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Everything posted by PPP

  1. Apologies if this is in the wrong place.. i have my own ground with Roe and Muntjac on, my own rifle etc etc but I’m really looking to go on a paid stalk or even a trip where I don’t shoot so as I can see first hand how to process a deer safely and check for illnesses etc, ideally also with some guidance on how to break a deer down. Id really appreciate some suggestions, ideally around south or east. The last paid stalk I went on the guy was a complete clown and was V expensive despite being a CiC judge and well written about in press. Thanks
  2. Inform insurance company, even if not claiming, deliberate non disclosure such as this gives them rights to void the cover should they wish which could cause a big problem if you have a claim..
  3. Ok, I’ll give it a gentle go!, many thanks
  4. PPP

    Grounds for divorce?

    Aargh... I share your pain!
  5. Sounds like a job for gunsmith, don’t want to bend barrel!
  6. Good start to the summer here last year having been quiet in prior years but having managed rather than wiped out numbers I haven’t seen many since, suspect lost to rhd since. Out twice since end of game season, for three rabbits!!
  7. PPP

    Grounds for divorce?

    I should like to see their ‘ands cut orff..
  8. Ok, thanks guys, was beginning to think my thumbs weren’t manly enough.... so, soak in wd first?
  9. Why do women cut the nose off the cheese?
  10. Any suggestions to get this flipping thing off? Thanks!,
  11. Good effort mate, I’d give him a buzz in a couple of weeks if you dont hear, one of the biggest criticism I hear from farmers is of pigeon shooters who pitch up once or twice and then don’t bother again....
  12. Assuming 12 bore, I’d suggest dark storm 30g no6, it’s what I use in my aya which is ¼ and ½ or near as damn it and it always does the job.
  13. Won’t need plastic surgery as it’ll be dressed up like a post box... welcome also to her terrorist husband and also all her rehoused relatives that allowed and maybe encouraged her passage to terrorist heaven...
  14. Definately resin and threaded bar option, I split a light weight block with an M10 bolt And it’s a pain..
  15. I didn’t realise you could use electronic calls for birds...
  16. No she shouldn’t be back, but she will be, renamed, rehoused and encouraged to scrounge by the guy that buys a new Bentley with her legal aid money.. The real question is, when will she blow uk innocents up? Perhaps a PW book is in order? Could combine it with Brexit, which will happen first...
  17. The ones with kick plates on have a grub screw to move the plate up and down BUT as I live in the driest part of the country often the ground is like concrete so I mostly use fishing bivvy poles with auger ends
  18. Hi I was looking for them largest shot size in manufacturers cartridges Thanks
  19. No harm in trying... a brief ‘ hi, I’m X, I was just driving past and notice your OST being hit by several hundred pigeons. I’m licensed/insured/responsible shotgun owner and I wondered whether I could help at no charge in removing your vermin’ cant Really upset anyone...
  20. Hey, to be honest mate, if the farmers spring drilling’s are being hit by that volume of birds they’d love to hear from you. Also, I don’t think they are crazy busy this time of year, well maybe counting money and orderring this years Range Rover and booking the 2 months in Caribbean post harvest 😀 Sounds like you are doing the right things mate! It’s not something that happens over night, especially as you are newish and don’t have a track record, it took me a year to get permission on the farm next door, initially it was a no but then after a year with cwc they were moepre than happy to let me on and we’ve become good friends since. Your hesitation in disturbing people suggests you’ve got the right mindset, if you can find out who owns the land you refer to then dive them a call expka8ng what you’ve seen and ask if you can have a crack one morning and see how it goes, be polite and clear up after yourself and tell the farmer your success and who knows where that will get you. Be prepared for set backs, it’s not you it’s people that have been before you, perseverance is your friend!
  21. You might have just really helped me out, I have my 2 + 1 tube for my Franchi from when it was section 2 (now fac 7+1) and I assume that as my fac doesn’t specify shot count but just the gun there is no limit or no minimum cartridges it must hold. Great idea, I’ll watch this with interest. The only pain is putting the big tube back on as the spring is a pita to put back in (my justification for not cleaning)
  22. Not far from me. As a start, have you looked into Colchester Wildfowlers? Not sure if they are recruiting new members but they have some pigeon shooting too, I used to be a member before I got my own permissions, it’s good to have a track record. Also, try signing up for beating next season at some of the shoots nearby, there are quite a few in our neck of the woods. The other thing I’ve found useful is to try to spend some time looking around farm land, spring drilling’s will be going in soon and if you can find the pigeons then the land owner will be more interested in a quick chat and maybe let you on for a day. My advise would be to start slow and build up and be mindful that farmers near us are sick of coursers so distrustful of strangers. https://www.colchesterwildfowlers.org.uk/
  23. The plastic cases are good, quieter than boxes
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