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Guns in cars


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Hi All,


Just a quick Q, what the legal implications of leaving guns in locked cars?


For example I shoot with a couple of people who use air, I use rf and we often call at the local for a pint after, I have always driven home and dropped of the guns then driven back over.


Is it illegal (although I can imagine its not recommended) to leave a gun in a car?

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It's not wise to leave a gun in the car for any length of time. If you have too, I would suggest that it's kept in the boot etc, hidden away from prying eyes.

You can purchase a steel cable that could be passed through the trigger guard, and then linked to a part of the car.

I would advise though that, if possible, take the guns home first.

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It's not wise to leave a gun in the car for any length of time. If you have too, I would suggest that it's kept in the boot etc, hidden away from prying eyes.

You can purchase a steel cable that could be passed through the trigger guard, and then linked to a part of the car.

I would advise though that, if possible, take the guns home first.


Thanks, thats what I do, I was just thinking if I ever end up travelling further a field for shooting I may want to stop and eat or whatever.

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It is advised for stalkers, who usually travel a long way to stalking ground in Scotland and thus need refreshments on the way, to park car securely in a well lit and public place, loack the guns out of sight, boot etc, remove bolt(s) and take them with you, along with ammo and FAC. If the car has an alarm use it

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For the Official Reference see "Home Office Guidance to the Police on Firearms ..." There is a chapter therein (7??)and I believe there is a link on this site under 'General Shooting matters. Also BASC used to have something on their site.: probably the other shooting organisation too?

Bottom line is that you are responsible for the safekeeping of your guns. The advice contains "suggested steps" which would be "taken into consideration" if the worst happened. Anything above their suggestions as mentionned in other post has to be good or better?

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So I'm assumong if you have guns in the car you would well be likely to have ammunition there too, so what do you do with that?


I don't leave the gun in the car, that was my question. My buddies leave their air rifles but I travel home and lock up and then travel back.


Am I allowed to take the gun in with me legally?? :angry: as stated above, its a very local, local if you know what I mean.

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Use the same pub, get to know the landlord, take your rifles in - covered obviously - and put them somewhere behind the bar. Job done. Don't think it would go un-noticed in the little shef though!



i take mine in the pub and discreetly place it in a corner where i'm sat or if nat able to do this then i put it behind the bar



I wouldn't ever leave my gun behind the bar, even in a local local where the landlord was a lifelong friend. What is the difference between that and giving them to your partner to look after, dont think fao would be too impressed. At least locked in your car they are secure and as far as possible you are the only one with access.


There is no problem leaving in the car but if poss leave in the locked boot, take bolt or forend, park in a spot visible to where you are sitting etc. You need to take reasonable steps to make sure they don't fall into the wrong hands. I don't think standing behind the bar with the pool ques cuts it, just my personal opinion.



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My FEO has said that a gun stolen from your car/van means a loss of SGC - unless you were sitting in it at the time etc etc. He tells me of someone he went to spot check once and his gun was unattended in the car outside his house - he pulled his SGC.


A bit like car insurance really - you are insured and OK for your shopping/tools in transit. Leave the vehicle and they are now not in transit but goods left un-attended.


His answer was, have a backpack in the car/van - then if you have to stop, break the gun down and carry the stock with you. As for the question of leaving your gun behind the bar in your local - nooooooooooo!!!

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My FEO has said that a gun stolen from your car/van means a loss of SGC - unless you were sitting in it at the time etc etc. He tells me of someone he went to spot check once and his gun was unattended in the car outside his house - he pulled his SGC.


A bit like car insurance really - you are insured and OK for your shopping/tools in transit. Leave the vehicle and they are now not in transit but goods left un-attended.


His answer was, have a backpack in the car/van - then if you have to stop, break the gun down and carry the stock with you. As for the question of leaving your gun behind the bar in your local - nooooooooooo!!!



