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Everything posted by fortune

  1. Don't do it. I'm surprised that everyone is posting various ideas on how to measure from A to B and no one has asked What length of barrel and choke are you using now? And what you think that you are going to achieve by doing this other than to end up with a short barrel with no choke.
  2. IF military police and nuclear police are being deployed who is protecting the areas where they should be? or do they not have a valid role and are just sitting about in the tea room making up the numbers. how long are they going to be seconded onto wandering around looking the part and waiting for the next big bang ? and IF and When it happens what are they going to do about it?
  3. A few years ago I invited a friend who was prominently a clay shooter pigeon shooting and his shooting ability and kill power blew me away. He was using Maionchi 1-1/8 of #8 and dropping pigeons dead as dead at ranges that I wouldn't have shot. When Eley were about the only cartridge available they used to do all sorts of charts and data about cartridges and all sorts of stuff about the range and performance ect if I remember correctly it was reconed that a pigeon needs to be hit with a minimum of five pellets, each delivering a punch of 0.8lbs per square inch, to be reasonably sure of inflicting instant death.
  4. fortune


    I wonder how many of the teams that fight their way into the premier league manage to gain a permanent position and how many of those that loose out keep falling
  5. fortune


    The thing is that it is a natural happening and the bees are quite capable of doing their own thing. I did read about how a swarm landed on a pushbike somewhere in Essex and some bright spark thought that two cans of fly spray was the answer!! If the bees decide to stay there, that's ok, if they move somewhere else, that's​ ok. Now that they have settled down no one would know that they are up there. I'm sure that any bee keeper wants to collect the swarms because it is free material to work with. I knew of one bloke who thought that he could earn mega money by having dozens of hives right next to other peoples ​houses. The people got some sort of injunction against him sitting the hives right on their boundaries. He got the hump about this and sold up and moved off down the West country somewhere.
  6. It's a bit like the old gag about>>> "how do I get to Carnegie hall"? Practice, practice, practice.
  7. Yeah no probs with them. If you put the lead on the target they'll do the job. If you don't put the lead on the target then they won't. It's quite simple ​really.
  8. Well remembered that man. I just said to the wife that I thought that it was the keeper who went base over apex. You could see that the old boy was a bit stressed up by it. When he went over he just sat there. All it needed was for the elephant to stick it's trunk up her skirt!
  9. fortune


    The swarm is about the size of a medium bucket and they are over the road in the top of a neighbours tall fir tree hedge. Probably about 10 >> 12 foot up. It is next to a main road so it would be very difficult to get up there and move it. Anyway they are doing what they are doing and will carry on doing it without any help from humans. I don't think that I would ever contemplate getting up there medling about with them. It will be interesting to see if and when they decide to move on.
  10. fortune


    Well, they arrived yesterday and they weathered out the storm last night and are still in residence this morning. I have had another look and although I can see them I still can't make out what they are exactly. They are high up in the top of a fir tree hedge and if I get closer the angle is such that I can't see them. They seem to have settled down a fair bit and People wouldn't notice that there is a great mass of bees up above them as they walk along the pavement. We have no problem with them making home there. I wonder if they will move down into the orchards behind because there is a lot more blossom and food flowers down that way and right in the middle of the orchards is a big forked tree in which there was a bees nest. This nest was operational every year until about four years ago when it appeared to have been distroyed by Hornets who built a colony in the base of a tree stump in the wood. It would be nice to think that the bees over the road would move down and take up residence in that tree again so that they could buzz around in the orchards and fields beyond.
  11. fortune


