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I have got arthritis


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Right some of you may have seen my thread about me looking for a pair of chameaus as my dubarry boots have been rubbing like a bitch....or so i thought. Got to the Chiropodist today, explained what i though the problem was and how it felt as if the bone was hurting more than muscle/tissue pain and he said he could see it so he makes me do a few little exercise type things and tells me about that my tendons are to tense and i have arthritis i didn't believe him at first but its true 17 and arthritis i thought i was just a bit of rubbing and was after was an excuse for a new pair of wellies and got told this!!!!! haha C'est la vie he said the joints are now loose so the foot moves too much hence the rubbing on my feet and thus the source of the new pain. Im off on monday to get some authotics (spelling) fitted that should delay the build up of skin and slow down the speed at which my joints wear away at.


I could not ******* believe it im 17 and have already had open heart surgery (valve replacement) and an artirial repare and now this what next i've had and duff Aortic valve in the heart, an Aneurism on my femeral (spelling) artery and now this arthritis whats going to fail next? my ass?!?!! ahahah


Also must add you have all heard of trigger finger i have something called trigger toe i kid you not!!!!! its the technical term maybe why im such a good shot :welcomeani:



Edited by groach1234
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All I can suggest is that you don't sit on any cold concrete or end up in prison.



The first part of that statement is an old wives tale, as for the second, I cannot comment.




Thats a pretty **** run your having with your health mate, you must have some good luck coming round the corner soon!

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Right some of you may have seen my thread about me looking for a pair of chameaus as my dubarry boots have been rubbing like a bitch....or so i thought. Got to the Chiropodist today, explained what i though the problem was and how it felt as if the bone was hurting more than muscle/tissue pain and he said he could see it so he makes me do a few little exercise type things and tells me about that my tendons are to tense and i have arthritis i didn't believe him at first but its true 17 and arthritis i thought i was just a bit of rubbing and was after was an excuse for a new pair of wellies and got told this!!!!! haha C'est la vie he said the joints are now loose so the foot moves too much hence the rubbing on my feet and thus the source of the new pain. Im off on monday to get some authotics (spelling) fitted that should delay the build up of skin and slow down the speed at which my joints wear away at.


I could not ******* believe it im 17 and have already had open heart surgery (valve replacement) and an artirial repare and now this what next i've had and duff Aortic valve in the heart, an Aneurism on my femeral (spelling) artery and now this arthritis whats going to fail next? my ass?!?!! ahahah


Also must add you have all heard of trigger finger i have something called trigger toe i kid you not!!!!! maybe why im such a good shot :welcomeani:



you haven't had much luck with the body mate, i thought i had it rough when i was told i had disc degeneration in the lower back when i was 20 but now i just feel like a fairy for winging about back ache,

as for bones and joint's that are worn i've allways found keeping the arears warm helps limit the pain as the cold is harsh on achey bones...

hope your luck gets better soon i'm sure it will.......

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Its the ball of the foot sorry if i forgot to mention it





Sorry to hear this but it may get easier.


My nephew had it from 14 and was so bad he had problems walking and sometimes he could not get his legs working in the mornings. There was a risk of blindness from his extreme condition. Well 2 years on things are OK, he walks now (normal to and from school are OK) Also he just did a 27 mile walk for help the heros despite a lot of pain, he made it. We were all really chuffed. His sight is perfect.


I hope yours is easier(it certainly sounds it from your description) and it may well improve anyway, all the best :welcomeani:

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Chin up mate :yes: I was diagnosed in my early 20's & unfortunately got Psoraisis with it :good: My knee joints give way for a laugh (very embarasing :welcomeani: ), toes knackered, limited movement in some fingers & just a general dull ache in most joints. I have good & bad days (just try & make the most of the good ones) Once on medication it help's (a bit) never missed a day off work or day's shooting yet though - just takes longer to recover after it :rolleyes:

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ive got it in my knees / hips / ankles = i'm 32 - had it since my early teens - it was hereditary. when i first found out i went on a bit of a downer feeling sorry for myself and feeling it would curtail my life - but it has not been anywhere near as bad as i had feared. i made sure i didnt have to do a manual job, and obviously didnt do much sport - apart from swimming - which i did a lot of as a youth - i'm sure this really helped. I also got some good advice about diet - certain (usually acidic) foods seemed to make me suffer.


i now hit the co-codamol when i have some walking to do, and it works most of the time.


chinn up - it wont be as bad as you think mate :welcomeani:

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Woah there fellah! I think before you resign yourself to chronic illness you need a proper diagnosis from a specialist. Not saying that a chiropodist is not qualified but I would have thought at your age there would be more expert input. See your GP for starters.

