quid and went home, did it regular apparently.
  15. I was thinking of something mounted on the tower, obviously not hundreds of feet in the air or in the way of planes, this drone apparently flew past the tower and was identified?? If its hundreds of feet in the air then its an obvious no go. Something will need to be done, its obviously not going to be a line of guns dressed in tweed, but I'm expecting something from the military, loads of good ideas from having just watched Iron man 😃
  16. That's why i said above set up high firing into the ground 😉
  17. They could set something up which physically can't target the run way, but covers the approaching area, something that has to be physically activated in an emergency such as an idiot flying a drone onto the airfield, this could easily happen every week crippling aviation, I'm only surprised it hasn't happened before either for a demonstration or act of terrorism.
  18. Why not? Given how much this will have cost, and how easily it could happen again then something will need to be done, on a smaller scale though.
  19. I didn't realise that the drones available were that clever, certainly sounds a lot easier than having a look from a ladder. I'm sure they said on the news that there were 50 sightings of drones so one or more than one? let's guess that this drone is a decent one £1000-2k, I'm guessing here, loose one of those and us ordinary folk are going to be gutted, someone deliberately trying to disrupt an airport could have several of these flying circuits and not care less about the cost. as for shooting them down, how about something mounted high up with fire zones programmed in, so firing into the ground, if ships can shoot down incoming missiles how hard can a drone be? Just not with a shotgun.
  20. All this sounds like a great way to force airports to buy technology which will prevent drones flying around. Some former sniper just said on the news that companies have been developing the technology for a decade but Airports have been reluctant to invest 🤔 He also made it clear why snipers wouldn't and couldn't shoot the drones down. beat me to it, the pic I've been sent had the added words " council estate lad"
  21. sounds like the British version of Die hard 🤣 maybe Corbyn has hired some drone pilots to distract the media?
  22. How wide is the hole? Looking at the pick again it seems bigger than a rat would need to get at the goodies.
  23. why aren't the airports covered by RAF drones, lock on and destroy? Surely the military has this level of technology?
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