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Why do some ****** pretend to be what they aren't?


Does it make them feel better? Do they think it makes them cooler?


Our soldiers are out there fighting for our liberties and I'm sick of ****** telling me "I used to be special forces you know" "I fought in secret wars nobody knows about"




Anyone else know any idiots like this?

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Why do some ****** pretend to be what they aren't?


Does it make them feel better? Do they think it makes them cooler?


Our soldiers are out there fighting for our liberties and I'm sick of ****** telling me "I used to be special forces you know" "I fought in secret wars nobody knows about"




Anyone else know any idiots like this?




no mate, im too busy storming embassys :good:

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I was an MP in the Us Army in the early '80's.. And my son is a Marine now, and my daughter is in the navy.. I think it funny that no matter what aged Vet you ask you will always hear? I was special forces, ranger, or green barret? Bloody hell? Were there not any cooks or cannon cockers :good:

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I used to work with a guy down in Hereford that insisted he was ex-SAS, the trouble was he was alweays frightened of his own shadow - A total "male cow crapper"! As for me, I was a spanner juggler in the REME, (Joined up on 13th May 1968). Our unoficial regimental motto was "We fix what others **** up, and what we can't fix we **** up so no-one else can fix!"

In my case it was rather fitting! :good::good::lol:

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Yup, a few have met their end here eh :good:


They sure have. I was just thinking back to our little sniper friend the other day.


Funny how walters are always Paras, RM, SAS or similar. Never ex AG Corps clerks or Pioneer Corps.


Here is an example from recently. I and a number of colleagues actually knew this guy.


When he got unmasked he went into complete denial, making more and more unlikely claims which were easily shot down. I know this specific side to the story because one of the claims he made was that he was the head of a team where I work during the 90's. Unfortunately for him, the actual head of the team in question is still here, and when asked, categorically denied ever having been Jack Livesey :good:


Moral of the story, dont be a Walter, because you will get found out.

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All you need to know about walting can be found here.




Since I left the forces, I've worked in defence quiet a bit and we meet them alot :good:


I recently caught one out in a hotel bar, who claimed to have served in "Fourty Five Commando"




For reference, its Four Five Commando....

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I have lets say had alot of overseas adventures But make it very clear that I was never in the military. From chatting to alot of guys that were in the military they can tell by asking the most simple questions - then give them a 'suitable comment' :good:


I spent some time in the merchant navy, so 20 yrs ago at my Dads funeral wore my old uniform jacket ( only as it was black) and arranged for a union jack for his coffin ex-WW2 the same as his father from WW1, I was approached by the British legion to join them in a parade, I turned it down flat saying," how could I parade with all the vets" but recently I have seen men who have never been 'in' wearing their fathers medals joining in parades - no way is that acceptable to me.


We had one guy work with use once, who ' was in the regiment' - came out with loads of stories. So we all thought it was bull but he really was 'in' and went in lets say 'through the roof'. They still have a get smashed reunion every year - they earned it.

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i thought Mungler was more Penfold that Dangermouse.


The BBS seems to be the natural magnet for Walts.


I myself had an illustrious career as an Air Cadet, followed my a couple of years in the CCF. Leaving as a WO2 in the upper 6th form :good:

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I've never understood why some people do it? Any military personel get my respect, they don't have to be in the SAS! I wouldn't want to take the place of a battlefield cook, sod that! They all put their backsides on the line no matter what their role is.


The guys that have never been in the military stand out like a sore thumb usually. I've never been in the forces and can still spot them. Even the most basic knowledge can trip them up sometimes, issue weapons etc! :good:

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It's as dangerous being in the Army Cooks Corps as any other branch of the Army.

They are in a position to kill more men than a fully armed platoon of soldiers.

A dodgy breakfast can kill a whole Regiment :yes: .

There are probably as many casualties from exploding No 1 burners as gunfire :good: .

Seriously tho' in the modern Army it makes little difference what Regiment or Corps you are in because they all work together.

Look in the Media at pictures of Troops, there are a mixed bunch of cap badges today, REME and Signals in particular.

There used to be 'teethe arms' and 'support troops' but today, apart from small bands of specialist troops, the rest are all almalgamated and, to a certain extent, do the same job.

Being Ex-Service I can't say anymore as I may blow my cover :yes::lol::good:

Here's a picture of me checking the guard, under cover of course :good:


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