Can understand losing it if they were in your car outside your house, if you are home could have been in cabinet. Unnecessary risk.



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I'm pretty sure there was a court ruling not that long ago in favour of some rifle chaps who were away shooting somewhere (possibly for a competition) and had the vehicles in the boot of their cars whilst they were at a hotel, or gone for a meal or suchlike. The vehicle / s were broken and the guns stolen. The firarms office took away their FAC's. However the NRA I think got involved and there was a court case. If i recall correctly it was found that what they had done was sensible, and the restriction of their firarms was unfair. The police were forced to reinstate their FACs.


I know it's not what anyone would like to happen but I realise that sometimes if you are a long way from home it often warrants being done.


If i ever leave a gun in my vehicle, I make sure it is well covered and hidden out of the way. Depending what the pub you pop to is like, could you park it somewhere where you can see it from inside?

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I don't see why anyone would loose thier ticket??? if you have the gun locked in the boot out of sight then you are following rules....


How do people pay for fuel when travelling further afield to shoot....they have to leave the car to go into the petrol station and pay, i don't think it makes an ounce of difference in the laws eyes if you can see it or not as it is still unattended.


as I said as long as it is locked and out of sight and the gun and ammo are not lying directly next to each other i think they would have a hard time revoking a licience...

Edited by gixer1
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part of the issue comes with could you have put it in your safe, so as gixer says on your way shooting filling up with fuel its fine as long as you take "reasonable precautions" so gun out of sight and car locked and if you have one alarmed. However pubs down the road from where you live etc aren't a good idea as you could have taken the gun home. Its very rare to have them stolen but I do know people who have had them stolen from pub car parks after a shoot that have been revoked but usually they were there for the evening. Vice versa we had a truck broken into on a local clay shoot gun out of sight and locked and he kept his ticket as it was to start with on private property and he had a reason for having it there. Personally with my pickup it goes in the rear footwell with a coat over it with the GWP on the back seat :hmm:

Edited by al4x
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I leave my gun (shotgun) in the car when i pop in the pub, i take the forestock off, which goes in my pocket, gun is also out of sight, i would'nt ever consider taking it into my local, too many idiots and thats before they've had a drink :hmm: , it just takes one **** to notice it or get hold of it, and the good old do gooder member of the public could easily make a quick phone call to the local nic, and hey thats your ticket gone, out of sight out of mind, works for me :hmm:

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I keep mind secured in its slip out of sight and use a strong steel cable to pass through the trigger guard. I also remove the foreend. If I go anywhere after shooting its generally not for long but I still try to keep the vehicle in plain sight. I admit Im paranoid about it.


My FEO told me that all I had to do was keep it out of sight and have it secured with a cable lock of some form. The idea being, it prevents smash and grab raids. He also said to avoid leaving it for extended periods, but again, this is common sense.


I definitely wouldnt take any gun into the pub, slip or no slip, they are so easy to spot.


Some country hotels/BnB offer gun storage facilities I've noticed but you often have to ask. Not sure how this would work for FAC, but Im sure some hotels give you the only key to the safe its located in for this purpose.

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My FEO has said that a gun stolen from your car/van means a loss of SGC - unless you were sitting in it at the time etc etc. He tells me of someone he went to spot check once and his gun was unattended in the car outside his house - he pulled his SGC.


A bit like car insurance really - you are insured and OK for your shopping/tools in transit. Leave the vehicle and they are now not in transit but goods left un-attended.


His answer was, have a backpack in the car/van - then if you have to stop, break the gun down and carry the stock with you. As for the question of leaving your gun behind the bar in your local - nooooooooooo!!!



Ive heard that the police are undertaking more spot checks at your home than ever before, and going by the number of people being reported to the courts (as seen in the my local paper) for not locking guns/ammo away then I guess theres quite a few reckless people about. Im probably quite anal about it and dont even leave my gun in the car after a shoot to even pop into tescos and get a lottery ticket etc.

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