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Fuel Shortage


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I'm interested in the differing situation around the UK and wonder if its the same everywhere?


Up here (North West) a lot of garages are totally out of all fuels despite the fact that there is NO BLOCKADE on the refineries...******** British attitude from those who usually put in a fivers worth of juice now needing to have a dustbin full... :( ...hence, its all gone...


Just a line would be of interest, i.e. your location and either:











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this anoys me, it dosent seem to do much apart from inconvinience people, graunted the cause is a good one, but im not sure this does anything apart from annoy the public.


and the media are partly to blame, if they didnt emphisise it so much people wouldnt panic buy and we wouldnt be in the situation we are now, where most petrol stations have no fuel left and we are still a half week away from the start of the demonstration.


fair to say this has probably put a stop to my activities at the weekend :blink: had a good 150 miles planned to and from shooting events, i doubt that will be happening.


cant talk......gota go siphon the neighbours cars :(

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Fair bit of petrol here in New Jersey........If anyone wants to send me a jerrycan I can fill and return.... Two quid a gallon + postage





Even with VAT and import duty that is about half of what we pay in the UK!




I filled up last night, 2 reasons, I was almost empty, and I need to get Weston Park on Saturday :blink:


Work is irrelevant, I can of course work from home, or just not bother if I run out...

Edited by stuartp
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Thats the trouble with it all. I was actually empty as well and as a rule I always fill the tank, its getting to the £65 mark now :(


But I had to que for ages. If people didnt panic buy then the fuel would go around as normal. But since thats a gamble, people are gonna fill, then people like me are gonna fill, because of the panic buyers.


Crazy world eh. Mind you I filled the wifes tank too, but thats another story, if ya now what i mean. :blink:





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plenty of fuel here in cumbria but you have to pay £1.04p a litre for it same price for unleaded and diesel and my frontera 2.3 turbo diesel likes to drink a fair bit well look on the bright side it could get worse[and will i bet] :( :blink: B) :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :( :D:D:D :( :(

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From what I can make out over here it's Dazza and all his mates making the Petrol Bombs in Belfast just now that's pushing it up. :( :blink:



Only kidding Dazza, I wonder does the UVF have a budget......sorry boys no rioting tonight we've spent 30 quid on petrol already today B) :thumbs: :thumbs:




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I reckon it's a ploy. There will be no stopping the tankers from going out from protestors. Instead the public has been panic buying petrol at the highest price and this will cover any "token gesture" cut that the oil companies/government will make.


We do it to ourselves every time.

Leave the car at home occasionally and walk or cycle where practicable. This will mean we buy less fuel. The less fuel we buy the more competive the prices will become. I am not saying this as some hippie tree hugger but as someone who is P****D OFF at high fuel prices.


But at the end of the day everyone comes up with a 1001 excuses not to leave the car at home.

If you find it easier to use the car than walk (WHERE PRACTICALE!!!) then stop moaning about high fuel costs. After all it is YOUR fault :(

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