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Muddy Funker

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Everything posted by Muddy Funker

  1. The moment I saw the thread title I thought Benn v McClellan. I'm 35 and watched this on the tv live. It was an all out war with a tragic ending, both men were warriors that night.
  2. Someone needs to drive a street sweeper over that camp, pieces of **** the lot of them. Edit: If no street sweeper is available I'd be happy with a ride on lawnmower/combine ect
  3. After time spent watching birds at Centre Parcs recently we had a little spend up yesterday. Some vouchers from gardening club plus some good offers at the local Squires. We got a fat ball ring that holds 10, 2 x 4 pearch sed feeders, a mesh/log peanut holder. Loads of seed and fat balls all 2 for 1. Plus some suet with mealworms for an old feeder. All hung from a big tree in the garden and already gathering interest. Mainly tits of the blue variety.
  4. But he probably coated them in peanut butter and rolled bacon around them haha!
  5. I'm in Southwater West Sussex and there's not a cloud in the sky, it's perfect. This is probably due to me not shooting today. If I were it would be conditions like yours lol!
  6. +1 I bought my first shotty there 4 years ago, great service.
  7. Shame, Thanks for the reply though. Like you said one in a million and totally forgivable. The way you felt about the shot shows you're a responsible hunter
  8. I'm intruiged, the other bird obviously wasn't a pigeon. What was it?
  9. Muddy Funker


    I sold Black Ops a few weeks after it first came out, then a few weeks ago I bought it again. The wager matches are the absolute nuts, gun game and sticks and stones are superb multiplayer games!
  10. Chiropractic? McTimoney, which is a more gentle form.
  11. I've only managed one from one, But witnessed a mate shoot three from one. We were walking through a wood to a field where we were going to be setting up our hide, I got to the edge of the wood first and saw a pigeon on the deck about 20 yards out feeding. Mate had his gun out with a couple in the pipe so I did the whole pssssst thing and pointed to where the bird was. He got to the edge of the wood and lined up just as two more came in to land. Literally within a few seconds of them landing he took the shot and all three dropped, he said they all moved into a line as he was aiming. I couldn't believe it! Two stone dead the other wounded which was quickly dispatched, maybe not an amazing shot but certainly an amazing piece of luck. I doubt I'll see that ever happen again. And you have my word this happened
  12. I love hedgerow foraging, only problem is I don't like shrooms Wish I did.
  13. To true, Oh well I'll play the game. Something that goes bang and made by Sig
  14. Honest question, Do you think the ban will ever be overturned? I'm not talking next week or anything, but years to come?
  15. To amass a lot of land can take years, just keep trying the first one is always the hardest. Then be a model shooter/person and word of mouth should spread and you'll bag more, just keep at it! Oh and beautiful looking bit of land!!!
  16. Bit of a pointless thread bump, Got back from Elvedon CP yesterday had a great time. Went with swmbo, no kids. I've been before anyway and the only things we booked were the spa session (a must) and an evening meal. The place is a rip off but it can be done cheaply, take your food/drink ect. A surprise hit was the nature observation hut, we spent ages in there watching muntjac and birds. Wish I had an air rifle the amount of grey squirrels was staggering!
  17. I imagine those jet airplanes cost thousands, and surely you must need some sort of licence before flying? Can't say I'd like one anywhere near me, they must be lethal in the wrong hands!
  18. Nice work. Just got home from nightshift and am having a pint of an all grain home brewed ale, single hopped with a load of cascade. Still very new but tasting good
  19. Thanks for the reply, I think come pay day I shall be treating myself to this set
  20. As a chef would you say that's a pretty good deal? The two knives plus chopping board for £70 Looking on youtube these look frighteningly sharp! Thanks.
  21. Tragedy, But what I will say is that if people drove to the conditions this may not have happened. Or certainly would not have been as severe. If only they would incorporate roadcraft into driving lessons, the roads would be safer http://www.amazon.co.uk/Roadcraft-drivers-handbook-Essential-Handbook/dp/0117021687/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1320511886&sr=8-1
  22. Okay after reading you don't necessarily need a full set, I'm very tempted!!! http://www.theknifeshop.co.uk/product/657/fk2pcwh3/kyocera-black-handled-ceramic-santoku--paring-knife-set.html
  23. Any ideas which Sabatier model to look for? Looking on Amazon the reviews for a alot of them are useless.
  24. Surely this isn't her problem to sort out. What do her bosses/pay dept say?
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