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I love/dont love Christmas  

103 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you:

    • Love Christmas, Ho Ho Ho?
    • My very blood is grey, so I cant decide
    • Hates it m'precious?

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I'm a flag flying Christmas loving type. Putting aside all the uber cheesyness, I always make the most of an opportunity to brew up a load of beer, eat lots, and then lots more , make a failed attempt to seduce the wife, and generally make merry with my family.


Who is with me in the heroic endeavour to test their tollerance for delicious lard, drink much ale and forget the pumpness that is work for a while at least?


Edit: Who is indifferent, in every way? I have added an option for you, but find you too boring to go into any detail :good:


Who are you those that are against, and are as such "Winterval" loving, trendy specs and rollneck sweater wearing vegans, deserving of a shoe up the slats?. Only joking, but fess up anyway.


Love you it, or are you a hater?



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I'm a flag flying Christmas loving type. Putting aside all the uber cheesyness, I always make the most of an opportunity to brew up a load of beer, eat lots, and then lots more , make a failed attempt to seduce the wife, and generally make merry with my family.


Who is with me in the heroic endeavour to test their tollerance for delicious lard, drink much ale and forget the pumpness that is work for a while at least?


Who are you those that are against, and are as such "Winterval" loving, trendy specs and rollneck sweater wearing vegans?. Only joking, but fess up anyway.


Love you it, or are you a hater?




I'm fully a xmas lover and all things indulgant......Bring it on i say....

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The man deserves a medal !!!


I've 5 gallons of mild settling as we speak. Brewed with nothing but grain, water, yeast and fuggles hops. Dark and roasty, at 5%.


Plenty more of that headcracking old ale and some golden ale left plus my Schwartzbier clone and hefeweizen too.


Ho Ho Ho!



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Hate it.


guess it is a result of not having kids, or at least none that their mum wants me to see. :hmm:|


The excitment that I get from my god-kids christmas is wonderful but in reality I hate the time of year. Sad, single and over 40. Not a good combinatio at x-mas.

My old man left to stay in Mallorca when my mother died 20 years ago. On Christmas day 4 years later he met a really nice Austrian lady and susequently they married hes been widowed again but they had been married for years and travelled all over Europe together so ok your 40 my old man is 82 and hes coming over for Christmas you have only used up half your life but if you dwell on the negatives people will think your a miserable sod make sure your Godchildren know you as the guy who's allways smilling. :good:

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I always like christmas because............


A) You can legitimately pick the caramel fingers from the quality street without being noticed while everyone else is subdued to the diversary tactic of opening presents


:good: Swig beer all day while mother takes my side and says to the missus- 'Leave him alone its christmas'


C) The most important one of all..... Go to my mothers and eat roast potatoes that I have not tasted like that since the 25 December last year.


I hope that clarifies my stance and hope some of you agree.......


I will admit I don't like the serious spending side of christmas though- I feel in that sense it has lost its identity, especially among the kids. Not being prehestoric or nothing..... but most of us on here can remember what a real christmas was like for us as kids, and I have to say we were should we say happy with our lot and thankful for what we got.

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Currently out delivering bottles of wine to customers. People are always glad to see you when you are bringing booze :good:


I'll be glad when its all over. If I had my way we would have been in the Caribbean over Christmas. :hmm:

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I have grown to love it.

Mainly as I take 2 weeks off work, it involves lots of home made food and plenty of drinking and socialising.

Cold dry days (hopefully) a few long walks and then back for drinks and mince pies in front of the fire - what's not to love?


I have spent 2 Christmas's laying on a beach in the sun, and they were truly horrible.

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I LOVE Christmas. Maybe more excited about it now than I was when I was a kid... Definitely more so nowadays because I have a little boy, he's 20 months old and has no idea what it's all about but he's definitely excited about something. I have an ace family, who I'll be cooking for, twenty people, including my parents who are coming over from France, so I'm very excited about seeing them cos it's been a couple of months (except for on Skype but that doesn't count) My mate Dave is gonna shoot a nice, big goose for me, and I'm going to learn to pluck etc etc.

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Love Christmas.


It was extra special when my girls still believed in Santa, watching their excitement as Christmas drew close; Especially on the night, when they would be both excited and nervous of Santa coming into the house to check to see if they had been good girls before leaving them pressies under the tree and at the end of their beds in their Xmas stockings...... However tired you are, when your kids run into your room at stupid O'Clock screaming Santa has been, has got to be the best morning there is.....


They are 12 and 13 now, so though it's different now to how it used to be, there are other joys to be had being with the ones you love most on a special day.....!!

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