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Muddy Funker

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Everything posted by Muddy Funker

  1. I think Brown should concentrate on bringing down youth knife crime before worrying about airguns. Fat idiot.
  2. Wicked! Thanks for the reply, looks like i've got a good un then I'm disapointed Berettas didn't fit but i'm really pleased with this gun.
  3. Thanks Will get some pics up over the coming days... Haha don't Head gasket on my VR6 went today as well so kinda wishing i never bought the gun yesterday, oh well these times are sent to try us. Don't know whether to to turn the gun on the car or myself lol!!! (joke)
  4. Hi Guys It's taken a while after getting my cert but i've finally bought my first gun. Not what i'd intended but after going to Andersons in East Grinstead with a work mate thats been shooting all his life it was what i ended up with. I wanted a Beretta, but after trying various guns it became apparent that it was the Miroku that fitted me best, i don't have enough money to start getting stocks lengthened ect so the Miroku was the best fit i could find for a seconhand gun off the shelf. After buying the gun we went to South Down and i shot 20 x 25 on English skeet which i was really pleased with as a noob with a new gun. As well as a really good price on case, carts, cleaning kit ect, the gun cost £795 and looks to be in great condition minus a couple of nicks on the stock. Never thought about this gun before buying it, any good? Decent price? Can't wait to start really putting some practice in and seeing how good/bad i can become Cheers. G.
  5. Thats actually really important as I can see a grey area in the "interupted" part. My garden would be very close to the 50 ft limit given in that law, but "interupted" could mean them stopping to look at what made the noise ect.... Very grey area I think and I have to play it safe being a copper lol. Would be interested to hear other views on this.
  6. I was originally gonna say, "see what he has and maybe you can share each others shoots" But seeing as you've said you don't need anywhere else i'd say no, you're not being selfish you've earned your shoot so enjoy it with your friends and family
  7. I'd agree with all the above comments, great advice It's a fact that on occasions you will wound live quarry due to the nature of airguns (wind, fliers ect) but every effort should be made of the shooter to ensure this is kept to an absolute minimum, and the only way to do that is to practice on the targets. Best of luck.
  8. Welcome to this great forum Beautiful work you've shown there
  9. Nice shooting Great looking set up.
  10. Muddy Funker


    Great choice, I've got the standard S410 and it's ridiculously accurate. It makes even an *** like me shoot well
  11. I've spat a load of red wine over the moniter at these stories :yp: Nothing like laughing at others misfortune
  12. Haha! Me too, the copper part that is. Got some bloke yesterday for giving his Daughter a right hook, lovely world we live in lol Also a fully qualified car mechanic and i'm pretty nifty at cleaning windows
  13. I work for Surrey police as a normal response officer and I'm pretty shocked by this. Joking aside this sort of challenge should only be carried out by an armed response officer after being deployed to the job by someone of no less than an inspector in rank. Put it this way, if I did that I'm pretty sure I'd lose my job simple as that. What would he have done if he issued that challenge to someone willing to put a bullet in his or some passer bys face, I'd have reported him to your local station as none of us need people like this trying to keep the masses safe lol.
  14. Bought a logun backpack case from Uttings and was happy with service. Ordered a cylinder online and within a couple of hours had a call to say they didn't have any so weren't processing the order, i thought that was really good. Not sure if they carry what you're after Mungler.
  15. Before I get banned trying to guess what it means can someone please explain Likewise for me too please??
  16. Many thanks webber :yp: £90 ish
  17. I've tried a couple of local dealers for one of these cylinders and put in orders on a few further a field, nothing!!! Does anyone know where I can get one for around £150 - £160, either pick up close to Surrey or next day delivery? This is doing my head in lol
  18. Pretty much yes, some pellets will push the power up and sometimes over the limit. Get the rifle tested and adjusted to the pellets that are most accurate in the rifle and ones you like to use.
  19. I waited a couple of weeks with Surrey. Not sure if I got a little special treatment as i work for the force? The guy said he had an appointment nearby so thought he may as well visit me as well, can't argue with that. Good luck with application.
  20. I'd be a happy lad paying 380 for all that gear too, nice one My advice would be to defo take it to the gun shop and have the power lifted up a touch as it sounds a little low if the rifle was fully charged when tested, as you have 12ftlb to play with you may as well get the rifle throwing out pellets close to it. They will advise you whats best but find a pellet that suits the rifle and have the power adjusted to just under the limit. Happy shooting
  21. Hi and welcome to this great forum I shoot both and live in Epsom Surrey.
  22. Every time they are put in front of me i try, and every time i hate them to the moon and back lol
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