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What's the best mod for a CZ hmr


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Okay, just been out on a red letter evening on the bunnies; the evening only ended because I ran out of ammo.


I reckon the CZ hmr is a cracking all rounder and the only down side is the noise.


So, I am going to bite the bullet and get the best mod for it I can - so what's the best (i.e. most quiet) mod and have any of the shooting rags run any tests?


Cheers all.

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Another convert! There is only so much you can do about the noise because the majority of it is caused by the round breaking the sound barrier away from the gun. I have a cheapo parker hale silencer on mine, and it does a fine job, not least to protect my hearing. There are certainly more expensive moderators that will reduce the sound further, but I'm not sure it's really necessary, because real sound that is left when a moderator is fitted is the crack as it passes through the sound barrier and not on exiting the barrel. I think DM80, Whisper Wildcat, and ASE Ultra are some of the more popular top end moderators. There was a review, I think in ST a while ago about moderators, which I read but it was pretty naff... definitely wouldn't recommend it.

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This subject and question has been covered in so many ways so many times before Mungler my friemd and the same answer seems to come up just about every time - The SAK is as good as just about any of the others and only costs around £30, it's strippable and should last quite a long time.

You will never get completely rid of the sonic crack from the HMR so why go spending a small fortune trying when a £30 Sak will do the job just as well as the more exencive ones?

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agree with the lads on the sak mod.

goes quiet as you put shots through it when cleaned or new,then sound is reduced.

your surroundings will not help,regardless of the mod you use.trees are the worse,comes back loud of them but,this does not stop me getting bunnies.


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I have an SAK on mine, it really isn't that noisy and if you want proof then get someone else to fire it while you stand 25 yards behind and you will realise it isn't that bad.


You could spend another £100 or so and not get it much quieter.

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The SAK is pretty much the best you can get for the money, TINY differences are apparent if you want to spend loads more money!!



Whisper 23.3dB,

SAK 26.9dB,

SM11 28.6dB

LEI 27.5dB.


remember that a 3dB difference is in effect double the amount of noise, thats a pretty big difference. (i would always take these figures with a pinch of salt anyway)


to my ears the DM80 was the best but not by much

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I've owned an HMR for a few months now but only had the chance to zero it until last weekend where I shot live quarry with it for the first time. Two rabbits, both 100m plus. One I shot standing up. Beautiful rifle and accurate as anything. Moderator is a SAK and does the job well.

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another convert - Stealth Stalker has just put in his variation as well.



nice to hear another convert :hmm:


Mungler I'm assuming you did a box of ammo so a really nice evening, with regard to moderator I had to do a spot of close range shooting with mine a while back and from that I worked out with a sak on it was almost .22lr quiet as the bullet noise wasn't heard. So spending the wonga may make a small difference but not much, rabbits don't tend to worry about it as MC said you can't locate the source of the noise if you stand down range. Now is perfect for bunny bashing as they think they have enough cover to hide in crops, its a cracking round to use if you have lots of bunnies and is perfect from a vehicle as you get the knock down ability and the range to make the most. I find it a cheap round to use on bunnies purely as the kill ratio is so good well worth paying the difference over the .22 to get sub inch accuracy and the ability to shoot to 125 yards without thinking about it

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Did two boxes of ammo last night.


The lamping vehicle is awesome. With the raised seats at the back and the roof as a stable bi-pod rest, the kill ratio was in the high 90%'s and every shot was guaranteed an into the ground back stop.


The HMR round was pretty flat out to about 130 yards and yes, there was some awesome shooting displayed :hmm:


When I ran out of ammo I switched with the lamper - I lamped and he used his Ruger with subs. I really have gone off the .22RF round - whilst it's quiet it just doesn't have the legs and off hard ground the ricochets were every other shot.


Strangely the CZ hmr is the cheapest but most used rifle I have. Accordingly I don't mind splashing out on "the best" moderator for it.


I am also going to take the plunge and get some of those 10 shot mags - does anyone know where these are currently stocked and available?

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thats a corker of a night out then, simply put you can spend more money but won't make much difference so depends how much you want to treat the CZ. Best hurry though i reckon another week or so and we'll have seen the best of the rabbiting as the crops will be too tall. I really don't think I'd want to use a .22LR again as our ground it does that when fired at a decent angle from a vehicle.

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I bought off ticket an mod with no markings as did my original one so I just swapped them over,it was sold under the guise of being an air rifle mod its a reflex mod (ie barrel goes into the mod) its stripable and way quieter than the wisper,I got it at the phoenix meeting £70 it was off a guy called jason he makes them,he runs a shop called jager sporting arms,he also does atec mods etc give him a shout ile try and post a picture for you.

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I bought off ticket an mod with no markings as did my original one so I just swapped them over,it was sold under the guise of being an air rifle mod its a reflex mod (ie barrel goes into the mod) its stripable and way quieter than the wisper,I got it at the phoenix meeting £70 it was off a guy called jason he makes them,he runs a shop called jager sporting arms,he also does atec mods etc give him a shout ile try and post a picture for you.



They look interesting, I think I'll have a word if they are at the Phoenix this year!! :good:

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