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Just an afterthought to my previous post. If it will help anyone out I have a nearly full box of the Nicorette Inhalator Cartridges (About 50 all told) with a New Inhalor mouth piece and also a weeks supply of Nicorette 21 mg 24 hour patches left over from when I tried quitting before. If anyone wants them to "get them started" send me a PM and I will post them free of charge.

Once again, you have my support and respect!


Inhalator and Cartridges now spoken for thanks.


Patches Now spoken far also - Thanks.

Edited by Frenchieboy
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Well spoken mate, some words about trying to improve on your health aren't as meaningless as the words that some write on here, maybe it's because they don't have the willpower to quit themselves!!!!!

I stopped a short while ago. I was in between 40 and 50 roll ups a day and haven't touched one for about 5 weeks now. I did it with the help of Champix tablets and a lot of determination. It hasn't been easy and I still get the odd craving now and then but, contrary to some peoples belief I am able to fight those cravings.

For all of you that are going to try giving up I honestly wish you all the luck in the world, with a bit of determination you can do it. Give yourself a reason to quit and every time you feel like a quick smoke remind yourself of that reason. It soon gets easier!

For all of you that have given up recently, I take my hat off to you because I know how hard it can be for some (Me included) and I say "Stick with it, it's worth it in the long run"!

The advantages I have noticed since I quit are:

I no longer smell like an old ash tray anymore. :good:

I can taste and enjoy my meals. :good:

I feel better both physically and mentally. :good:

I am much better off financially, so much so that I have been able to buy myself a new rifle. ;)

And, most importantly of all I now have a chance of living a bit longer rather than killing myself off before my time! :good:


Good luck all!!! :good::good::good:



quite right too, start slagging everyone off. I will never know if I have the willpower to give up or not as I have not started in the first place. My post was a challenge to the guys who are giving up to come back at me and prove me wrong.


I have known so many people in my lifetime who have given up in january only to start again in february, If you really want to do it then good on you. However if you don't really want to then you WILL fail.

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OK MC I see what you are saying now! I agree that so many times it happens that someone quits smoking only to start again 6 months down the line. I would be a liar if I said it did not happen to me, I quit twice before but I am determined that this time it is for good. The previous two times I was not fully committed, this time I am. I have had enough health scares and problems (Including nearly losing my brother to lung cancer last year) so enough is enough!

Sure, there will be a few that make "Quit Smoking" a New Years Resolution who might well fall at the first hurdle so if any one is thinking about quitting may I offer a few words of advice.


Think hard before you decide to quit and sit down and write a short list of the reasons why you want to quit. Your list might include:

Current Health Problems

You love your family and don't want to leave them before your time.

Fed up with smelling like an old ask tray.

Lack of fitness.

Spending too much of your money on Tabacco rather than things you appreciate (A new gun, a better car or a treat for the family)

The list could include any reason you wish, it's entirely up to you.


When you have made this list decide on your "Quit Date" and start to prepare yopurself mentally. You can get help from your Doctor of a Local Stop Smoking Group but all of this help is of no use to you unless you are mentally prepared and fully committed - You must convince yourself that you are going to quit, no matter what, a Doctor or Stop Smoking Group can not give you that committment and determination, only you can do that!


Another thing that some people worry about when trying to quit is putting on weight. Yes this is likely to happen, you are quite likely to put on a few pounds but don't worry, you are likely to enjoy a bit of extra exercise once you have quit smoking so the weight is the lesser of the two evils, and I speak from experience here!


I am not trying to put anyone off from quitting by posting this, I am trying to help, maybe it might be a good idea to have a thread "Pinned" for people to offer help, advice and support for those that want to quit. Whatever happens, I raise my hat to all who decide they want to try to quit smoking, it's not an easy option, but with determination it is worth it! Good luck and respect to all who try! :lol::no::good:

Edited by Frenchieboy
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I've not had any direct contact but I am led to believe that most if not all that were trying to give up are well on their way to saying that they are EX-Smokers!

The new gun is great. It's a CZ 452 Varmint in 17HMR which I have fitted with a set of BSA Deerhunter 3-9 X 50 scopes and a Parker Hale Moderator. I think more of this gun than I do of my .22 (Which is about to get replaced) as I feel that I gave more than money for it and it signals an achievement for me!

Incidentally, I went out for a shot this afternoon but changed my mind at the last minute and ended up visiting a few neighbouring farms to where I was going to shoot. Great idea as I ended up with 4 more permissions, all fairly small but all adjoining each other, so the new gun has rewarded me in other ways too!

Thanks for your encouragement, it means a lot! :unsure:

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That really is good news for all involved.


Another hmr fan, join the club. I love mine to bits and in all honesty now that I have spent a bit more on the scope (higher mag) the longer ranges are coming to me during daylight.


Keep it up and best of luck to all who decide to join in the quitting thing.

