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    shooting shotgun and rifle. spaniels.greener gp

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  1. I have a 3 Greener trap guns 1 ventilated rib 1 solid rib(very nice stock) and 1 ribless if I can work out will put up some photos.
  2. Can I ask about the condition of the barrels .
  3. fracture7

    Wet shave.

    Can not add to this as I have not shaved in 40 plus years.
  4. fracture7


    Thanks for all comments, have taken heed of Daves!!!
  5. fracture7


    Advice needed, building raised beds and have topsoil that was washed off sugar beet is there anything I should watch out for i.e spray residue or weeds.
  6. Landscape with Solitary Figure, Colin Willock. I think his best book.
  7. I have one on a Beretta auto makes for a very long gun! but very quiet with subsonic carts,they do not recycle the action, normal carts will.
  8. Beatings the way to go. I travel 20 miles to a shoot that is 13 miles from you, most of the days the guns are farmers plenty of contacts plus they know my face.
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