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Practical Driving Test

Ferret Master

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In the not too distant future my practical driving test will be upon me and the subsequent passing of which will unleash me onto Britain's roads. :oops:


Now, as scary as I appreciate this will be to some of you who have met me, I was wondering if anyone had any advice/tips to prepare for the test besides driving around and doing mocks with my instructor?




FM :rolleyes:

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Chew some chewing gum and mutter to yourself what you need to do. And observation is the key look in the mirrors when ever manovering



This is the big thing with the test. Most people fail on 'observation' supposidly.


So don't just flick your eyes to a mirror, slightly move your head, make it obvious, so there is no doubt that you are intentionally looking in your door mirrors/blind spot!

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if you have the use of a car at home, take it around the town, stop at the shops. do lots of pulling in the side of the road. Make sure that you know every route. Learn every corner, junction, etc. off by heart, because the examiner may waffle when coming up to junctions and confuse the hell out of you. (as a 2 time failure, not yet pass, take my advice :oops: )


Get it into your head that failure is not final, it will help. I had that mindset the second time, and only failed due to lack of local knowledge.


Make sure that you know what the speed limits are, because you won't have time to look around for signs. And whatever you do, the single most important piece of advice I can give you is to try and keep calm. If you let yourself get worked up you'll be jittery, and end up making a stupid mistake (or several, reasons for the first failure)


A trick my dad plays on me is to cover the rear view mirror and then ask what is behind me. A friend of mine had the examiner do this to him on the test, so be aware of what's around you.


If you can, choose a time that isn't busy. Not half 3, the buses are a nightmare. I've heard that about 11 ish on a monday or tuesday is a good time to go for it.


Be aware that the examiner could do the unexpected. Just because your instructor never gets you pull up in a certain place doesn't mean that the examiner won't

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Just be yourself.


You can't do anymore than that, so don't try.


Remember, the examiner has to do all the normal things you have to do when you get up in the morning, so try not to worry too much.


Whilst it has been said that many people fail for lack of observation, so to do people who are over cautious.


Just do what you were taught to do by your instructor and you'll be fine. :oops:

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This is the big thing with the test. Most people fail on 'observation' supposidly.


So don't just flick your eyes to a mirror, slightly move your head, make it obvious, so there is no doubt that you are intentionally looking in your door mirrors/blind spot!

offset the mirrors slightly so you HAVE to move your head a bit

I had the attitude that i would do my best,if i didn't pass then so what,try again it's not the end of the world.

passed my car test first time,passed my class c test on the 4th attempt.

gtood luck mate :good:

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The only thing I can suggest is relax. Don't try too hard, just get in the car and drive it like you've been taught to. You're perfectly capable of passing, if you weren't then your instructor wouldn't be putting you in for it yet.


If you fail then never mind, you can do it again. It's not a big issue. You're not going to though if you just get on and do what you were taught to do :good:

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When I did my test (a long time ago now) I bumped a rear wheel over the kerb

on the way out of the test center. I presumed from that point forward that I'd

failed so relaxed and just drove the way I did with my mum. When he was asking

me about road signs at the end (as they used to) I was wondering why he kept

stringing it out, I thought he was doing it for badness.


When he told me at the end I'd passed I nearly died.


So, go into it presuming that you've failed, relax and just get it over with.




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Remember to put ya seat belt on :yes: a mate ov mine got a few hundred yards form the test centre then tryed to slip it on but was too late :oops: he his a bit daft like :lol:


1 better tip tho - if you get in the wrong lane (say at a roundabout) and it isnt easy to get back in the correct one it maybe better to just take a different exit. He cant fail you for taking a different route to what he asked if you do it by the book (Not for dioing it once anyway)


Good luck tho mate :good: and it isnt the end ov the world if ya fail

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This is the big thing with the test. Most people fail on 'observation' supposidly.


So don't just flick your eyes to a mirror, slightly move your head, make it obvious, so there is no doubt that you are intentionally looking in your door mirrors/blind spot!


Reason I failed the first time I was so nervous my bloody leg started shaking. Litterally jumping. Didnt really help my clutch control :lol:


2nd time I had a woman examiner. My manlyness kicked in with her n I was as cool as a cucumber :yes: passed with 3 minors :good:

Seriously though. I think it was much easier with a woman examiner. She was much nicer, more chatty.


My mate had a bloke, got in the car n went "Weather looks like rain."

N the examiner said something like "Something wrong with rain ?!!"


He **** himself n failed from nerves :good:


Just stay cool n relax mate :P Post up how you did :oops:

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Don't worry. Don't panic. Don't be over confident.


On my car test I came up behind a truck moving slowly up a long hill. I thought that I should get a move on and did all the mirror, signal, manoeuver things and was just drawing level with the truck when the examiner said "Turn right at the next road on the right". I thought "Oh ****" and eased off the throttle and dropped back and let the truck go and turned right when the junction came up. By simply not panicking when I thought I had made a mistake I passed first time.


However it took me three tries to pass my bike test, but I learnt from my mistakes and kept at it. I was overconfident in my second attempt and when I knew that the emergency stop was coming I was determined to make a good impression and overdid it and locked the back wheel (an automatic fail).


Another tip: Don't hoot pedestrians on a crossing to get them to hurry up. Examiners don't seem to appreciate that but that's another story told to me by a member of my family :blink:


Best of luck.

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