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what now for the ordinary working folk


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lets hope they can fix it. what bothers me, is the fact that the Tories say they have this great plan to save the country, so why have Labour not produced the same plan? Im sure its not such a secret that Gordon and the boys didnt know what they were saying. Why do we believe what David says and not Gordon? A lot of the PW folk (a lot, not all) are like back benchers. They follow the noise and join in to make the numbers up. All this shouting about the Conservatives this and that. Wont it be great when they repeal the ban? I dont know. I dont think ill ever know. Will i ever join the hunt and mount my steed to chase foxes? I doubt it. Im more interested in things like will they help the workers? Will they help families with both parents working? Will they give the power give people the hope to work hard and be a good citizen? Will they improve police forces? Will they reduce crime? These are the questions that we should be asking, not will they let us kill foxes on horse back. There are far too many sheep and not enough sheperds.

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Surprise Surprise latest reports are the marriage tax break the tories wanted have been axed and the Lib Dems get their policy bought in so that people earning under 10k a year will not pay tax,



Anyone earning less than £10K a year will be on benefits.


What's the point in taking tax out of that £10K then giving it back, it's inefficient

and wasteful.


bloody disgusting.


Bloody sensible if you ask me.




Edited by Nial
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Surprise Surprise latest reports are the marriage tax break the tories wanted have been axed and the Lib Dems get their policy bought in so that people earning under 10k a year will not pay tax, bloody disgusting. Where is the incentive for people to earn money and work when they can now just have babies and get some job that is low paid and a few hours a week that they keep everything they earn, immigrants will be laughing too not paying tax on their low paid jobs and guess who is going to have to make up the pot of money.



errrr it effect everyone who earns over 10k as well.


We get taxed in stages, the bottom line is we have a tax free sum of 6500 or there abouts and only pay tax above that, it raises the bar for us all and means those with low incomes get the chance to actually have some money before it gets nicked by the government,


we would all benefit

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Not sure about the accuracy of above comments on there being more dole scroungers under Labour. Unemployment is roughly half of what it was in the 80's and there does seem to have been a token effort at poking people into working but obviously not strongly enough.

What brasses me right off is when someone hits on hard times who has paid their way all their life gets stuff all help from the system they propped up in terms of benefits.

My home town had 50% unemployment,I left school and signed on with spells off the dole doing anything that came my way. When I go home the guys my age look like 70 year olds from drinking away the 1980's.

My worry is that when the cuts are made it is going to affect the same old enclaves of the UK.

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Not from Ulster, I'm thinking of Poll Tax, CSA and a war to prove that Maggie hadn't cut the services too far. They won't need to invent another war cos we've got Afghanistan now.


Because big business, foreign business at that, now owns the country then I think Uncle Dave and Auntie Nick will be limited in what they can do.



The other difficulty I can see is when Uncle Dave and Auntie Nick try to explain to the benefit scroungers that they need to get to work then they'll just say "Sorry, No speak English" :good:

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Invent a war?


Do you think that the Falklands was staged to suit a political end?


I can fully understand and agree that the moon landing was staged, but the Falklands War? You are off your head mate

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Well having seen this I think we should at least give them an opportunity to see what they can do. Possibly a good mix of left/right that will find the right balance...maybe.






Oh and Maggie didn't stage the war for political end, she was saved by it but she didn't stage it.

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so we have a new leader/leaders in number ten .what for the ordinary working fella with wife and kids now then?



REJOICE - it can only get better


What this with this "ordinary working fella" stuff?


Everyone is ordinary or extraordinary - depends on their point of view.


Most of us work


50 % approx of us are fellas; 50% are Mrs fellas


To my mind that means that David Cameron ticks all three boxes and can be called an ordinary working fella - just like you & me


Problem solved

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Invent a war?


Do you think that the Falklands was staged to suit a political end?


I can fully understand and agree that the moon landing was staged, but the Falklands War? You are off your head mate



Whilst the Falklands was not "staged" it was well and truly invited the cons led by that crow thatcher (oh and yes I voted cons this time)set about with cut backs which included the proposed scrapping of HMS endurance and a withdrawal from the southern oceans, this gave a green light to the argies, thatcher then took the opportunity of giving the argies a good spanking and strangely got her ratings which were at the time rock bottom! up high enough to win a forthcoming election, so yes the falklands were used to a political end in that respect.



