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    Neath South Wales
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  1. Based in Portugal, and I've bought a gas ram for a Norica springer about 5 years ago, fast delivery too!
  2. 1 duck stealing vixen this week, 12g Hatsan pump.
  3. Have a look on opticswarehouse, seems to have a good few in your price range https://www.opticswarehouse.co.uk/night-vision-thermal/thermal/thermal-monocular-and-imagers Good luck!
  4. So they are also reducing director bonuses and shareholder dividends?
  5. Think carefully before getting a Teckle, I didn't! 😱
  6. When on a walk not beating, does she go in the brambles / bushes quartering? We have 2 springers and a cocker who don't work, but still go into cover whilst out see if there is any thing to flush. they have always done it and not trained to do it.
  7. And back to the original post - looks like it is still down πŸ™‚
  8. Some use a loctite type thread lock which can be softened using a heat gun, or so I've been told.
  9. Crossman RatCatcher only weighs 1.5kgs.
  10. Just bought this for my Mother in law for Christmas, I've tried it and it's great, the heated section around the neck is great. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0DHTT3W36?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title
  11. I was told years ago when we used to have annual hearing tests, that is was the opposite ear that was vulnerable from the sound bouncing of nearby sufaces.
  12. Make a solution of biological washing liquid and pour it over the run and let it stand, the enzymes should do their stuff and eat any residues. Make sure the run is clear of bleach otherwise it kills the enzymes. Slightly different issue - my neighbours have a plastic lawn and 4 dogs, now that stinks especially on a warm humid day!!!!
  13. That's a very good price! that's what I was paying years ago from the Ipswich area when I used to visit my son on the an airbase there. For anyone that has never skinned a deer, do it outside was those white hairs go everywhere!! Wish you were nearer 😞
  14. Our retriever / std poodle used to shake her head particularly after barking and she'd been to the vets and he couldn't see anything. We gave her Nexgard spectra for 2 months in a row in case it was mites and all the issues stopped πŸ™‚, so must have been mites
  15. Prior to Brexit I was in a little hunting shop in a village in the Massif Central and bought some cartridges and no paperwork was asked for! Solid slugs for the local boar were also available. the guy was more interested in marking out his next hunting foray on a map πŸ™„
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