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Police Community Support Officers


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They are allowed to eat. :lol:


Actually,he'll get brownie points from the gaffers for engaging with the 'community'.

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some lads who are waiting to get into the regulars use the PCSO role as a stepping stone. (and good on em) like in most jobs, you get good and bad. got a few mates in both jobs, and they are good at what they do. Then again they some of them are plant pots.

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Waste of time in my eyes all they can do is **** all :oops: an wait for the police. ( Wait stop i'll er just finish my chips, as i've not got any power to do anything apart from advise you that what your doing is wrong, so please stop it :lol: )

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I believe they are also referred to as "counterfeit coppers" or "the plastic police" so my friends in the force say.




It's the governments first stage of trying to get more boots on the streets but for less money.


I say less PCSOs, less CCTV and more actual proper coppers - oh and none of those 5' 2" girl coppers. Should be a minimum 5' 10" height requirement and a bloke.

Edited by Mungler
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[ The last run in i had with them went like this:


I just turned out of my street tonight and did a left, freezing cold, no idea of road conditions,taking it steady, gets 100 yards up the road and a gangly great police officer decides to leap intot he road to stop me.(Bearing in mind im in my Charge Nurse uniform, looking professional and innocent of course!!) and doing less than 30 mph.


This is how it went:


"Evening sir"


"Is there a problem with my car officer??(at this point I clocked he was a "special")


"Yes sir, it was going too fast!!" (HO ho ho! my sides were splitting)


"Oh really, funny, my speedometer said less than 30mph and this being a built up area i believe that is appropriate?"


"You were going faster than that sir!!"


"If you say so officer, but i didnt see a speed gun as you flailed into the road,do you have a reading?"


"I dont sir"


"Then how did you know that I was speeding?"


" I can judge sir"


"I suggest that you go back to speed judgement school and have a refresher, as I did not exceed the speed limit at any point in the 100 yards since I left my house!!"


"Well sir, you caught me unawares, i was texting my wife who is ill and it SOUNDED like you were speeding!!!


"So, you have no proof that I was speeding even though you thought you heard me going too fast and as you are making me late for my real job, I am now leaving, goodbye!"


" Well sir, I dont have any evidence and I dont have any juristiction over traffic, but I thought Id tell you to slow down"


I bit hard on my tongue and proceeded to work........................


to make things even more laughable...his colleague who stood scratching his head and his nuts and giggling throughout the whole thing...Had a ******* mohican haircut!!!!!


To the real police on here please dont think Im having a dig, but this is the "face" that the public see and these guys were clearly clueless, had the guy with the mohican even so much as spoken to me I would have wet my pants with laughter.............................

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Special constables were brought in during WW2 to back fill forthose who had gone to war. For some strange reason we still have them. If you work out the cost of recruiting,training and equipping a Special Constable and divide it between the hours they 'work' (for want of a better word) beforethey realise it's not like CSI Miami or The Sweeney and pack up, it actually costs more to run a Special than a Police Officer.


That's before you factor in the other considerations; like they can come and go when they please and don't have to come to work when told, are barely trained and to put it bluntly, totally useless.

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my ex was a cop, used to threaten me with what shed do to me in the back of a landrover some night if she was on duty and she saw me out on the **** with my mates, she mentioned hand cuffs and a truncheon :o


and that, milord, is why running away from the police is a natural instinct for myself :lol:


anyway at least the pcso's try to do something, unlike the psni :oops:

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