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Well said, or we the only two sick of reading stories in the paper about scumbag baby factories being on £40,000 a year for doing nothing more than spreading there legs?! :blink:





An interview with a woman on the news on Radio 1 summed it up for me:


she said


"Why does Nick Clegg get to decide? No-one voted for him. He isn't a single mother with three kids, I did all right under labour"


And all I could think was "EXACTLY", scroungers did all right under labour. :hmm:

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at least with this lot they cant rule rather than serve, and hopefully savings and pensions might be worth having again, even if its more of the same Its a price worth paying to see the rear admiral mandelslime crawl back under his rock




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We are stuck with what we have got for the next five years, unless they fall out (which is always possible) :lol: I don't think anyone can blame Gordon Brown single handidly for all the issues that face this Country at this time. There are a lot of people who during the good times weren't strong enough to resist the easy loans out there, and deep down they new they could never repay the loans and simply didn't care :blink:


I have been very lucky, I've never been out of work since leaving school, and always worked two or three jobs which have all been PAYE so the govenment have had their fill of tax and national insurance from me over the last 25 years :lol: Which has gone to pay for the scrounging scroats to spend all their time in the pub. I can proudly say I haven't claimed for anything, I have worked for everything I've got, when I go out for a pint I payed for it not the tax payer!!


My only problem with the Conservatives is they are very much for private business, self employed etc. This isn't a problem except the majority of them do all they can to avoid paying tax or at least the full amount of tax for the money they really earn!! How many do you heard saying I'll do that cheaper for cash!! or one for me one for the tax man!! running two diaries for work that is booked etc, and we are all guilty of accepting this practice by hiring them!! This problem stems from the single self employed person all the way up to the super rich multi-national company owners who do all they can to avoid paying tax.


If everyone was paying their fare share we would all be better off, and paying less tax, and the country would be out of this mess a lot quicker. I even had one person rub my nose in it a while ago by bragged how much he earnt a week (which was a lot more then me) and because he had a lot of this money payed to him in cash he could claim working and family tax credit (the full amount) so he was laughing all the way to the bank :hmm: Is that a fare way to go :lol: he wasn't declaring his full earnings and avoiding tax and then claiming off the state for everything including free school transport , free school meals, free dental, free eyesight testes etc!! The state paying for everything and then driving the latest vehicles, got the latest kit and equipment and all the gadgets!! So it appears to be OK for some.


So I have to ask, when the Conservatives have sacked all the government workers who are taxed at source, we will be left with the private business persons, self employed etc to pay the tax burden (I think not) for all those they have made unemployed. Or they will expect those they have sacked to go an do their old job voluntary basis for their benefits :P

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My only problem with the Conservatives is they are very much for private business, self employed etc. This isn't a problem except the majority of them do all they can to avoid paying tax or at least the full amount of tax for the money they really earn!! How many do you heard saying I'll do that cheaper for cash!! or one for me one for the tax man!! running two diaries for work that is booked etc, and we are all guilty of accepting this practice by hiring them!! This problem stems from the single self employed person all the way up to the super rich multi-national company owners who do all they can to avoid paying tax.


I don't quite follow why tax avoidance is a Conservative issue. Everybody is at it.


Why do you blame the Conservatives for it? I would imagine many of these traders who "do it cheaper for cash" are Labourites.


The Conservatives are very much for business, not tax avoidance, that's just human nature.


It amazes me how often people with an axe to grind will state a load of personal views, embellish them with a bit of flannel and make out that it's all fact.

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I don't quite follow why tax avoidance is a Conservative issue. Everybody is at it.


Why do you blame the Conservatives for it? I would imagine many of these traders who "do it cheaper for cash" are Labourites.


The Conservatives are very much for business, not tax avoidance, that's just human nature.


It amazes me how often people with an axe to grind will state a load of personal views, embellish them with a bit of flannel and make out that it's all fact.



I don't have an axe to grind, its not flannel and its not a personal view. It can't be a personal view or opinion if what you say is right, "everybody is at it, it is human nature". Your comments have just confirmed what I have said.