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Been off the fags and on the patches for 4 days now, 1st day i have woken up without the "i need a morning fag" feeling and very little during the day too, last three days wont say real tough but think the grinding of teeth has worn them down a little.

Everytime i had the feeling for a ciggy i just silently said to myself "I dont smoke" and that helped take the want edge off instantly.

Good luck to all trying to quit :(

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Been off the fags and on the patches for 4 days now, 1st day i have woken up without the "i need a morning fag" feeling and very little during the day too, last three days wont say real tough but think the grinding of teeth has worn them down a little.

Everytime i had the feeling for a ciggy i just silently said to myself "I dont smoke" and that helped take the want edge off instantly.

Good luck to all trying to quit :(

Well done mate, keep it up. It does get easier as long as you are committed and it's so well worth it in the long run! :no:

Edited by Frenchieboy
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Good on ya fellas. I must say I haven't bought a packet of fags for about 12 years but am lucky enough to be able to 'survive' on the odd cigar every now and then. It may be contentious but I am fairly happy having the odd really good cuban every now and then, but fully appreciate that if you need to stop, then stop, means stop, not cut down a bit!


Each to their own!

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Hi to you all, I'm not a usual visitor to this site, shooting is my partners hobby however, he's asked me to have a look and respond as he knows that I work with colleagues whose job it is to support smokers that want to quit.


I think it's great that you've posted your message on this forum and that the replies thus far have been so supportive. It's not easy to stop smoking and for some the journey can be too hard.


With the support of your family, this forum and I would definately recommend your local NHS stop smoking service you stand a really good chance of succeeding. :(

I mention the stop smoking service because they can help you in a big way. They talk to you about your level of addiction and ways to overcome the cravings and habits formed over years of smoking. They can also give advice on weight management after you've stopped. They can arrange to get you on the correct NRT (Nicotine replacement therapy) on prescription, which can be a considerable saving. The right NRT, because there are loads to choose from, others have mentioned Champix and Zyban, both proving to be extremely successful, but there are also patches, gum, lozenge, inhalater, and more besides. Using NRT increases your chances of stopping smoking but add the support from the local service, your 4 times more likely to quit.


Enough of the health message, good luck with it, and if there are any others in the forum thinking of joining the stop club, maybe you can support each other. What a great news story! :no:

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This is very true Pippin Pup, I can not praise the NHS Stop Smoking Service enough. Without their help I believe I would have struggled to quit! It should be the first port of call for anyone thinking of quitting. Sure you can do it on your own but these guys are experts in their field and really know what they are talking about and, what's more, if you fail the first time they will not just give up on you or label you as a failure,they are willing to continue helping you through till you do eventually quit, so your post Pippin Pup is a very important one to think about for all who are thinking about quitting!

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Based on my experiences and the many attempts it took to stop, I would like to offer a little advice. It may seem a little negative but really it isn't.


The biggest problem I faced everytime I tried was that I made a big thing out of it. I either teamed up with someone like you are doing now, or told all my mates or family etc. This caused a problems in itself as it made me feel like I was loosing something. Other problems arose when people in the team gave in to temptation and continued to smoke, it was like I had won the challenge or that I that it was ok to wait until they are ready and started up myself again.


What I am trying to say is that if any of you don't manage it, don't look upon it as a failure. Just simply try again as soon as you are able. And for those that battle on, don't see them as fallen comrades and that its time to quit quitting, pat yourself on the back and keep going.


If you are ready to choose not to smoke anymore and remember it is your choice, take each day as it comes and when you feel the urge just remind yourself 'I choose not to smoke'.

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Guys and gals, i just wanted to say a big thanks for all the support so far. The thread has had more response than I anticipated.


I will endevour to keep this thread going and hope others do to, whether it is to tell anyone interested how hard or easy it has been, or even if it was too tough and temptation made you/me give in. Like I said in my original post, even if just one of us on here gives up for good, then between us we have achieved a good thing; But hopefully more of us are successful and lots more will join us in our quest to live longer and smell nicer!!


I don't know why but I do keep thinking about Jan 1st and not having a fag, even to the point that the thought of not having one scares me if I'm honest. I do really want to stop, but I know I'm gonna find it tough!!



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Mr Cosd

Am the other one who would recommend the N.H.S

Sweepy is now on about Week 8

He has tried many times in the past(on his own)to give up .And has only lasted a week.

Though he has said their has been times he has wanted to light up he has not.

Get yourself to your Doctors and seek their advice. It really has been a great help too Sweepy.

I just which they had a patch for Choccy cake. ;)


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Based on my experiences and the many attempts it took to stop, I would like to offer a little advice. It may seem a little negative but really it isn't.


The biggest problem I faced everytime I tried was that I made a big thing out of it. I either teamed up with someone like you are doing now, or told all my mates or family etc. This caused a problems in itself as it made me feel like I was loosing something. Other problems arose when people in the team gave in to temptation and continued to smoke, it was like I had won the challenge or that I that it was ok to wait until they are ready and started up myself again.


