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not seen any pigeon on rape yet


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i went past a field today on the way to a supermarket and i reckon they was about 6-800 birds on it so made the decision to ask the farmer (have asked before and said already got people sorry ) but thoughti would ask again and his answer was . . . . . . . " the pigeons cant really do much dammage when the rape is so small so i have got no problem with them been on it " dont no how the hell he come up with that conclusion !!!

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the pigeons cant really do much dammage when the rape is so small so i have got no problem with them been on it " dont no how the hell he come up with that conclusion !!!


When I was younger we use to use sheep to graze the rape if it was too strong in the autum when it was mild like this year.

I dont tell the farmer but the truth be told pigeon hammering the rape now till early spring rarely damages and effect yields.

And before you all scream I done a study with test patchs in my early life at agriculture college and found rape being graze improved the yields.

But if grazed in early spring reduced yields by roughly 10% there are a few crops that suffer and need direct action being laid crops, wheat, barley ,market gardens etc peas from sprouting stage till harvest .

The rest of the year we only really reduces the number for sport and to keep the number down for the times when the birds can do real damage.

And to say pigeons dont like rape is pure maddness I am not a pigeon so cant say they do or dont .

So I make my mine up by looking at the facts over 25 years my shooting diary I have shot more birds on rape than any other crop.

But I have seen birds clearly choose rape over what in human minds seems to be a better tasting food stuff.

All the best

Edited by Over the hill
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And to say pigeons dont like rape is pure maddness I am not a pigeon so cant say they do or dont .


But I have seen birds clearly choose rape over what in human minds seems to be a better tasting food stuff.

All the best


Well, I stand by what I said, you're entitled to your point of view, perhaps you're mad, just like me..?? :good:


In my area, the pigeons will only hit the rape in decent numbers when they have pretty much cleaned up the following foods:


Stubbles, (Wheat, Bean & Barley)


Ivy berries

Hawthorn berries



They only eat the rape 'cos there's naff all else for them to feed on.



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Well, I stand by what I said, you're entitled to your point of view, perhaps you're mad, just like me..?? :good:


In my area, the pigeons will only hit the rape in decent numbers when they have pretty much cleaned up the following foods:


Stubbles, (Wheat, Bean & Barley)


Ivy berries

Hawthorn berries



They only eat the rape 'cos there's naff all else for them to feed on.




I agree with you Cat.

The pigeons only eat the rape because it is the only crop that is about over the winter that they seem to like and as soon as the spring drillings start the birds are glad of it.

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I do wish you luck, you'll certainly need it if you're leaving your magnet behind when decoying over rape. :good:


Why have you got such a downer on them..??




You dont need a magnet to shoot good numbers of birds on rape or on any other crop.


If you are in the right place with a good pattern you will shoot just as many birds and some days you will shoot more with out it. But then some days it does work better but it is not good just relying on the magnet.


Me and dad were shooting over rape today and we shot 69 pigeons and we started with the magnet and the birds did not like it so we took it in and the birds came in perfectly.

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I dont want to get into a bun fight but more of a healthy discussion over this rape thing.

But can you explain to me why I have pigeons feeding hard on rape next to a field covered in corn cobs .

If they did not like it like you guys are saying then they would be only on cobs next door to the rape.

I have shot well over both the rape some birds full of corn and some stuffed with rape.

We have massive amounts of mast in our area in the beech hangers and birds are not touching them .

Also in this area we grow alot of white clover very popular with woodies,but once again I have seen pigeons clearly choose rape over it.

I respect your views guys but the facts dont add up to me.

I dont think any of us can be 100% sure that they like rape or not but to me they must do otherwise I would not be seeing birds feeding on rape next to maize cobs so hard.

But this will be my last post on pigeons liking rape


All the best

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Feeding habits may well vary from area to area, others are saying they're on the rape already and I don't doubt that, but that's not the case in my area, (South Herts), there's still plenty of other food for them at the moment.


This is definitely NOT my last posting on pigeons and rape.



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We are not saying that the pigeons dont like rape but they would rather eat other crops like acorns,berries,peas and seeds etc but rape is the main crop this time of year because there is so much of it so the birds can build there body fat up fast but as soon as a better crop turns up they are off the rape and on to the other crop.

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I'm no expert but didn't you hammer them recently on the maize? my thinking would be that the birds aren't actually feeding on the rape, but just digesting/ resting in it for a safe haven. In my limited experiance once I've hit them hard for a few days on a certain crop, they are more likely to be found where you would least likely to be finding them

ie: on winter wheat

I'm with the Cat on this one I don't expect to see birds on the rape yet.