Not everyone is at it, I'm not because my tax etc is taken at source, which I don't mind. But the more of us contributing the correct amount to what we earn in this country the sooner we will be out of trouble, the fewer paying the correct amount the higher the taxes will rise and the longer we will be in trouble!! A farer way would be to scrap income tax and set a much higher tax on everything we buy, that way everyone pays tax.


Perhaps you have miss understood me, I am not blaming the Conservatives for these actions. It makes sense that the more private business, self employed, or what ever you want to call them (that are promoted and encouraged by the Consevatives) that are created the more people who will be trying their hardest not to pay tax etc, so obviously less tax will be paid. Because as you say "it is human nature, they are all at it". :lol:

Edited by KPV4
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We are stuck with what we have got for the next five years, unless they fall out (which is always possible) :lol:I don't think anyone can blame Gordon Brown single handidly for all the issues that face this Country at this time.


Your probably right, but as Chancelor and then PM, he's had quite a big hand in shaping Labour policy for many years, so I think it would be fair to say he takes the majority of the blame.


I have been very lucky, I've never been out of work since leaving school, and always worked two or three jobs which have all been PAYE so the govenment have had their fill of tax and national insurance from me over the last 25 years :rolleyes:Which has gone to pay for the scrounging scroats to spend all their time in the pub. I can proudly say I haven't claimed for anything, I have worked for everything I've got, when I go out for a pint I payed for it not the tax payer!!


Spot on there, and this is where I wish the governmet would clamp down really hard. Something DC did mention with regard to job seekers, I hope he follows it through.


My only problem with the Conservatives is they are very much for private business, self employed etc. This isn't a problem except the majority of them do all they can to avoid paying tax or at least the full amount of tax for the money they really earn!! How many do you heard saying I'll do that cheaper for cash!! or one for me one for the tax man!! running two diaries for work that is booked etc, and we are all guilty of accepting this practice by hiring them!! This problem stems from the single self employed person all the way up to the super rich multi-national company owners who do all they can to avoid paying tax.


Making sure private individuals/companies pay as little tax as possible is big business, and pays well, if its legal its game on. For those small businesses your refer to that do a bit of skimming, well your right, it does reduce revenues raised by the exchequer, its not legal, but I dont think it compares to the amount scroungers who fiddle the benefit system cost the country. So focusing on the benefit cheats is far better use of resources, and will make a more significant change to the balance sheet in the long run.


If everyone was paying their fare share we would all be better off, and paying less tax, and the country would be out of this mess a lot quicker. I even had one person rub my nose in it a while ago by bragged how much he earnt a week (which was a lot more then me) and because he had a lot of this money payed to him in cash he could claim working and family tax credit (the full amount) so he was laughing all the way to the bank :lol: Is that a fare way to go :lol: he wasn't declaring his full earnings and avoiding tax and then claiming off the state for everything including free school transport , free school meals, free dental, free eyesight testes etc!! The state paying for everything and then driving the latest vehicles, got the latest kit and equipment and all the gadgets!! So it appears to be OK for some.


I think all of us who are working and paying the taxes in force at the moment are paying more than our fair share! Its not OK for this person or anyone else for that matter, this is a classic example of how people think this is socially acceptable, and demonstrates how few brain cells they have by bragging. Your country needs you to do your duty, look up the number and shop him.


So I have to ask, when the Conservatives have sacked all the government workers who are taxed at source, we will be left with the private business persons, self employed etc to pay the tax burden (I think not) for all those they have made unemployed. Or they will expect those they have sacked to go an do their old job voluntary basis for their benefits :lol:



They wont sack ALL the government workers. But its quite reasonable to expect some harsh cutbacks in this area not least as its one area the government does have direct control over (subject to union influence) I expect that certain government functions will be privatised.

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Marcus, I have to say I agree with 99.8% of what you say :lol:


The only bit I can't agree with is shopping the person I mentioned. I know its our duty, but he is a good friend, which is no excuse but I wouldn't want to be the one who contributed towards his downfall, I know its wrong but!! :lol:


I know I didn't vote for our new leaders, but I wish them well with the difficult task ahead. I hope they prove me wrong and deal sucessfully with the issues this country is facing and it bounces back to prosperity as soon as possible, if they do next time they might have my vote.

