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makes my blood boil


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pigeonshooter76 - Why does it make your blood boil ? There seems little apart from the fact he appears unhinged for some reason we do not know, unless you know the reasons why ?


saw this on the telly earlier,

i wish to christ these people would just do the decent thing and walk off a cliff or something.

just once i'd like to be in the right place at the right time with the right weapon.


Hope your FEO isn`t reading this then.......


Sad and bleak as it is, why do you wish he had walked off a cliff ? Wouldn`t you have prefered to engage him and try to see his errors ?

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pigeonshooter76 - Why does it make your blood boil ? There seems little apart from the fact he appears unhinged for some reason we do not know, unless you know the reasons why ?




Hope your FEO isn`t reading this then.......


Sad and bleak as it is, why do you wish he had walked off a cliff ? Wouldn`t you have prefered to engage him and try to see his errors ?

yep, got a point there.

two sides to every story, just not sure i'd like to "engage" the man in conversation.

i do think that it might have been better for his wife and children if he'd walked off a cliff before he picked up the knife and stabbed them tho, afterall he did try to commit suicide afterwards.

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That`s the point though, and not a dig, IF someone had engaged with him then things may have been different, alas this is the thing we have to live with and it is very sad and very bleak :lol:


Theres no amount of engaging that could have changed the fact this man was capable, and then went ahead to kill his own 3 year old son. Some just need to be sent up to the big man and let him sort them out!


Very sad story all the same.

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That`s the point though, and not a dig, IF someone had engaged with him then things may have been different, alas this is the thing we have to live with and it is very sad and very bleak :lol:


Without wishing this to move into an church/anti-church debate. He was a regular churchgoer if this isn't engaged then I don't know what is. Thought that was the whole point, having someone to turn to etc.


I may have missed the point if "engaged" was in a military sense.



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Without wishing this to move into an church/anti-church debate. He was a regular churchgoer if this isn't engaged then I don't know what is. Thought that was the whole point, having someone to turn to etc.


I know many people who just go to church on a Sunday because they always have done, they don`t go to prayer service or any small groups and don`t mix with others on a Sunday and as it says

She said they were known as regular church-goers.


“The last time I saw them was Sunday, they used to go to church on Sunday, you could tell they were going to church because they would come out all smartly dressed,” she said.

....or they were going to Grannies or...... Not conclusive is it ?
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....or they were going to Grannies or...... Not conclusive is it ?



Fair point, serves me right for scanning the last bit without contacts in. Still amazes me that the media can make any assumption they want, this is a classic example.




Edited by reddan
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pigeonshooter76 - Why does it make your blood boil ? There seems little apart from the fact he appears unhinged for some reason we do not know, unless you know the reasons why ?


HD there aint NO reason unhinged or not WHY anyone stabs a 3 year old? , even if the wife is screwing around or whatever you walk away simple as, you dont take the you are not having the kid ie if I cant have him or consider if the wife leaves you that if you cant have her no one else will and get the knife out, (most likely scenario akin to the *** jumping off a balcony holding a kid?) so please stop your higher ground moral crusade its getting rather tiresome.



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HD there aint NO reason unhinged or not WHY anyone stabs a 3 year old? , even if the wife is screwing around or whatever you walk away simple as, you dont take the you are not having the kid ie if I cant have him or consider if the wife leaves you that if you cant have her no one else will and get the knife out, (most likely scenario akin to the *** jumping off a balcony holding a kid?) so please stop your higher ground moral crusade its getting rather tiresome.




Large landing net please :lol:

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I'm with HD the human mind is a very complex thing and mental illnesses are very hard to understand, what makes a man with a young family flip and go over the edge is hard to understand but one things for certain it does happen and could happen to pretty much anyone on here and you won't know what you're doing. I had a schitzophrenic school friend and he grew up to be a respected well liked businessman he was found by police trying to top himself in a straw stack by setting it on fire. He died in custody and till it came out he'd been on medication for years no one knew. Yes you could execute everyone with a mental illness but you'd be surprised how many people you'd be taking out

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just another ******* ****** the world could do without, head and .308 are 2 things spring to mind, no matter whos looking in, its ******* appauling



Ok. lets sort this out once and for all. There are some members of this forum with a forces background. SOME of them might have had to kill somebody in combat. This is training. Some people are TRAINED to kill another person. When they do, its all 'Well Done' ect ect... Yet afterwards, im sure they live with this in their minds for a long time. Would you really be ably to shoot another person? REALLY? I can understand that it is done in war, but to say "Id love to stick my .357 up his ***" is all talk. To kill human being takes outside the theater of combat takes a level of mental issue that most normal folk will never understand. I have to say, that all this bravado is a bit dull. YES, its really sad when it happens, but you cant go killing folk just to even the score.