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We are not saying that the pigeons dont like rape but they would rather eat other crops like acorns,berries,peas and seeds etc but rape is the main crop this time of year because there is so much of it so the birds can build there body fat up fast but as soon as a better crop turns up they are off the rape and on to the other crop.

They won't build any body fat up on rape, it goes through em almost as quick as they can eat it.

It keeps them alive!

Hence why it is there least liked crop.



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I to like cat have been shooting pigeons for many years and have agree with him that pigeons only take the rape when there is not mu8ch else about. Rape is a subsistance crop for them to drop back on when times get tough . If they feed it to much then they will scour their stomachs you only have to look under the sitty trees when they have been on rape and see the whitewash effect of their dropings . If they scour their stomaches to much it can kill them . The rape is an easy quick fix for them to get a crop full of grub in the short winter days .


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Pigeons do like OSR, in fact they positively love it. There are crops they prefer but they thrive on rape. This is mostly because of the modern double zero varieties we now grow. Fifteen years ago you would be correct in what you have stated , rape saved many birds from starvation during the winter months,just. Back then there where emaciated pigeons up every hedgerow.Not any more !!

Some seem even to get addicted to it, dropping into tramlines even when the crop is several feet tall,during a time when other crops are readily available. :good:

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I to like cat have been shooting pigeons for many years and have agree with him that pigeons only take the rape when there is not mu8ch else about. Rape is a subsistance crop for them to drop back on when times get tough . If they feed it to much then they will scour their stomachs you only have to look under the sitty trees when they have been on rape and see the whitewash effect of their dropings . If they scour their stomaches to much it can kill them . The rape is an easy quick fix for them to get a crop full of grub in the short winter days .





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Pigeons do like OSR, in fact they positively love it. There are crops they prefer but they thrive on rape.


Yet again, just like "Over The Hill", you're missing the point. :good:


Of course they love OSR, but ONLY when there's nothing much else left for them to feed on.


I did a recce today around my patch, the woodies I saw were all feeding off acorns under oak trees or sitting in hedgerows scoffing hawthorn berries, there were none on the rape.


Now.....I accept this may change soon, nothing is cast in stone in this game, but, if they were addicted to OSR, surely they'd be scoffing it by now..??



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After yesterday seeing alot on rape today was total different saw loads around but all in the hedges on berries and for a change the farm has alot of rape they hit it at the start but are now on the berries .


I have to say i think the pigeons like the rape as we all see thousands on through the winter but as many have said while there is other food around they will stay clear till times get more hard like said before it goes through them really quick but is a great crop and a good life line for them in the hard winter months .

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Pigeons do like OSR, in fact they positively love it. There are crops they prefer but they thrive on rape. This is mostly because of the modern double zero varieties we now grow. Fifteen years ago you would be correct in what you have stated ,



At last somebody with a bit agronomist knowledge

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I too have been shooting pigeons for a number of years; on nearly all types of crops, in all weathers and 52 weeks a year.



Discussions with numerous farmers over that time has opened up a very large can of worms. OPINIONS vary to a great degree on substitute winter eating by the pigeons.Getting oilseed rape off to a good start is critical to avoid pest problems during the winter months - particularly damaging are wood pigeons which can decimate a weak crop, BUT not alone. (Rabbits and Pheasants also damage the Rape)


Pigeons will flock in their thousands to feed on a crop of oilseed rape during the winter months, however they do not like mature crops that have large leaves and a well developed canopy.


I just hope that they don't all decide to try alternatives like -


White “Mammoth” Millet



Not prone to damage from pigeons, rabbits or pheasants


Serious alternative to winter or spring oilseed rape.



Oilseed rape crops are a major food source for pigeons and the increase in the crop area over the past 30 years is largely responsible for the massive rise in the wood pigeon population.


Pigeons CAN cause enormous damage to the crop, stripping the leaves and destroying large areas of the crop that then become infested with weeds.



my tu'pennyworth.



Oh! and round here they have been feeding on the rape for a fortnight now. Hundreds on it this weekend.


Dave K

Edited by Topgunners
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For the first time this (rape) season I saw a good few birds working a field of short rape between Drayton and Horsford. Me and a mate had a quick roost poke this afternoon and shot a few birds and some had rape in their crops. Hallelujah!


You shoot around my way then? I'm in Thorpe Marriott so know the fields you mean there.

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