What I am trying to say is that if any of you don't manage it, don't look upon it as a failure. Just simply try again as soon as you are able. And for those that battle on, don't see them as fallen comrades and that its time to quit quitting, pat yourself on the back and keep going.


If you are ready to choose not to smoke anymore and remember it is your choice, take each day as it comes and when you feel the urge just remind yourself 'I choose not to smoke'.


Absolutely spot on.


Approaching the 10 month mark here :rolleyes:



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Number one !


Forget all the rumours that its more addictive than Smack ,




Addiction is only in the mind anyway


Do you wake up in the night wanting a cig ?


NO !!!


If you really want to give it up you Will !!!


Dont keep saying IF and WHEN


DO IT !!!


i had a Dam good excuse , i lay on a hospital bed with my heart going Warp factor ! ( i didnt really get the jist of what was going on i just thought i felt ODD)

There was a surgen from london in the hospital at the time (Lucky for me)


I didnt know it but he said (after i'd been there about Ten Hours)

"That was a bit Touch n Go there for a minute Mr Bosher"


" WAS IT " i said in a shocked voice !!!!! :yes::yes:


"YUP !! Bloomin good job you have a Dam good ticker and lungs of a Twenty year old" he said rubbin his chin :lol:


We was expectin your Heart to LEAP out on the table at any second !!! BANG


You've got periocardiitus (Forgive the spelling) Yup youve had the flu and its like a followup , most people dont even know they have it , (sommat about the skin around your heart going hard)


Any way the long and the short of it , i "WAS" a heavy smoker (this makes matters a lot worse the Man said)


He said in five or ten years time if i had it again i wouldnt get to him , i'd be going to see his mate down stairs


Who's he Then :o :yes::hmm::rolleyes:


He said "My mate in the Fridge department next to the wooden box department"




I''d give up smoking if i was you !!!


I said



Never looked back







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  • 3 weeks later...

how're you getting on cosd?


I got off to a slightly shakey start in that I bought a pack just before new years eve and (at £5.99) I was ******** if I was going to throw them away! But - I've been off them since 5;30 pm yesterday and I feel pretty good, I even threw most of the last away, not to symbolise anything - I just didn't feel like smoking it :rolleyes:


Before anyone points out that I'm awake at 02:48 am - that'll be because I've got (what I think is) an abcess and it's really causing me some grief - still don't wanna fag though :lol: Hope everyone / anyone else is getting on o.k.

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Number one !


Forget all the rumours that its more addictive than Smack ,




Addiction is only in the mind anyway


Do you wake up in the night wanting a cig ?


NO !!!


If you really want to give it up you Will !!!


Dont keep saying IF and WHEN


DO IT !!!


i had a Dam good excuse , i lay on a hospital bed with my heart going Warp factor ! ( i didnt really get the jist of what was going on i just thought i felt ODD)

There was a surgen from london in the hospital at the time (Lucky for me)


I didnt know it but he said (after i'd been there about Ten Hours)

"That was a bit Touch n Go there for a minute Mr Bosher"


" WAS IT " i said in a shocked voice !!!!! :good::yes:


"YUP !! Bloomin good job you have a Dam good ticker and lungs of a Twenty year old" he said rubbin his chin :hmm:


We was expectin your Heart to LEAP out on the table at any second !!! BANG


You've got periocardiitus (Forgive the spelling) Yup youve had the flu and its like a followup , most people dont even know they have it , (sommat about the skin around your heart going hard)


Any way the long and the short of it , i "WAS" a heavy smoker (this makes matters a lot worse the Man said)


He said in five or ten years time if i had it again i wouldnt get to him , i'd be going to see his mate down stairs


Who's he Then :hmm::hmm::hmm::rolleyes:


He said "My mate in the Fridge department next to the wooden box department"


:lol::hmm::oops::lol: :look: :oops::hmm: :yp:


I''d give up smoking if i was you !!!


I said



Never looked back








funnily enough something similar happened to my grandad.....


smoked 30/40 Capstan full strength every day (can you still get them... :hmm: )....went to the doctors one day, came home and stopped smoking that day.


Never said what the doctor had told him but whatever it was, it worked.....must have lived another 20 years after that day and as far as i know died of an unrelated illness....


good luck to those that have managed to stay off them, and to those that havnt, try again, you know it makes sense... :hmm:



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Hi Guys,

Just thought I'd give you my first update. It's now day 3 of no fags and I can't lie, it hasn't been easy.


Day 1 and 2 though not a breeze, were not as bad as I expected, but today has been tough. I am using an inhaler which takes the edge off a little, but I still have my moments. My head hurts when I am really craving, but I just keep reminding myself that I want to do this.


Sorry this update isn't full of the joys for not smoking, but it's how I am finding things so far.


How are other people getting on?


Well done Frenchieboy, I just read your update, you're doing great so keep it going mate!!!

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