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Everything posted by fortune

  1. fortune


    A test? What sort of test? Is it just to see if you can plant an image here?
  2. Has any law been challenged on the grounds that most of the population would not be able to understand what the law is? Surely the law must be written in terms that an ordinary person would be likely to know that they had done something which was outside of a given law.
  3. fortune


    I remember that there were large sculptures of stuff like a big cactus, a floatplane and a farmer milking a goat on roundabouts?
  4. Looking at the state of the blokes face was the dog a boxer and well hacked off? In the link on post#1 look over on the right down a bit to number 2 !!! Lucky little ******. She picked him up in her brand new BMW and bought him All the accessories. Gave him All the trimmings and the plod were disappointed that he didn't want to cooperate with them. Disgraceful attitude from the lad. Self, self,self. Where were women like this when I was a teenager? I'd have taken one for the team. I also understand that the Salvation army are out there on a regular basis saving bad women. I have put in a request for them to put one by for me for the weekend. http://www.surreycomet.co.uk/news/15387590.Woman__35__showered_teenage_boy_with_gifts_to_groom_him_for_sex/?ref=mrb&lp=2
  5. Yes that link to the newage box looks like most of this type had. Most of the unit parts were bought in and fitted to their own frames likewise salisbury axles. What's the problem with the g box?
  6. I have just checked my pictures on photobucket and it is working as normal. Have you got so many pictures on there that you have reached your free storage limit? If so you'll have to resize the pictures or delete some or put your hand in your pocket or find another host. >>> It's still working.
  7. fortune


    What I failed to understand was why at some time people had toiled in the heat to make boulder stone walls around rock/ big boulder strewn fields. The ground was just rock and dirt. They can't have grown anything or kept animals in these rock fields because there was nothing to eat or drink there.
  8. It could be that it is all a lot of buck passing. "We don't want the job of being the bad guy turning off the machines". "You have him and let him khark it on your patch and watch". "You take him and spend/waste your resources on him". Life and death politics. Your damned if you do and damned if you don't. Years ago the parents would have been told that he had slipped away peacefully which would have squared the situation.
  9. Possibly a Lister (D) coffee pot. I have seen the finned cylinder engine but that's going way way back and I don't know which one it was.
  10. fortune


    The roads are great. It can be very windy and you can get sand blasted on the beaches. As stated most of the beaches are naturist friendly and you can do a helicopter if you please without anyone bating an eyelid. The interior of the island is very rugged boulder strewn landscape. It must resemble the moon in most places. The colours up in the mountains is pretty. I seem to remember that there was a big lighthouse up on the north coast but that the coastline is just very jagged rock and the sea was very rough. We went on a hydroplane boat trip from Corelajo harbour to puerto del Carmen over on Lanzarote. On route we saw a big manta ray and loads of flying fish skimming along the surface like small model planes. The wind and the strong waves and current need to be considered if you go in the sea. There was a small sheltered beach down in Correlejo. Have a safe trip and have a great time. Most of the island is open and there is a bit of bling shops in the towns but they are small towns. There are areas that resemble a cross between the Sahara and the moon. You'll see what I mean when you get there.
  11. Thwaites used the petter PH1 whereas the other makes generally used a Lister LR. You might find an ID. Ser. no. plate down the side of the engine. Really do need pictures of the machine and the engine. It is easy to do. If it really is of an age it could even be a Lister LD which preceded the LR. Got to have pictures.
  12. fortune

    Holiday pay

    This will give you the information. Link to gov site re contracts.>>> https://www.gov.uk/employment-contracts-and-conditions/overview
  13. If you can put up a few pictures of the dumper and the engine I'm sure that I can help you. If it is a lister single cylinder diesel engine it is highly likely to be a Lister LR. Square topped rocker box with an oil cap and Lister cast into it. It depends on the make of the dumper. The other common engine used on stuff like that was the Petter PH1. Dumper could be a Thwaites or Benford or Barford. Put some pictures up.
  14. AND don't be silly. There are no palm trees in Liverpool. It's far too North. It's almost up in the attic circle. I suspect that either you have been drinking heavy alcohol, Glue sniffing or they are plastic trees. The other week I went to a place that had lavender in border beds and there were literaly hundreds of butterflies on the plants.
  15. fortune

