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What every man


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every man should have...


ground the end of his middle finger off with a bench grinder at some point, im a man.


saw one 'hero' using a chainsaw one handed holding a branch across his leg with the other hand - yep no saw trousers :blink:


used to work in a factory with guys often cutting off left thumbs in circular saws - record x4 per month :hmm:


What a man wants? I guess to find out that other men to think you are a cool guy. :blink: it's also painless

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Better knowledge of the female body :|


If you want more i have a list. :)




Suzy the problem is often one of poor communication :o


If a woman dose something to a man that feels nice he will say “that’s nice” thus encouraging more of the same. Where as a woman will complain you don’t know where to touch me (often some time later perhaps when the footy is on) or even worse make it know publically on a forum….


Yet the same woman will have no problem telling a Doctor where the pain is…. yes Doc it hurts when you push that…


If you ladies can tell a Doc where it hurts surely it not to much to ask that you tell your man when it feels nice :D

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Its not so much about the communication Mr Pavman.

As i have found out in the past(thank god i have Sweepy now) :o

It more the fact

AS most ladies will tell you .

By the time you have open your mouth to utter the words of encouragement . Then its to late. :|

And all we are left with is this look :):D on are faces And the big lump in the bed making some very strange noises



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