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i was brought up very religious ........... and all those endless and boring sermons gave me plenty of time to read the bible several times and arm myself with enough knowledge to slay the most feverant christian ........... you can go on about free will and him giving us a choice, but he didnt. technically theres no such thing, because god is omnipotent and knows everything he knew full well that mixing those 3 ingredients together would mean id be out shooting quite alot, so therefore i have nothing to justify - he made me like this, he knew id turn out like this, so how can he have a go at me?? ;)


So if God didn`t (technically) give humans free will (choice) and he is omnipotent then he knows what you will do. Therefore you aren`t, by your aguement, in charge of your life and he is, fully. I would think that by your life style you have a lot to thank God for, and that he isn`t having a go at you......or have I got that wrong ?

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So if God didn`t (technically) give humans free will (choice) and he is omnipotent then he knows what you will do. Therefore you aren`t, by your aguement, in charge of your life and he is, fully. I would think that by your life style you have a lot to thank God for, and that he isn`t having a go at you......or have I got that wrong ?


yes and no, youre missing what im getting at.


God, as per the christian faith, is omnipotent, therefore he knows everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen in the future, am i correct? forgive me but being brought up presbyterian i/we believe in pre-determination (like fate, only God says what will happen).


on top of that God made me (again as per the christian faith), so therefore all my urges, likes, dislikes, redeeming features (or feature i should say) and all my bad qualities were made by God.




God made me as i am, and he knows exactly how my life will turn out, because its his will that its turning out like this.




i feel no need to thank God, or being greatful for anything. Because i am not saved, I am going to Hell (as per the christian faith) due to the way i live my life, especially with the young lady who is currently upstairs enjoying a shower while i enjoy a few vodkas... anyway, getting side tracked - BUT i am not saved, and live my life the way i do, because God has pre-ordained that this is how my life will be led.


getting back to the original topic, God gave me the gift of a love/knowledge of firearms. he gave me the ability to use them to reasonable effect, and he gave me the will to do just that. he already knew i would spend most of my spare time shooting, because he made me this way - so what is there to apologise/thank him about, if i am leading my life using the gifts he gave me, in the way that he wanted and foresaw??

Edited by babbyc1000
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how are you going to justify your actions when you meet your maker?



I already know what he thinks, he's told me many times over and is disgusted that I have ever taken part in it which he relishes in telling me. Mum on the other hand is quite understanding. ;)

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yes and no, youre missing what im getting at.


God, as per the christian faith, is omnipotent, therefore he knows everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen in the future, am i correct? forgive me but being brought up presbyterian i/we believe in pre-determination (like fate, only God says what will happen).


on top of that God made me (again as per the christian faith), so therefore all my urges, likes, dislikes, redeeming features (or feature i should say) and all my bad qualities were made by God.




God made me as i am, and he knows exactly how my life will turn out, because its his will that its turning out like this.

Not quite that simple babby, you are a product of your environment aswell, also "GOD" doesn't necessarily "make" you do everything you do, according to the bible we are given free will, that means we have a choice. Just because God knows what you'll do doesn't mean that he made you do it. You bad boy! lol

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Gettin, a real challenging conversation !!!! <_<


yes and no, youre missing what im getting at.


God, as per the christian faith, is omnipotent, therefore he knows everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen in the future, am i correct? forgive me but being brought up presbyterian i/we believe in pre-determination (like fate, only God says what will happen).


With you so far, please continue ;)


on top of that God made me (again as per the christian faith), so therefore all my urges, likes, dislikes, redeeming features (or feature i should say) and all my bad qualities were made by God.




God made me as i am, and he knows exactly how my life will turn out, because its his will that its turning out like this.




i feel no need to thank God, or being greatful for anything. Because i am not saved,(How can you know that, as God can only know that, as per the above/) I am going to Hell (as per the christian faith) due to the way i live my life,(Wrong, you only need to TRULY believe in Jesus Christ) especially with the young lady who is currently upstairs enjoying a shower while i enjoy a few vodkas... anyway, getting side tracked - BUT i am not saved,(Not at this moment, but again how do you know ? There may be a road to Damascus coming around the bend for you !) and live my life the way i do, because God has pre-ordained that this is( At this moment in time !) how my life will be led.


getting back to the original topic, God gave me the gift of a love/knowledge of firearms. he gave me the ability to use them to reasonable effect, and he gave me the will (I thought you believed in "Pre-ordination" ?"to do just that. he already knew i would spend most of my spare time shooting, because he made me this way - so what is there to apologise/thank him about,(That`s something that is another basic doctrine) if i am leading my life using the gifts he gave me, in the way that he wanted and foresaw??(Unfortunately it isn`t all to do with you, there could be someone in your life, or in the life of someone close to you, or even a complete stranger that will turn your life completely on end, how can you know if it is pre-ordained ? Life is a journey, just pick the right passengers to travel with you !)



He still Loves you and just by sharing your thoughts you have encouraged me !


Thanks babby !!!

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My biggest problem with christianity is how often it contradicts itself. Not only that, but take the christmas story for instance.


matthew 1:18

"This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit."