    Holiday pay

    This is the problem with working for small one man band type outfits. It's all sort of hand to mouth on a short time basis. As far as I know it is a legal requirement to have a contract of employment within a month of starting work. This should outlined what you have agreed between you and your employer. This should cover what your contracted hours are and what your entitlements and obligations are. Other things like health and safety stuff. look it up on the gov. Site I'm sure that there is a load of stuff on there. But think yourself lucky that you have a job and your not on one of these Stupid zero hour contracts. Don't go and burn your bridges before you know what it is all about.
  16. The energy still has to be generated somewhere. All it does is to move the exhaust pipe somewhere else in the case of fossil fuel or nuclear power generation. Only renewable energy makes a bit of difference and that is marginal with the manufacture of the parts of the system.
  17. A very difficult situation for all concerned. I wouldn't want to be the person that has the job of switching off the support system but that happens every day somewhere in varying situations. The parents have gotten wound up to a pitch where sense and reason have gone right out the window. If they have other children how is this affecting them? Even if the little boy was shipped home and an endless supply of money provided and he was kept alive in some degree how would that ever work? It is a mental situation similar to where a man's daughter was killed in the Lockerbie air disaster. His whole existance became a quest to find out who and what were the reasons and causes. It wrecked his life and distroyed the family. And for what good? It would be a better thing to accept that things don't always go according to plan and move on and find a better future. We had a full term baby who did not survive and it was not a great experience at the time but when the inevitable happens you ain't got any choice. God doesn't entertain court appeals or tribunals. Take the good times and plan a better future for all concerned.
  18. I don't know about a new cabinet but,You'll need a new wheelbarrow!
  19. Kind of written a bit softcore official. Whenever I've seen pictures of the supposed vast hordes of illegal weapons that have been allegedly handed in on these amnesties, it looks like they have an old scrap bin of old rusty hammerguns and clapped out air rifles and random stuff that's just been tipped out on the ground. It isn't very convincing that weapons that are a credible threat to public safety are being removed from the street. If the op does work for plod why not just post. we the above are holding an amnesty and if you've got anything decent going spare give me a heads up and I'll slip round and do you a favour and take it off your hands so that you don't have to go and hand it in. Simple.
  20. Wow! Thats dynamic. A real killer instinct. You made a major life changing decision in an instant which 43 years later is still standing. I really can't remember where, when or how I proposed but she said yes and four daughters later and a lot of water under the bridge we are still going strong. I did play her up once when we were on holiday out in side, Turkey. We went for an evening walk to the temple of Apollo down near the sea. It was quite romantic with a dark blue moonlit sky And the moon reflecting off of the sea like a silver path out to the horizon. Real picture book stuff. I asked her if she would remarry me! She looked at me and said, WHAT!! I replied Naahh, the moment had gone and I had changed my mind. She said that I was a rotten sod. But there was a big smile on her face. We had a good holiday. Over the years I have seen a couple of women that I have said and thought "wow". If only we could have several but then it would get like my gun cupboard. Full up and a lot of them don't get used to their potential. What if? I'll have to go and ask her the details now, that will cause some fun. She'll probably come out with something like," it just shows how much it means to you if you can't remember. You'd better go and pack your bags!! >>> Sport and entertainment for all.
  21. I have a CCTV system and one of the weaknesses of it all is that it is all after the horse has bolted. What I need is some sort of movement/person intruder warning so that we can look up at the monitor screen when things are happening. Things have happened like someone backed into the garden fence at about 6 o'clock whilst we were eating. We didn't know that this had happened until I noticed a fence post on the front lawn next morning when it was light and I opened the curtains. Another was identifing who's stray dog was offloading in our garden. We knew what was happening but could never catch the blighter to put the hose on it. If we had a warning signal the Mrs would be out there like a 22.250. if it was me I'd have a chat to the hound and advise it to go and offload in one of the neighbours gardens.
  22. There's no mention of a condition in the original post. It asks about welly boots between £100-£150 and cheaper.
  23. Who/what is the insurer? Who is underwriting this policy? Surely the ombudsman must have guidelines. Only you know your losses and you must have submitted the value of the loss. How can you claim when you don't know what you are claiming for? I'm not taking sides but if you dumped the goods without taking pictures how can you prove what you are claiming for?
  24. Cheapest available from builders merchants.ie Greenhams ect. I've had pairs that have lasted for years and have seen expensive ones wrecked on the first day out. Pot luck really.
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