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Everything posted by fortune

  1. Creek and paddle less! You could be mistaken about the paperwork. I'm often mistaken about a whole range of things.
  2. is the gun already threaded to take a mod? If it is, what thread is it?
  3. in the hire industry it is part of the hire contract that you have insurance cover for stuff that goes missing. The stupid part of home insurance cover is that if my tools get nicked from the garden shed they are covered. if my tools get nicked from my place of work that has cameras and alarmed they are not. Bonkers.
  4. What, and contaminate the water supply!! I never ever thought that about 150,000 people khark it every day. What about a multi barrel disolver unit. There could be a 24 be a day dissolving process. Load em in and flow em out injected into the ground as liquid fertiliser. And the ground up bonemeal. Sort of a new take on dust to dust.
  5. Ever heard this. >>>> " You don't need any more, you've got too many now".
  6. yes to stop distruction of the house for small periods of time but otherwise definitely not. One of our dogs when It was a puppy would chew up shoes if the wife went to hang out the washing or collect the kids from school. We had to find a small muzzle for it. Eventually it grew out of attacking the shoes. It never chewed anything else.
  7. The question is, how did the scum know that the stuff was just there in his back garden? You got to have the right collection of scum in the right place and time. Almost as if a neighbour or someone who worked on the job tipped someone off. Perhaps you can get your mate to put in a claim on his household insurance policy. If you hire something you are supposed to have it insured.
  8. I don't know of any specific make/brand but most of them are maid in China and the xtra large ones seem to be too small for most of the people that I know. The small ones are child sized.
  9. There is a bloke just round the corner who is ex. He was a good bloke that used to really get stuck into sorting stuff out and getting something done about things but the system eventually dragged him down and he said that he couldn't wait to take the pension and go doing something else. I saw him a while back and he now does a lot of private lawn mowing and part time porterage in a hospital. He loves it now. Stress off.
  10. Perhaps this might help with those rabbits.
  11. I don't think that you need the tin hat because that is about the truth of this matter. I know that the police have a hard job to do but I haven't got much time for them because of this attitude. You and I are paying for a service that isn't being provided. If they haven't got the manpower or resources to do the job why go to the end of the world to chase someone who either has some minor misdomenour like a stop light bulbs or something. The courts are a lot to blame as well. Still this is what you got for being part of Europe. Human rights!! The scum that were convicted of the child rape in Rotherham in 2012 are still here fighting through the courts to stop being deported. At our expense. Roaming the town where they comited the attrocites. The sooner we are out the better. That's if someone does something about this
  12. I predominately shoot left hand but sometimes right for a bit of amusement. When I am left I find it difficult to hit low flat incoming quartering dropping birds. Something that would replicate a pair of duck coming in to land on a pond. Their easy but I still mis them and they do my head in because I just haven't worked out where I am missing them. I don't have any problems with hard stuff it's the slow easy stuff that I have trouble with.
  13. I don't think that British Rail would recommend shooting from the train on the morning comute https://youtu.be/w9SePYHBf_I Total lunatics. The bloke and the snowmobile.
  14. I'd rather be on the island with this fellow. I'd better not mention his name. And on a desert island. There's about 4 episodes​.
  15. GO ON find your way to the swear box. You uncouth person, mentioning RAY MEARS. OOPS I did it again I'll come with you.
  16. The bloke that I was apprenticed under had been sent out to Malaya during the war and he told me about how they used to dig a hole in the ground back away from the beach and it would naturally fill up with water that was fit to drink and not salty. I don't know how true that this would be but even if you boiled this water it would save poor little Mbongo having to treck for miles to get water from the spring. Failing that they could move the camp near to the source of the water.
  17. Oh dear, I'd better go and put £5 in the swear box for mentioning RAY MEARS! OOPSS I did it again, oh dear I mentioned RAY MEARS Again. I'd better go and have a chat to the hound about the wind and RAY MEARS and things and head off to see the bank manager about​ a loan to pay out poor Bear about keep mentioning RAY MEARS. I'll go now.
  18. Even if the selection process weeds out those interested and knowledgeable in the art of bushcraft and survival the people must have seen previous series of programs like this, or the previous series to have a bit of an idea of what to expect. They must have some notice of the timespan of when they are going out to arrange leave/holiday from their jobs/lives. So how come they haven't read up on stuff like making a fire. Ray does it in a jiffy. why do they spend most of the first day wandering through heavy foliage often round in circles to get to somewhere that they don't know exists? Why do they all moan about no food or water or shelter but swan about on the beach instead of getting anything sorted out. Why use up valuable energy cutting logs with a machete when they could put long lengths of tree on the fire and let it burn through and then put the ends on the fire. Why chuck up a shelter with such a shallow pitch of roof with so little palm leaf branches across ways instead of weaving from top to bottom. It almost looks like they do everything the wrong way for the camera and the programme. I like bear but I'd vote to be on Rays team. He knows where the best bushtucker is and he must find a fair bit.
  19. Consider Worms. = Bad breath, big appetite, squits, restless,dry flat coat ect, ect. Possibly. https://www.cesarsway.com/dog-care/other-worms/symptoms-of-worms-in-dogs
  20. fortune


    I've been told that I should be teaching and passing on my skills and knowledge to others but the way that I see it is that if I had a commitment to go to a specific place on certain days then it would be like I was still tied a job and I don't think that I am PC enough to deal with all of the **** that goes with dealing with school teaching.
  21. How is it that someone making cartridges goes to a powder manufacturer and specifies they want a certain recipe? How would/ why would anyone know​ what Was available, what would work and why go to all of the bother to spend out time and effort to sod about with all of this instead of just getting off the peg components which are commonly available at the cheapest price. Who are all these people who are experts in all of these things? The mysterious back room boys who do all of these things. I've never seen anyone on here say "I work for xyz and we use this because -------.
  22. fortune


    When the time comes, goodness only knows what I am going to do with all of the kit and equipment I have amassed over the years. I think that it will take five years to sort it all out. The wife has said "I want to go before you so that I don't have to sort out all of the stuff that you have got. I wouldn't know what any of it is". The girls have said " we'll get a couple of skips and Chuck the stuff into them". I've told them that they would be rather stupid to do that because there are tens of thousands of pounds worth of tools and equipment in the workshop and shed. Stuff like Dormer tap & die sets ect,ect. It's frightening when you see the price of decent tools nowadays. They don't care.
  23. fortune


    It certainly is. It was a school holiday trip and we stayed in a yout hostel in treyarnon bay near Padstow. I think that the place that I got sunburnt was possibly St Agnes bay. I can't remember exactly. Too many years ago. I think that there was a steepish narrow path that went down through a lot of bucket and spade shops to a small cove with a very sandy beach.lovely part of the country.
  24. fortune


    I've been all over the world but the worst sunburn I ever had was down in Cornwall on a very foggy day. I was burnt to a crisp. Blistering headache. Red raw. The tops of my feet were so burnt that I couldn't wear shoes from about​ two weeks. It wasn't obvious that I was getting burnt because of the fog and that's what caught me out. I was just given a couple of aspros to help with the pain and headache.
  25. I am watching the BBC News and there is a woman on there who is suffering from dementia. She has sold her house and that has all been absorbed by care costs. She now gets help but it is still costing the family 40k a year! How can it cost over 100k a year to look after someone who just sits in a wheelchair starring at the floor or wall waiting to die? Where have they dragged this figure of 100k from? Down round this way you would be hard pressed to find a mid terrace 2 bedroom x council house for under 200k. When you look back a few years it was the city and banks that caused all of this issue with a black hole. That issue seems to have floated off downstream and semi forgotten about.
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