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well I'm a self employed flooring contractor... 99% of my work is done through either hospitals, airports or council also CIS registered Builders

as my main supply is safety flooring..Altro Tarkett Polyfloor etc etc


in most cases they will deduct 20% tax at source and give you a tax reciept, and then at the end of the year anything not deducted at source is then calculated after proven deductables... and paid to the tax man...I even have to pay half of next years expected income tax in advance


A lot of self employed people will earn about 1k a week take off the 20%..thats £200 per week in tax then take your public liability insurance, your van tax your fuel, your tools etc etc........ sick pay!!!!! ...there is no such thing holiday pay!!!!! no such thing


I'm in no way moaning about what I earn or what I have to pay out...thats my choice...but 1 thing i can assure yu is...we had very little help under a labour government


now!!! I'm not saying people dont do cash jobs.... but I can honestly tell you..how difficult it would be seeing as we need to have proof of what we bought and how much we sold it for..mainly for those of us who are VAT registered


the lads we find who do most of the Cash jobs are actually paye lads topping up their wage and this also takes work away from the rest of us...


now..this has been going on for years in all trades...even in the past 13 years when we had a Labour government..so your argument don't stand ...


also..last year Under a labour Government..a Builder took me for 10K and I can't claim a penny..because the reciever is claiming only £320 k

100K for the crown and £220 K for the banks the other 310K which is owed to Self employed workers and suppliers is just simply wiped out of the equation



Soooooooo I hope and prey that...This New Govenment will help the Self Employed...

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REJOICE - it can only get better


What this with this "ordinary working fella" stuff?


Everyone is ordinary or extraordinary - depends on their point of view.


Most of us work


50 % approx of us are fellas; 50% are Mrs fellas


To my mind that means that David Cameron ticks all three boxes and can be called an ordinary working fella - just like you & me


Problem solved

well said

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well I'm a self employed flooring contractor... 99% of my work is done through either hospitals, airports or council also CIS registered Builders

as my main supply is safety flooring..Altro Tarkett Polyfloor etc etc


in most cases they will deduct 20% tax at source and give you a tax reciept, and then at the end of the year anything not deducted at source is then calculated after proven deductables... and paid to the tax man...I even have to pay half of next years expected income tax in advance


A lot of self employed people will earn about 1k a week take off the 20%..thats £200 per week in tax then take your public liability insurance, your van tax your fuel, your tools etc etc........ sick pay!!!!! ...there is no such thing holiday pay!!!!! no such thing


I'm in no way moaning about what I earn or what I have to pay out...thats my choice...but 1 thing i can assure yu is...we had very little help under a labour government


now!!! I'm not saying people dont do cash jobs.... but I can honestly tell you..how difficult it would be seeing as we need to have proof of what we bought and how much we sold it for..mainly for those of us who are VAT registered


the lads we find who do most of the Cash jobs are actually paye lads topping up their wage and this also takes work away from the rest of us...


now..this has been going on for years in all trades...even in the past 13 years when we had a Labour government..so your argument don't stand ...


also..last year Under a labour Government..a Builder took me for 10K and I can't claim a penny..because the reciever is claiming only £320 k

100K for the crown and £220 K for the banks the other 310K which is owed to Self employed workers and suppliers is just simply wiped out of the equation



Soooooooo I hope and prey that...This New Govenment will help the Self Employed...



I take your points on board, and don't disagree with some :lol:


My argument does stand up, I am also a tradesman, fully qualified and time served (not currently working in the trades) and see this happening all the time, and yes, it has been happening for years. I was a PAYE tradesman so instead of hobbling (which I know a lot do, as you rightly say) I got a second job to top up my wages which was also PAYE.


The point about not being able to account for the purchase of materials is flawed. The materials for "cash jobs" can be purchased by anyone, usually the person having the work done, all that is needed is the labour/skill, so no record of purchases for the business there. There are many ways around it, getting cheques made payable to mother-in-law, other members of the family, the list is endless.


I'm not saying it may not be difficult for the bigger business (such as yours) to carry out these practices, it may well be, but it still goes on, perhaps not in all businesses but in many of them.

Edited by KPV4
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I know your right.... I guess i'm just a coward :lol: my misses the future mrs jasper doe's my books ..and she is as honest as a days long..I would not do anything to upset her :lol: But!!!!!! if there is any legal way of getting my tax back...I will


I'm not a big company..its just me myself and I :lol: but I do believe..honesty is the best policy..

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