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Big Thank you


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I would just like to say a big thank you to MC (Martin) for patiently taking the time to coach me and my stepson Ben on the Saturday just gone I'm sure Ben would have done better than me if it wasn't the threat of having to walk back to Suffolk if the young sod beat me :lol: and it was really nice to meet Markio from PW and all of the others.

Ben doesn't socialise that well he's very shy and embarrasses really easy and when placed in a situation like he was tends to fall apart but he held it together and did well under MC's tuition. (his mothers fault she's the cotton wool brigade intensive!!!!!)

Its made a big impact on him as he now wants to get his SGC and his own gun I said well if you want your SGC you pay for it, no problem he said, so now Ill will have to buy him his gun, damn and blast :o So tomorrow its off to the police station to pick up an SGC application, I know I can download one but its making him come out of his shell, the boy is addicted to his XBOX360 and you don't know he's in the house and he would if allowed be on it 24/7, me and the missus have had some big disagreements about the time he spent on it but finally she understands :yes:

Thanks again Martin


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I am now sitting here blushing,


No problem at all in helping anyone out in anyway I can. It also helps me focus on the birds and I get more from tuition than shooting at times.




You and Ben are more than welcome and anytime you want to shoot again just let me know. There are lots of shoots about from now on and I will probably be shooting at least once a week.


If you could just get shot of that Lanber then the smell of wee will go as well :good::yes::lol: :lol:

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Good Lord - is this the same MC whose been spoiling for a fight on here for the last few weeks? Patient? Blushing? wonders will never cease.


MC, if you're looking for blind students, I'm happy to oblige...



Sorry Flashman,


I have seen you shoot and you are a lost cause :good::yes::lol:


Spoiling for a fight? I think you have me mistaken with someone else :lol:;):hmm::good: :good:

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Has everyone run off to see who got joint sixth in A class last year :lol:


You're not concentrating are you? It wasn't last year, it was the last time the World Championships were held at Lakenheath :good:


They've been held there once before and are there this year.


I know it wasn't in the last 3 years :yes:


Did I tell you about the time I picked up a cheque for 28p in the UK Willy-Waving Festival at Minehead?


It was for a strong finish in Giant Class :lol:

Edited by Chard
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You're not concentrating are you? It wasn't last year, it was the last time the World Championships were held at Lakenheath :good:


They've been held there once before and are there this year.


I know it wasn't in the last 3 years ;)


Not my day for concentrating :lol::yes:

I read it back and thought it wasn't last year what the **** am I going on about. Then thought AHHH **** it.


The world Championships Hey :hmm:


Anyway MC's a lovely feller :lol:

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Its made a big impact on him as he now wants to get his SGC and his own gun I said well if you want your SGC you pay for it, no problem he said, so now Ill will have to buy him his gun, damn and blast :yes: So tomorrow its off to the police station to pick up an SGC application, I know I can download one but its making him come out of his shell, the boy is addicted to his XBOX360 and you don't know he's in the house and he would if allowed be on it 24/7, me and the missus have had some big disagreements about the time he spent on it but finally she understands :good:

Thanks again Martin



Surely the statement above from the OP is all that needs saying. AAA class or C class, who gives a flying fig what class MC shoots in - his efforts with the youngster paid off and have helped get new blood into the sport. Not only that but he helped the guy hugely with his self confidence.

Edited by Zapp Brannigan
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This thread was created by a user to thank another for his kindness in passing on his expertise and knowledge.


Anybody too childish to allow this to pass without negative comment should either shut it (assuming they like being on here) or, alternatively continue with it and see how quickly we forget all about trolls around here once they vanish :good: .



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Zapp - fair comment. I was one who rose to the bait in support of MC.


I have been clay shooting for over 30 years and continually find shooters who are only too ready to help others into the sport. I have never come across a better sport in that respect. Well done MC.

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Zapp - fair comment. I was one who rose to the bait in support of MC.


I have been clay shooting for over 30 years and continually find shooters who are only too ready to help others into the sport. I have never come across a better sport in that respect. Well done MC.


Gordon, my words were meant for the individual who needlessly derailed it in the first place, not at all for those who came out in support.



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