(the king james version, if you prefer)

"Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost"

Hold the phone right there, seriously?? Anyone think of any alternative??


I live in a religious household, my parents are devout, and drag me to church every week. In the run up to christmas, the pastor took three 1 1/2 hour sermons, and used them to explain the significance of this.

I can summarise it much faster, "out of wedlock affair". Job done. Now, I'm sorry to the christians out there, but I have to say it. The whole coming of christ story fell flat on it's face before it ever began.


Organised Religion, a means of controlling populations that know no better

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You wont need to justify your actions because you wont meet your maker. There will be a 12ft pigeon waiting for you at the gates to peck your eyes out and rip your head off for killing him and all his mates.


Just you wait and see.


Putting aside the interesting theological and philosophical discussion for one moment, that made me proper, spray the keyboard with coffee, laugh out loud so hard a little bit of wee made an unscheduled appearance ;)<_<:hmm:

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.......I can summarise it much faster, "out of wedlock affair". Job done. Now, I'm sorry to the christians out there, but I have to say it. The whole coming of christ story fell flat on it's face before it ever began.


Organised Religion, a means of controlling populations that know no better


So that means both Joseph and Mary were lied to ? Remember they were betrothed and that was more binding than it is now and required that Joseph "divorce" her and he was going to sign the [apers and therefore not have her stoned publically. Now this has many problems, why would Joseph, if he was a cuckold, want to divorce Mary ? In those times he would have been more than likely to have let her be publically stoned perhaps it was because he didn`t do the deed and neither did he believe that Mary would and as both were devout then they both believed each other and the angel Gabrielle !

without this then it all falls, or does it ? all of the above was foretold in the OT.


Check it out, just because a Pastor cannot explain it to you doesn`t mean it isn`t true, how are you with books/lectures on genetics/singularities........ ?


Take a bit of time, talk to others and don`t reject things on just one persons take on it.

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Not quite that simple babby, you are a product of your environment aswell, also "GOD" doesn't necessarily "make" you do everything you do, according to the bible we are given free will, that means we have a choice. Just because God knows what you'll do doesn't mean that he made you do it. You bad boy! lol


:no: because its predetermined by God what will happen (as per christian faith) i have no free will, so God made me do it :P:D


Gettin, a real challenging conversation !!!! :D


yes and no, youre missing what im getting at.


God, as per the christian faith, is omnipotent, therefore he knows everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen in the future, am i correct? forgive me but being brought up presbyterian i/we believe in pre-determination (like fate, only God says what will happen).


With you so far, please continue


on top of that God made me (again as per the christian faith), so therefore all my urges, likes, dislikes, redeeming features (or feature i should say) and all my bad qualities were made by God.




God made me as i am, and he knows exactly how my life will turn out, because its his will that its turning out like this.




i feel no need to thank God, or being greatful for anything. Because i am not saved,(How can you know that, as God can only know that, as per the above/) I am going to Hell (as per the christian faith) due to the way i live my life,(Wrong, you only need to TRULY believe in Jesus Christ) especially with the young lady who is currently upstairs enjoying a shower while i enjoy a few vodkas... anyway, getting side tracked - BUT i am not saved,(Not at this moment, but again how do you know ? There may be a road to Damascus coming around the bend for you !) and live my life the way i do, because God has pre-ordained that this is( At this moment in time !) how my life will be led.


getting back to the original topic, God gave me the gift of a love/knowledge of firearms. he gave me the ability to use them to reasonable effect, and he gave me the will (I thought you believed in "Pre-ordination" ?"to do just that. he already knew i would spend most of my spare time shooting, because he made me this way - so what is there to apologise/thank him about,(That`s something that is another basic doctrine) if i am leading my life using the gifts he gave me, in the way that he wanted and foresaw??(Unfortunately it isn`t all to do with you, there could be someone in your life, or in the life of someone close to you, or even a complete stranger that will turn your life completely on end, how can you know if it is pre-ordained ? Life is a journey, just pick the right passengers to travel with you !)



He still Loves you and just by sharing your thoughts you have encouraged me !


Thanks babby !!!



hd, firstly youre right, there may be a road to damascus around the corner for me, who knows? ???


but as for the bit about "will", yes, i was brought up to believe in preordanation (its necessary to remember i do not believe in God anymore, and believe organised religion is nothing more than a form of control necessary in barbarian times), using the term "will" was a bad choice of words, but in this context it is different from "free will", instead of will perhaps i should have said urge. also, i was taught that to be saved you must believe in God/jesus, ask him into youre heart AND also ask himto forgive your sins. But as ive already stated, i dont believe ive sinned, simpy because God made me like this, and everything I do is his will.


So either we have it wrong, and God isnt as omnipotent as he's made out to be (then were all screwed), or there is no such thing as free will, as God has preordained it already :hmm:


now, just to throw something else into the mix, which everyone has missed. how many commandments do you break? i break one quite alot, the one which says "Thou shalt NOT kill". i dont remember the bible limiting it to people? so technically hd, you could be breaking one of the main commandments :hmm:


just a thought ;)

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