    We heard a loud buzzing and the sky was heavy with a lot of insects. The dog and us soon got inside. we noticed what looked like bunches of brown grapes in the tops of the tall fir tree hedge over the road. Later they seemed to have moulded into one large mass with loads buzzing around it. I looked with Binos and my range scope and can see it but can't make out that it is bees. Will they stay there or will they find somewhere else to set up permanent home? Is it possible that they are Hornets? Do Hornets act like this? Bees no problem Hornets are a safety risk if disturbed. We have grandchildren that play in the garden. Have we got new neighbours or Will they move to a different location. We have no problems with them where they are at the moment.
  12. I've never come across blue 28s. I hope that you manage to contact him.
  13. This is the crux of the problem. The faith of Islam is one of peace. It isn't the religion It's the nutter fringe that interpret the words in an abstract form. This is something that people fail to understand. Out in America Timothy McVeigh wasn't a follower of Islam he was just a nutter who made a truck bomb and distroyed the federal building in Oklahoma City along with killing 168 people and injuring over 600 others​. This link is an interesting read about how these nutters on the fringe are so dangerous. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_McVeigh
  14. Hi . can anyone else with a 28 be of assistance?
  15. Some dont like it that the UK is a multi cultural and multi ethnic society but that's how it is. there is no way that people are going to be rounded up and kicked out because a lot of these people that some have arbitrarily deemed may not fit the pattern were born here and so might their parents. one of the son in laws works on removing people that are either criminals being deported or have overstayed their visas or some other reason. these people fight the system to the last minute and sometimes physically resist on the airplanes as well. it isnt as easy as would be thought and sometimes the countries wont accept them back. someone mentioned fred karnos and that is what it is like at the moment. all of this nonsense that is being stated by the police in the time since the event is thin. IF military police and nuclear police are being deployed who is protecting the areas where they should be? or do they not have a valid role and are just sitting about in the tea room making up the numbers. how long are they going to be seconded onto wandering around looking the part and waiting for the next big bang ? and IF and When it happens what are they going to do about it? there has been a suggestion that special forces are being used to break into suspects housing by using explosive charges to ease doors. I did notice some operatives that looked a lot more efficient and switched on wearing different kit than the usual plod gear. the only way that this situation will be resolved is to work with the local communities and to infiltrate and integrate with them. no one could be more hard on underground subversives than the Gestapo and they couldn't break the underground. As for bombing the situation out of existence that wont work anymore than Hitler didn't break our resolve or the Americans and the Viet Cong or the Russians and the Allies in Afghanistan. I can understand peoples frustration but it isnt easy and the police are just being used as a security blanket by the politicians to kind of show that there is something happening. sure enough there may be wrong doers and wrong thinkers in amongst those in custody but it is only as an after thought to an event. first aid security. there has got to be a sensible rethink and if Teresa May is elected with a big majority I think that she should disband all of these religious schools that is teaching a mindset that isnt English and hold the sect leaders responsible for their communities actions
  16. What's different apart from the tube? Random question >>> does the sg version use a different shorter tube than a FAC one which has had a roll crimp put in it. >>> Edit question/ Rethink. >> Are there different lengths of tube available? Eg 3 shot 5 shot?
  17. I'm available for dads army patrol and duty after work to man/woman the local strategic points if required. I've sharpened up the axe and stuck the pitchfork into some good quality dung. I have all sorts of rifles including a 223 so I can shoot the standard 5.56x45. so I await the call to protect the local village hall. Excepting if it's raining, windy, there's footy on TV or dark.
  18. Perhaps they should be very pretty blondes with very skimpy jeans and tight tops. I read that the bomber had scrubbed out some kids stickers on the wall of the flat that he used because it was against the will of Allah. I think that one of the first things that theresa May should do if she is elected is to ban/dissolve/ make illegal schools that teach radical teaching. Or send them off to Mbongo land where they can live in mediaeval peace
  19. The armed police thing is a bit of smoke and mirrors, to make a bit of a public show. If a bomber decides that he/is going to do something nasty then the first thing that they are going to experience is a big bang. The presence of armed police or troops will deter but as seen in other countries the problem manifests itself in other ways which are impossible to predict. Such as the incident of the lorry being driven into the crowd in Nice. Even in Israel with the massive security operation, they occasionally have problems. Something that did surprise me were the amount of women who were in a group of armed troops. Not that they aren't capable of pulling the trigger should they get the chance. Let's hope that the backroom intelligence keep on top of the terrorist in this country and we continue to distroy them elsewhere. A bit of a public display of a few armed ain't going to go Very far with fanatics on their way to blow themselves up. Perhaps I ought to get the pitchfork out and station myself up the village hall in case something​ nasty is being planned for the coffee morning.
  20. I fell over and the rifle/scope hit the dirt. Not very hard but the scope was all over the place. Zeroed it up, couple of shots and all over the place again. Re Zeroed it up, couple of shots and all over the place again. Upon inspection the bow spring inside of the tube had been slightly reshaped, and we are talking thou, which allowed the image tube to move about causing shift point of zero. I replaced the scope with a Leupold which held zero. But I don't think that it would make any difference at all whether it was a cheap or expensive one. If the internals come loose the scope will not/ can not be consistent and hold position. It is highly unlikely that the barrel is faulty. Even hot types last for thousands of rounds before they get worn out.
  21. Well that makes some sense of the situation. Isn't there a member of the PW clan that is in the Bristol area that can help. After all it would only take half an hour. The gun may be on and just need a quick test.
  22. It's surprising how much of this stuff is Still out there considering how long it has not been available. I remember buying cans of 80 & 82 when I first started reloading back in about 1973. it was a £1 a 1 pound tin. That was cheap back in those days. If I had had a bit of foresight along with everyone else I would have layed in a fair stock. I think that I have about half a can of each still.
  23. Why do you need to go to a range to zero your rifle? If you have a 243 then you must have somewhere to use it. It should be possible to zero your rifle with 3 to 5 rounds from scratch.
  24. No that is not what this is all about. Limited use of the military in a support role to assist the police. It is not martial law. The terrorists will not prevail because this attack is an admission that they are unable to face us on equal terms. Militarily or on any level. just messers and wasters. That's all they are. Misguided rubbish.
  25. Emotions are running high and this is a violent, nasty, pointless episode has not done anyone any good whatsoever. The integration of many races and faiths does not mean that the vast,vast majority of any race only view this with the same revultion as do we. The systems that are running in the background will be working flat out to understand how this happened, who was involved and what is needed to stop it happening again. I can't see a single 22 year old working this out, sourcing the materials, manufacturing the device doing all of the planning and then carrying out the deadly deed and wiping himself out in the process. nahh, somewhere out there, there is a maker who is below knowledge. The lad that did this is just a brainwashed Muppet who has been used. And for what? The recovery teams will be working over everything to see the details of this device. I would love to be involved in this sort of physical dissection of the resultant destruction to track and find the evil ones. This explains it well. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-40012208
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