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Well and truly foiled....


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Just returned to work after 10 days off and, as usual, I was expecting to get to my desk and have to wade through 100s of emails, loads of problems, get stuff done immediately that had to be done yesterday... all the usual stuff that comes with having a holiday.


But, I wasn't expecting this little lot... A desk completely covered in tin foil... :rolleyes:


Looks like I will have to give my web producer a little more to do when I'm next on holiday :)









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Brill :rolleyes:

What we use to do in my old job when someone was leaving

Was too strip then too their underwear.

Then put them into the bath full of gunge(somehow dont think we could get away with that now)


Then when they had clean themsleves up . They would go in the carpark to find their car clamped.

Lucky when it was my time too leave.

I was pregnant so i got to miss the Bath of doom. :angry::)


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Brill :rolleyes:

What we use to do in my old job when someone was leaving

Was too strip then too their underwear.

Then put them into the bath full of gunge(somehow dont think we could get away with that now)


Then when they had clean themsleves up . They would go in the carpark to find their car clamped.

Lucky when it was my time too leave.

I was pregnant so i got to miss the Bath of doom. :angry::)




Where did you work???! It sounds like a fun place... I could probably manage to get one or two of my colleagues to strip down to their underwear, but would struggle with the bath full of gunge bit I think.

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Brill :rolleyes:

What we use to do in my old job when someone was leaving

Was too strip then too their underwear.

Then put them into the bath full of gunge(somehow dont think we could get away with that now)


Then when they had clean themsleves up . They would go in the carpark to find their car clamped.

Lucky when it was my time too leave.

I was pregnant so i got to miss the Bath of doom. :angry::)



Hey Suzy-some people pay good money to be serviced like that! :angry:


You'll have MP's,bankers and magistrates beating a path to your door soon. :angry:

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