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How many of you use filters when lamping


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i generally don't, as most of the time there's no need and it only reduces the quality of light (i have pretty poor eyes).

it's only if i find foxes/rabbits very jittery that i get the filter out.


edit: as per below, i use the dimmer

Edited by nickbeardo
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utilize the dimmer switch, works as well as anything for me! :angry::good:



as above but,as i shot a lot more now with fac,i have used a red filter for rabbits and the amber one for rabbits and foxes,so that they do not get to used to each one.



Edited by albob
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Always use a filter when lamping it prevents any thing else nearby being dazzled and then spooked.

My mate has just bought an IR filter for his lamp its awesome cannot fault it


Fair enough if you don't have a dimmer switch, nothing need get dazzled if you do, filter or not :angry::good::hmm: No issue using filters though, every situation is different and the only way to check results is to try them!! :hmm:

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Nearly always use an amber filter for rabbits, white light sends 'em down the holes straight away :hmm: , but the skill of the lamping lies with my mate who lights them up and then moves the lamp so they sit in the very outside of the beam, or halo :angry:


There is enough light for me to see them but they don't seem spooked any more, and are content to sit still. I suppose its the same effect as a dimmer, but I don't have that luxury on my cheap million candle power torch :good:

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i use a red filter with a dimmer, might try just the dimmer next time.


i also have a ir filter which works really well, but i have yet to set up my NV addon to my day scope properly so havent tried it in the field.


works great in the back garden :angry:

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Not had my lamp long but always use the red filter. I had the lamp on them for ages once and they seemed oblivious to it, unlike with white light. Also use the dimmer with the red on. Even with the filter on I can just see to shoot 150 yards at full power. It's a Deben Tracer Max Pro.

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I have 3 filters, red amber and green. I don't normally use them but if you cant get close enough to rabbits or foxes wont come in, I put one on.

Amber is my favourite because there is more amber light around than any other (street lights etc) and it seems to let the most light through ;)

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Yes it depends on you're rabbits,it dosent take them long to associate ure lamp with death,they then become lamp shy! ,so I change the colour round a bit,its all academic becase once one has just herd or seen its mates head explode they all run in anyhow,I do find amber on fox works bests. Good luck.

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feral pigeons only in buildings. lamping of any bird in trees is illegal



my point was similar nick,as how many have actuallly shot feral pigeons of a night with a lamp in trees.never heard of a one.

loads in bulilding though.



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Appologies to all on this,ile clear things up,I use the lamp indoors to find pigeons as its quite dark in some farm buildings,I don't shoot them under lamp.as for trees ,wen ure out at nite and I have my 410 and a pidgeon gets spooked and comes flying out then I mite take a shot,but not under lamp,theve usually got well away by then,besides I've never got a shot off yet.

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