I'm with HD the human mind is a very complex thing and mental illnesses are very hard to understand, what makes a man with a young family flip and go over the edge is hard to understand but one things for certain it does happen and could happen to pretty much anyone on here and you won't know what you're doing. I had a schitzophrenic school friend and he grew up to be a respected well liked businessman he was found by police trying to top himself in a straw stack by setting it on fire. He died in custody and till it came out he'd been on medication for years no one knew. Yes you could execute everyone with a mental illness but you'd be surprised how many people you'd be taking out


Good point. :lol:

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Ok. lets sort this out once and for all. There are some members of this forum with a forces background. SOME of them might have had to kill somebody in combat. This is training. Some people are TRAINED to kill another person. When they do, its all 'Well Done' ect ect... Yet afterwards, im sure they live with this in their minds for a long time. Would you really be ably to shoot another person? REALLY? I can understand that it is done in war, but to say "Id love to stick my .357 up his ***" is all talk. To kill human being takes outside the theater of combat takes a level of mental issue that most normal folk will never understand. I have to say, that all this bravado is a bit dull. YES, its really sad when it happens, but you cant go killing folk just to even the score.





Good point. :blink:

About 1 in 4 of us have or will suffer some sort of mental illness varying from mild depression, to a full blown breakdown, and it's quite easy to make an off the cuff remark about offing the bloke without actually having to back this up. But i'm seriously thinking what would i do if i came across a situation like this in my street. we are not all councillors or social workers, and cannot be expected to take control of the situation using words alone, do we dive in unarmed then, and risk death? or run a mile and pretend we didn't see anything.

If this happened next door to any of you, what would you do? :blink:

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It's an interesting dilema, but there's a 3 year old on a slab somewhere and what I do know is that he was innocent party in all of this.


Then there's the "what ifs". What if the old man was just a plain old fashioned SOB - what would the hand wringing liberals make of that or would they find a medicial condition for being an SOB and plead clemency,


With mental illness there is a balance. The balance between the "rights" of the mentally ill and the "rights" of the rest of society not to be stabbed to death by someone who has or has not been taking their medication. Frankly, if someone can't be trusted (medicated or otherwise) from stabbing a 3 year old then the 3 year old's "rights" come first. Also the rights of others come first - the 3 year old's mother, siblings etc. not to be stabbed to death.


He could be mad, bad or sad who knows, but after this the guy shouldn't see day light.


For all the hand wringing liberals why don't you write to the prison authorities and offer up your home as a hostel for this bloke and those like him for when he has been cured / rehabilitated / medicated or otherwise and is "out". Lets see the real colour of your humanity eh?

Edited by Mungler
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It's an interesting dilema, but there's a 3 year old on a slab somewhere and what I do know is that he was innocent party in all of this.


Then there's the "what ifs". What if the old man was just a plain old fashioned SOB - what would the hand wringing liberals make of that or would they find a medicial condition for being an SOB and plead clemency,


With mental illness there is a balance. The balance between the "rights" of the mentally ill and the "rights" of the rest of society not to be stabbed to death by someone who has or has not been taking their medication. Frankly, if someone can't be trusted (medicated or otherwise) from stabbing a 3 year old then the 3 year old's "rights" come first. Also the rights of others come first - the 3 year old's mother, siblings etc. not to be stabbed to death.


He could be mad, bad or sad who knows, but after this the guy shouldn't see day light.


For all the hand wringing liberals why don't you write to the prison authorities and offer up your home as a hostel for this bloke and those like him for when he has been cured / rehabilitated / medicated or otherwise and is "out". Lets see the real colour of your humanity eh?


By far the best post in this thread.

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It's an interesting dilema, but there's a 3 year old on a slab somewhere and what I do know is that he was innocent party in all of this.


Then there's the "what ifs". What if the old man was just a plain old fashioned SOB - what would the hand wringing liberals make of that or would they find a medicial condition for being an SOB and plead clemency,


With mental illness there is a balance. The balance between the "rights" of the mentally ill and the "rights" of the rest of society not to be stabbed to death by someone who has or has not been taking their medication. Frankly, if someone can't be trusted (medicated or otherwise) from stabbing a 3 year old then the 3 year old's "rights" come first. Also the rights of others come first - the 3 year old's mother, siblings etc. not to be stabbed to death.


He could be mad, bad or sad who knows, but after this the guy shouldn't see day light.


For all the hand wringing liberals why don't you write to the prison authorities and offer up your home as a hostel for this bloke and those like him for when he has been cured / rehabilitated / medicated or otherwise and is "out". Lets see the real colour of your humanity eh?


bang on I am sure HD will house him :blink:



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It's an interesting dilema, but there's a 3 year old on a slab somewhere and what I do know is that he was innocent party in all of this.


Then there's the "what ifs". What if the old man was just a plain old fashioned SOB - what would the hand wringing liberals make of that or would they find a medicial condition for being an SOB and plead clemency,


With mental illness there is a balance. The balance between the "rights" of the mentally ill and the "rights" of the rest of society not to be stabbed to death by someone who has or has not been taking their medication. Frankly, if someone can't be trusted (medicated or otherwise) from stabbing a 3 year old then the 3 year old's "rights" come first. Also the rights of others come first - the 3 year old's mother, siblings etc. not to be stabbed to death.


He could be mad, bad or sad who knows, but after this the guy shouldn't see day light.


For all the hand wringing liberals why don't you write to the prison authorities and offer up your home as a hostel for this bloke and those like him for when he has been cured / rehabilitated / medicated or otherwise and is "out". Lets see the real colour of your humanity eh?


I'm not sure what you are getting at here. I don't think anybody here has said that he shouldn't be locked up. What some people have said is that mental illness is difficult to diagnose and it affects a large number of people. Should he be looked up for a long time - Yes. Should we go about executing people with mental illness (which is what has been suggested) in case they commit an offence - No

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