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Everything posted by PPP

  1. Jesus, glad you are safe! Not the day to remember you were looking for..
  2. PPP

    Six nations

    Great comeback by Wales regardless of French help, would other sides have come back like that?
  3. PPP

    Six nations

    France look very indeed.. Can’t see England getting close to Eire tomorrow. Scotland will beat Italy easily
  4. Cooper mud and snow on my Tourag, great off road but need low pressures on road to have a chance of stoping in snow, ice, heavy water
  5. PPP


    Only had it once, from a high end deli selling both light and dark, admittedly it had cooled but it was flipping terrible.. I’ll eat most things (no fish or seafood due to allergy) and enjoy offal, but this just wasn’t food..
  6. PPP


    Haggis is why the jocks invented whisky, deep fried mars bars and irn bru .. take the sodding taste away!
  7. I tried CCi gamepoint 20gr in my hmr (bolt) but the grouped poorly compared 17gr vmax
  8. My fao made me be specific to Lr and HMR and not 22 or 17 rf
  9. I’ve just bought some parlours 2 Aigle having had Hunter Balmoral give up after 6 years of almost daily abuse (kept outdoors, don’t think I ever cleaned them) for dog walking and beating etc and things that I don’t want to use my leather lined LeChameau for (too nice to get dirty) Aigle seem great 2 weeks in, more comfortable and as grippy as hunters, grippier than le chameau
  10. Terrible practice, even worse journalism.
  11. PPP


    Huge difference in reactions between 97 and 80
  12. Is that B P? I’ve shot there any they were on message about non toxic
  13. PPP


    Not sure he should be driving at 97!
  14. Agree with Welshie BUT shape gun smiths will sub this out to machinists anyway and pocket the 100 quid, sometimes don’t help themselves
  15. Hang on a minute... Apples, Carrots, Molasses/Sugar, Wheat (flour)... I think I’ve got that recipe somewhere! Carrot cake Flavoured venison! Delicious!! Brill, thanks! I know the guys that stalk on the other side of my permission and I think I can probably get permission on the side of WT I don’t current have (currently have 2 sides of Triangle) I will get in touch.
  16. Interesting it had so few supporters and they are all leftie know nothing morons... Clear attempt at anti shooting agenda
  17. Thank you, that makes sense. Shooting onto their land from off might be a challenge but having access to the surrounding lands would help with extraction AND the ability to sit a high seat on their ground would help hugely, Ill give them a try. Take your point about managing a current position is better than having to go hard at a problem, however not everyone appreciates that and let’s things go too far (horrible feeling I’ve just described Brexit...)
  18. Many thanks, funnily enough my neighbour is a ranger and I discussed it with him last summer who made further enquiries. The challenge is public access on the WT land and the fact that the damage to date doesn’t, in their view necessitate control yet (it’s only 18 years old) but I’m at top of list. Thanks for your note, I might chase them up with this in mind..
  19. Thanks guys, arrived today but no instructions. Does the fact that the small piece extends and retracts change the function?
  20. Hi, indeed, we have a communal orchard (which thinking about it may be worth a trail cam) with loads of spares and my golf course perm borders an apple farm so should be able to get hold of second..
  21. Interesting. My son (11) has started shooting this year and has no interest in clayshooting and only wants to shoot Vermin and game but has been taken clay shooting as a way to learn, he’s been taught by the local gun smith who is an excellent game coach and he is making progress, is safe and will be coached on peg at this years keepers day. He’s shortly going to be strong enough for a double to replace his single 20 bore, so .. ou or sxs?
  22. I applied for FAC after having SGC for 18 months (during which time I hadn’t endangered anyone) and was granted 22rf/17hmr(at fao suggestion) and 243 with Fox + aolq straight away due to having good reason. If people are negligent and dangerous then they don’t need a FAC to cause problems, I think that the FAO can suss the situation out by the interview (my char lasted about an hour) and their DD in speaking to landowners etc. Having no previous experience of firearms doesn’t make people dangerous as having experience doesn’t make muppets safe. However, it could be a good idea for any new shooter of FAC, SGC or air (when that is licenced) to need to pass a cerficate of general competancy
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