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Day on the Rape

the pelt man

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I was ment to meet the Guys up the Curry House last night for a meal and chat, but i had just finnished a christmas dinner party and already had a gut full so went home to bed.

SS text me about 11.30pm to let me know that He Garyb and Deno were meeting at the rape field at 7.45am in the morning and that it would be a foggy start (but i think he must have ment in his head :rolleyes: ) as i herd the forcast as clear for this morning.

I left for the Rape field at 7am so i would be ready for the pigeon flighting in at around 8am. SS and the Guys turned up just before first light as i was nearly set up.

I had put my hide under the Oak tree at the top North end of the field where i shot the other week, SS started to set up 500 yards away from me down the West side, Deno under the oak tree in the far south end of the field some 800-900 yards away from me and Garyb was down the East side looking over the next field.

Just as i started to walk back to my hide after moving the Vitara i saw pigeon already dropping into my decoys, i rushed back and dropped my first pigeon of the day :good:. As i let of my first shot i put up some 800 pigeon that had landed 100 yards from SS who was still setting up :yes: .

For the first two hours the birds kept coming in over the top of Garyb toward SS and/or turned into Deno or myself giving us plenty of shooting but Garyb ****** all.

All went still for a while but started up again and that was the pattern for the rest of the day, with Garyb ending up joining SS in his hide so he could get a piece of the action :yes: .

The final count for the day was :


Myself 71 shot 68 picked,

SS 69 picked, but i am yet to see the picture :yes:

Deno 45 picked.

Garyb 5 picked from his hide then a number he downed from SS's hide.


Just to say the birds didn't come in to My or Deano's decoys as you would :hmm: expect but flew up wind turned and dived into the pattern :lol: .

Not that i am complaining as it made the birds a lot more testing and i am pleased to say i pulled off a number of great doubles.

It was also great to watch SS drop his birds then hear the shots some 2-3 secs after, at one stage we were on the mobiles talking when i had to put the phone down to take a double which SS herd over the phone as trhe birds droped then herd the shots again 3 secs later across the field :yes:


Well anyway here is the picture of my final bag, would be nice to see one from SS but i'm sure he will say he didn't have time to take one :yes:

Good day in the end was had by all.


PELTMAN :good:


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Here you go non believer :good:




Gary found another bird tucked at the back of the hide after we'd bagged up the birds to make it 69


It was a good days sport, could have done with another couple of hides on the other side of the motorway to keep those birds on the move :good:


As you said it was good to see the shooting from the other hides, both you and Dean had some stonkers :rolleyes:


Gary made up for not being in the birds with some nice shots & I finished with a nice double dropping the 2nd bird a long way out.


Molly was great retrieving everything, although a bit to keen at times.


Gary dropped 176 off to the game dealer on the way home, so there should be a few quid to pay for more carts.



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It was a good day :rolleyes:


It just go's to show, that you need to setup where the birds are - and not where you think they are!


Seems like most of SS's sport that I witnessed was coming from the Field behind him, just across the motorway - It's no wonder I saw ****** all some 500 odd yards infront!


I will pick up the readys from the Game Dealer in the week (unless I get snowed in :good:)

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Here you go non believer :yes:




Gary found another bird tucked at the back of the hide after we'd bagged up the birds to make it 69





Correct me if i'm wrong, but can i see Ferals there :good:

You should know buy now Ferals don't count :yes:

So that must bring your bag down to about 64.

I left the Ferals out my picture as they spoil it, i would have been on 77 if i counted mine :yes::good:


I new you were shooting well as i dont recall you using your backup 3rd shot in your semi once :yes:


I am goona do a post on cart prices, the price of lead is still going down but our local gun shop has put up the price of carts and told me the suppliers say lead has gone up :yes:


PELTMAN :rolleyes:

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Good shooting guys, sounds like you had a good day!

What are those wings spread decoys? They're not Hyperflaps?:good:??


Look to me like the proverbial 'cardboard cutouts' :rolleyes: For cardboard read any thin indestructable material. Always useful when pigeon shooting, a bit of innovation and DIY skills but correct me if I'm wrong.

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Look to me like the proverbial 'cardboard cutouts' :rolleyes: For cardboard read any thin indestructable material. Always useful when pigeon shooting, a bit of innovation and DIY skills but correct me if I'm wrong.




They are made from Estate Agents corrigated plastic board, then covered in grey flocked self adesieve material.

They have then been sprayed and mounted on 60cm cains attached by wire through the front of the wings so they bounce in the wind :good: .


If you saw my post two weeks ago i also made the 22 shell decoys that you can see (top left of the dead pigeons) in the picture, these were made from zinc roof tiles cut to shape and the same flocked material covering then sprayed up :yes:


Nothing beats bringing them pigeon in with home made stuff it adds greater satisfaction to the day :yes:


PELTMAN :good:

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You'd be more than welcome mate :/


I don't think I,ve got any free weekends for a month or so, but if you've a day free during the week I could sort out something. The weather could be the stumbling block?


Unfortunately, some of us less effluent Herts Guys still have to work for a living. :D:yes:



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