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Horse riding


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its often beyond your control so your intention or not it does happen :good:


I've not fallen off in years last one I rolled having had brake failure on an ex race horse, bitch of an ex was more worried about the horse than me thats how barmy horse women are. My suggestion if it didn't get better i'd happily shoot and eat it didn't go down well :good:

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its often beyond your control so your intention or not it does happen :good:


Too true.


Make sure you wear a hat and a body protector if you can get hold of one. And don't forget, even the smallest horse is a very poweful beast with a mind of it's own. Listen to what your friends tell you and go easy and you should be fine. It can be a bit scary first time, but great fun once you get into it. Let us know how you get on, and good luck!!

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I horse rode from the age of 5 untill it was 17 then traded four legs in for four wheels. Great fun but the first few times you may find yourself walking 10 - 2 ! lol . good abbs exercise to if you take it up .



A good friend of mine who isnt impressed in the least by horses always describes them as " dagerous at both ends and uncomfortable in the middle"




You should have a laugh though :good:

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Being a 15 n half stone rugby player one of the girls horses didnt like me n tried to lie down when I got on :good: Luckily the otherone didnt mind me at all n went for a nice lil ride n a small gallop aswell :good: Glad I went on the one I did aswell as the other one flipped for nothing n very nearly threw my friend off :good: Luckily she's a good rider n managed to get back under control :yes:

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horses are stupid animals, seriously, they're stupid!


they could spook at any moment, and with any horse big enough for the rider, the rider won't be able to control it, even dismounted



I prefer tubular steel and rubber tyres, much much safer :good:



Not true, there is no animal like the horse that understand swing of the broom/pitch fork handle so well!

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Firstly.....horses are definitely not stupid!!!!!!!! :ernyha: :blink:


I've been riding since I was 5, all my life up to my 26 years now lol! Give it a go, its not for everyone but Horses are majestic and a thrill ride!!


If you can't control the horse you are riding (which happens to everyone at some point!), then you have to appreciate that they have their own minds, and you cannot win every battle with strength or size........the reward of working with/riding horses is that you learn to rise the ranks, and get a horses' respect, and you will get control eventually!!



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Firstly.....horses are definitely not stupid!!!!!!!! :blink: :blink:


I've been riding since I was 5, all my life up to my 26 years now lol! Give it a go, its not for everyone but Horses are majestic and a thrill ride!!


If you can't control the horse you are riding (which happens to everyone at some point!), then you have to appreciate that they have their own minds, and you cannot win every battle with strength or size........the reward of working with/riding horses is that you learn to rise the ranks, and get a horses' respect, and you will get control eventually!!



ok, maybe I was a little harsh, they're not all stupid. I have a couple of ponies, and one of them in particular is probably about as smart as your typical dog. But they can (and will at some point) be spooked by a: rabbit, pheasant, apple, stick, snowman, car, wheelbarrow, stone, bucket, bale, boot, shovel, different colour of rope, washing line, cat, rat or mouse..... :good:



and they can be very mischievous!


on the other hand, we had one a while back that was as thick as two short planks. You could walk past it every day in a month, and it would still shed its skin!

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I was collared into riding at one point and the little I did I quite enjoyed. But being an avid off roading bike fan (trials) I wasn't totally prepared to ride something that had a mind as well as a heart.


Progressed on to try a gallop on a large triangular field. The faster larger horse group was sent off first followed by us. This was fine until the damn thing decided that to win or at least keep up, it had to cut across the filed. Totally out of control the horse veered right with me hanging on for deer life and out of control. Not something I particularly enjoyed.


I'd love to get back in the saddle and figure it all out but then i'd much rather be back on my Fantic!

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Starlight, its like any slightly different form of exercise you adjust to it so it only hurts the first few times.


Axe its worth learning as its another route round the countryside that doesn't involve walking and you can cover quite large distances with minimal effort with a bit of adrenalin thrown in when the speed bit happens. That said I'm very glad I learnt as a youngster and wouldn't want to try and learn now as it certainly hurts more if the worst happens and your sense of self preservation seems more developed as an adult making it a scary prospect and one things for sure horses know if you're scared and that is when you have problems!

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