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Everything posted by Glenshooter

  1. I'm going tomorrow as well but sadly, have reconciled myself to accepting that the day of any decent show offers have long since gone. Not helped by the competitive pricing on the internet. My local shop's investment in being at the CLA is around £15k so they need to sell a lot to recover that sort of outlay. But as we are prepared to go to these shows and pay the price, the organisers can charge the entrance and stand rental fees that they do. And if they can continue to do so in the midst of a recession, I don't see them changing their business model anytime soon.
  2. Flippin heck. Glad I'm not a dog. :o
  3. The only thing I have ever heard about them was that Paddy Ashdown was a member. http://www.eliteukforces.info/famous-special-forces/paddy-ashdown.php
  4. My young lady a few Christmas' ago!
  5. http://3113.com/cute_pet_costumes/cute_pet_costumes.html Absolutely nothing original from me but this link may give a few a few laughs.
  6. Many, many times I have wondered this very question myself. Retailers do come in all shapes and forms but the gun trade seems to have way more that it's fair share of poor attitudes.
  7. My Westie had this sort of problem when she was young. Absolutely hates vets now. Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, normally. But she goes daft when she knows she's going to the vets. General anaestheric at £200 for almost anything. Muzzles don't stay on and vets keep their distance.
  8. I've two weeks on a family farm coming up with a lot of stone walling to be 'repaired'. Is there any recommended reading or a Dummies Guide? Always wonder is it a jigsaw exercise to best match the stone shapes or do you (sometimes) split the stones to fit? Edit - found this Youtube trailer for the DVD produced by The Crowood Press entitled 'Dry Stone Walling: Techniques In Action'. This is available for purchase at www.crowood.com for £19.99
  9. I can attempt an answer for this one. John designs them, he isn't responsible for manufacturing them. If BSA chooses to make economies in the manufacture of the rifles, and uses lower than specified components, that's hardly John's responsibility. Guess it gives him plenty of 'private' work though. (And I don't have any BSA guns that Bowkett has worked on. He did work on my Titan a while ago which is why I am very happy with the quality of his work and professionalism but I have no axe to grind/interest re BSA.)
  10. http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/index.php?/user/10585-straightshooter1/ I just got my Browning stock back from him yesterday and a very good job he has done. I called with him on the way back from Scotland (near Carlisle) to leave off the stock and I can confirm, having met him, that not only does he do a good job, his comms are good and he's a thoroughly nice guy as well.
  11. Well done - that was really useful! Thanks.
  12. When you are choosing who is to work on your gun, remember that there will be hundreds of people who would recommend John Bowkett. I would take every gun I have to him for tuning/servicing (if he worked on guns other than Titans and BSAs).
  13. The CMM4 is only 220g and works well but being aluminium isn't going to last forever although the baffles can be replaced. Great for a foxing rifle but not for range use. You do know that Jacksons will replace your old T4 with a new one for 60% of the new price? - see their warranty on website. The T4 is 550g vs the CMM4 at 220g!!! The P8/T8 are heavy in comparision but I don't doubt they are probably more effective and have a longer life.
  14. My lad who is doing his A levels was thinking of becoming a vet. It's probably the hardest course going - certainly more competitive than even medicine which is bad enough and prospective vets were warned at a University open day that they can look forward to being on call practically all the time, obviously unsocial hours and mediocre pay compared to comparable professions. They shouldn't take the mickey but they are surely entitled to charge a 'reasonable' amount at the same time. We will all have different judgments as to what 'reasonable' may be.
  15. You would be asked exactly the same question if you went for private medical care yourself and I am usually asked the same from garages if I'm getting bodywork repairs/accident damage. Possible a bigger bill but also possibly that they would know what is covered and what is not so it could lead to different treatment for benign reasons.
  16. Keep your 22 and enjoy using it is another option. You can still target shoot with the 22 and some clubs have a 22 class in HFT if that's what you're after. And you may want to try it a bit to see if your new found enthusiasm lasts. In any case, club HFT/FT type targets are good for practise before hunting live quarry especially teaching range estimation and hold over. 177/22 are equally good for hunting with some pros and cons for each. You're likely to lose by selling - typically second hand good condition rifles go on forums for 2/3 of the new price. If you get 75%, you're doing well. HTHs
  17. Text book answer, IMHO. Can't myself see the need to make a big issue out of this and as someone has already said, they're not nukes. But it is worth having a polite word with the other shooter.
  18. So what is your solution then to the kids that cause 90% of the crime? What are you actively doing about it? Apart from criticising those who are helping kids that are at risk of becoming one of the 90%.
  19. Again well done. I think that the vast majority of teachers do an excellent job these days and you seem to be a good example of that. Young Davey is in good hands. I took a lot of 'lively' young lads onto ranges in service days, some whom would probably make Davey look like a saint, but with the right handling and discipline they didn't only just behave, but behaved excellently and safely.
  20. Well done. Don't know what your connection is with the school, (teacher?) but good on you for making the effort and well done Hull.
  21. Last weekend, my lad used my S/S for the first round at his weekend 50 clay shoot. He shot his own O/U on the second round - the round on which he typically improves his score by a couple of clays. He shot 39/50 on both rounds.
  22. I thought the the SACS guy had sorted it for you?? Hope you get it soon - that's a very long time. :o
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