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It Pays To Split

pigeon controller

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Picked up DB 08.30 and we headed out to the bean field we shot last week to see if we could pick up a flight line. when we arrived about 100 birds left the field but it was a bit misty and we had difficulty seeing flying birds. We decided to set up and give it an hour. Last week we had problems shooting into the sun so we set up with our backs to the sun and the wind coming from the left. When the mist cleared we could see that we had birds coming to our decoys but more were flying along the lower edge of the field. At this point a tractor came across the field and it was the Farmer saying that he had hundreds on his fodder rape up the valley. So I drove up the valley and walked the field, yes it had approx 200 birds on it but one shot and they went. I stayed twenty minutes and none returned.

On returning to the bean field DB had moved down to the lower edge of the field across the field from the decoys and hide. The field was only 100 yards wide so we had it covered, some of DBs shots were closer to me than his decoys at the end of the day you will see from the photo the dog was wacked and we picked up 277 birds and also had some memorable shots



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I know for sure ,that B & D do not have all the luck. Recce and field craft is the secret .(oh and loads of pigeons in the area)


Top bag yet again lads. Unreal. :good:


Think I might have to hang a few rope bangers off the side of my van, as I fly down the m42 next time.


Might send a few more my way then.





Dave K

Edited by Topgunners
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I know for sure ,that B & D do not have all the luck. Recce and field craft is the secret .(oh and loads of pigeons in the area)


Top bag yet again lads. Unreal. :blink:


Think I might have to hang a few rope bangers off the side of my van, as I fly down the m42 next time.


Might send a few more my way then.


:good: :good:



Dave K


You don't need the rope bangers I've heard you singing in the van thats enough!!!

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