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Found 7 results

  1. This Xmas we went to the in-laws and the rest of the wife's family in New Hampshire. Not the world's most populated region and plenty of wildlife around. Saw plenty of deer and wild turkeys, the turkeys being pretty brazen in the close season with a whole rafter just wandering down the road. My BiL suggested we should probably spend a day hunting, and with his back garden dispersing into over 4 square miles of forest it seemed very rude not to. A very early start was knocked on the head by the necessity of grappling with the Fish and Game office at 8am for a hunters permit for me. After confusing various layers of US officialdom with an SGC they decided that I really only qualified for an 'apprentice' liscence. Now suitably qualified *cough* and $50 lighter we headed out in weather that even a northerner would describe as 'brisk' (-15c, over 1.5ft of snow on the ground and snowing heavily) armed with a no-name .22 and a 20 guage Mossberg pump. It's always encouraging to be handed a few slugs "just in case of coyotes and lions". On the menu for the day were game birds, rabbits and squirrel. Also coyote if seen. The forest area was public land but in the control of the US army as it also acts as a flood relief area for the nearby town of Concord. The area was abandoned in the 80's and has a number of now derelict homes in it. The now defunct roads are used as snowmobile and ATV tracks. The really interesting bit were the old 'settlers homes', the now ruins of the homes and barns of the original settlers dating back to the mid 1600's. Getting pictures was difficult due to temperature (like hell was I taking my gloves off unless I had to) and the heavy snowfall. Going was unsuprisingly heavy and slow. The snow meant we were very unlikely to sneak up on anything, but tracks would be very obvious. Things looked promising early on, managing to accidentally flush a partridge from a small patch of scrub in a large clearing. Sadly it went to ground in a very large island of small trees and scrub before I could get the gun to bear. A half hour trying to flush it from the island was fruitless so we left it. Lots of old deer tracks in evidence, as were squirrel and fresh coyote tracks. After we left the clearing we went into dense forest - if you have seen the band of brothers episodes set in the Ardennes it was almost exactly like that, just more scrub. Crazy amounts of deer tracks, droppings and rub in evidence and we geotagged a few good spots for high seats for the deer season. We saw lots of turkey, several rafters calling to each other accross the Forrest. Was superb to see them in their natural habitat. The weather was really inclement by this point and a lot of small game had gone to ground, however we weren't the only ones out hunting.... A large hawk came down from the top of one of the trees and perched briefly directly in front of us before launching off and snatching a song bird from a tree 30 yards away. An awesome sight and well worth the trip on its own. This was quickly followed by spotting a squirrel at about 25 yards sat on a convenient branch. Having learnt from the partridge earlier the gun was a bit more ready and I added it to the bag. The next few hours were dead and comprised of lots of walking in heavy snow and scrub to see some cracking scenery but not much else. In all we spent about 5 hours in the forest, which for one squirrel is a lot of work but honestly it was a brilliant experience with the scenery and other wildlife on show. I also got ice in my beard and felt exceptionally manly. All that remained was to return home for a beer and an elk burger (it's not unlike horse). Also a quick kip, I was knackered having walked about 5/6 miles in snow that was nearly to my knees. Prep: Cook (meat rubbed in salt and pepper and pan fried untill cooked through. Then simmered in a covered pan of red wine and onion for 40 minutes) and eat: It genuinely tastes like the dark meat from a chicken! Hopefully I haven't bored anyone to tears and you enjoyed the write up. (Yes, it's a red squirrel. But to reiterate, this was the USA where they are viewed as a pest species and entirely legal to shoot) Apologies for the massive pictures!
  2. Just curious to see what types of manual calls you guys are using If you have ever thought about getting into the use of call's would really like to hear peoples opinions on calls in regards to the imported calls that are all factory injection moulded and the hand turn custom side.
  3. Hi all, As a quick note of introduction - I've been shooting (mainly .22 rim fire, .223 and 12 bore shotguns) in North Yorkshire for the last few years, and have recently relocated can to Maidenhead, Berkshire. I've also bought a BSA R10 mk 2 air rifle and am looking for a permission to go shooting. I enjoy shooting pigeons, crows, squirrels and rabbits etc, and would love to get a fox! My postcode is SL6 9LR and I'm happy anywhere with in an hours drive. I'm a responsible chap and a BASC member - so am fully insured. I can be free all day most weekends and occasionly on a week day. Would be very great full to anyone who can help me out... Thanks, Craig.
  4. So I went out this morning with the over and under for a very quick mooch about before the GF wanted to head off to town I popped out the back door and took the first rook out of a nice high beech tree, the other couple took to the air and the next was soon to hit the ground, 2 shots, 2 rooks. The thud of one hitting the shed roof was welcoming as some parts are covered with Perspex sheets, the rest of the day would've been spent fixing it!! I walked off into the field to try and get a better position on the rooks flightline next door, but enroute i saw and took a nice chunky hen pheasant. (This years are still a wee bit too small for my liking). As time was now moving along it was probably best that I made my way back; about to walk around the side of the house, mr rook No3 came in high and straight. Missed with the first, led a tad with the second and yet another thud of a different shed!! A "hair cut, brisket joint and some bones for the dog" later, I tried my luck again, took the next crow from the same high tree as the first. With no sight of any more corvid friends nearby I had to broaden my search and walk to another permission I have, just a 300m walk down the road to a farm shed where they usually sit about. For reference, these roads are in the middle of no where, very rural and rarely and cars use it, single track etc. About 30m before the farm lane i hear a car pull out of the turning behind and stops, reverses and then drives my way. I turn around and it's the blues and twos. I'm the most straight up kinda guy but it put the fear of god into me when your looking at a police officer holding a 12ga!!!! He asked to see my licence and checked it over thoroughly before asking what I was shooting, I said that I was shooting rooks as they were causing damage to the farmers crops where I was heading and they effect the lambs. He said that it needs to be classed as significant crop damage etc to be allowed. He checked the ammo I was using making sure it was modified into slugs or anything suspicious. Turns out he's working closely with the Environment Agency in a current join operation to catch poachers in the area. I tried to help as much as I could and pointed him in the right direction of where they usually operate and we ended on a good note. He did say i really should put it in a sling whilst carrying it on the road, which im definately going to do now!! Just a tad scary when he pulled up at first, having never been stopped before, for anything by a police officer!!! I returned home after a fruitless session at the farm shed and walked up through the small wood next door. A few squirrels later and as darkness approached it was time to call it a day. 4 rooks, 3 squirrels, 1 pheasant, and a police interrogation later it's been a good mixed bag!! Happy hunting
  5. Been looking for a permission to get started on. Experienced field target shooter wanting to go for live quarry. basa insured, sensible, well presentable and keen to do well. cheers people. Damo.
  6. Are these people for real? I can think of little better use for a grey squirrel than to eat it in some good food. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-27393717
  7. http://youtu.be/nwpxd2LnsL4
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