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Sorry to hear your news groach but vole is right, get to your GP.


As an aid you could do worse than take, Garlic tablets, Glucosamine tablets, and Cod Liver oil tablets daily. I will have athritis in future (2 rugby injuries both operated on) and was told that the above could help. Garlic can also help with circulation. What i do know is my achilles tendon (which i snaped 8 years ago) is a lot better since i've been taking the above.

Good luck,


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Sorry to hear your news groach but vole is right, get to your GP.


As an aid you could do worse than take, Garlic tablets, Glucosamine tablets, and Cod Liver oil tablets daily. I will have athritis in future (2 rugby injuries both operated on) and was told that the above could help. Garlic can also help with circulation. What i do know is my achilles tendon (which i snaped 8 years ago) is a lot better since i've been taking the above.

Good luck,


make sure it's odourless garlic :welcomeani:



btw, it's also a great for quick relief from hay fever :yes:

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Woah there fellah! I think before you resign yourself to chronic illness you need a proper diagnosis from a specialist. Not saying that a chiropodist is not qualified but I would have thought at your age there would be more expert input. See your GP for starters.



Sorry to hear your news groach but vole is right, get to your GP.


Good luck,



Don't worry i plan to go to the GP about it but he is highly regarded where i live and is the person who you are sent to by the hospital if you have foot problems ah well we shall see/



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Just hoping to give you a light at the end of the tunnel.

In my early teens I had my knee completely dislocated, which never properly returned to its correct position. I have to be very carefull how I kneel down these days.

I gave myself 'cronic' (makes itself worse) sciatica which took a cyropractor and a lot of money to sort in my late 20s.

I have sinse had 3 disks removed (2 ops) from my (lumbar) spine.

I have seperately smashed both shoulders (aged 41 and 43).

I have smashed the middle knuckle of my right hand (the dastard ducked (aged mid 20s)).

I have smashed the knuckle of my big toe (kicked a hoover by accident (aged mid 30s)).

None of the above have healed to a state that could be considered back to normal.


My 50th birthday happens this year.

I have 2 kids (3.5 and 5 (today)).

My wife is 18 years my junior :unsure: .

I have a very large, very fast motorbike, which I occasionally ride at speeds that could get me put away.

Bla, bla, bla,,,


(my) life is full of pain. Every day something causes me blinding pain, but you learn how to get through it. Sometimes it takes weeks to make a serious hurt go away, but knowing that you will manage it helps. I went through a phase where I didn't sleep for more than 5 minutes at a time, for about 18 months. That was tough. However: I am now much more knowledgable about it (my particular problems and remedies) now, that none of it seems as terrible and terrifying as it once did.


Hmmm, this has turned out to be quite dark, but is meant to say that even though your cards look **** at the moment, figure out your options and outs and find a focus that is not the nasty stuff and you can move forward.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hang in there mate, you can get by. I'm 33 and have Rheumatoid Arthrits. It's an autoimmune arthritis. It really messes with my hands, knees, and one of my hips. Good days I get by but it still hurts. Bad days I can't tie my shoes, I wince in pain picking up my 3 month old daughter, and I have to use a stick to get around. Enjoy the good days and ******** the bad ones. You get used to it. Does take some planning sometimes as there are things you want to do and you know you'll be knackered for a week after you do them but if you pick and choose you can do a lot of things you want.


Best of luck!

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Our Doc. told my Mrs. that she had arthritus of the neck/shoulders and boy was she depressed for months :( She took pain killers for months on end until a food intolerance was suspected, as the pain killers (cocodamol/diaclafenac? spelling) seemed to be useless. I had visions of me developing in to Alf Garnett pushing her around in a wheelchair :no: she went on a fast for a couple of days and the symptons went away :lol: all she had to do was reintroduce food groups untill the pain returned, and then avoid those groups :huh: . Her main intolerance turned out to be Grain so no flour, bread, cake, biscuits etc. strangly enough she's ok with rice so we're ok with curry's ??? My Sister has a similar reaction with Citrus :hmm: Oranges, Lemon, Lime.


Just thought that it might be a new avenue for you to try. :hmm::yes:


One mans food, is another mans poison! Never thought it could be so true.


Good luck



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