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an ex-girlfriend of mine (not one of the pretty ones) used to share a flat with an ex Legionnaire who now does CQP - scary little fella - he had his legion passing out photo in poster sized framed print above his bed. He was only little but hard as you like, always made me laugh though as this photo was about four times as big as he was.

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an ex-girlfriend of mine (not one of the pretty ones) used to share a flat with an ex Legionnaire who now does CQP - scary little fella - he had his legion passing out photo in poster sized framed print above his bed. He was only little but hard as you like, always made me laugh though as this photo was about four times as big as he was.



I think a lot of people think guys in the legion are all mad men..they aint there just like every other soldier just a diff cap badge and speak french...and all human..lol


Same as regiment guys met and worked with a lot..and to look at them..you wouldnt believe it.



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Theres some Proper complete Looneybin Walts on that Army rumour service website :hmm: The mind boggles :good:




Look up Simon de Montfort-Broughton :lol:


He used to frequent my local a few years back. In fact i'd go as far as to say i knew him quite well. A walt of the highest order. He would come in sometimes in uniform claiming he'd been 'away' :good: Seriously some of the shyeete he used to come out with was mind boggling. What was amazing though was the amount of people who believed what he told them. I remember one of his stories was that he was on 'anti-terror' duties, working undercover at Stansted Airport. It turned out he was a baggage handler there for a few weeks before getting sacked for going through peoples cases. :good:

Funnily enough i bumped into his ex a few weeks back and as i hadn't seen her for a few years i asked if she was still seeing him. Her answer "You must be ******* joking, what a ****** he was" :oops::oops::lol:

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1st Royal Anglians (Vikings) :lol:


3 Royal Anglian (Pompadours) before they got amalgamated. All the 4's :hmm:


Walts make me laugh. I walked into the canteen at work shortly after getting the job and recognised a bloke who used to be in the same Battalion. I was puzzled when his face dropped - until I heard the stories he'd been telling everyone. He was the Battalion photographer :good:


I'm in the process of 'outing' a walt on Facebook who claims to have been a Sgt in 2 Para for 14 years. I work with with a couple of ex senior ranks from 2 Para - neither know him, nor can they understand why he was in Kuwait in the 1st Golf war, or Bosnia........ :good:


There's many a nutter out there :good:

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3 Royal Anglian (Pompadours) before they got amalgamated. All the 4's :lol:


Walts make me laugh. I walked into the canteen at work shortly after getting the job and recognised a bloke who used to be in the same Battalion. I was puzzled when his face dropped - until I heard the stories he'd been telling everyone. He was the Battalion photographer :good:


I'm in the process of 'outing' a walt on Facebook who claims to have been a Sgt in 2 Para for 14 years. I work with with a couple of ex senior ranks from 2 Para - neither know him, nor can they understand why he was in Kuwait in the 1st Golf war, or Bosnia........ :good:


There's many a nutter out there :hmm:


I take it from your post 2 Para weren't in the first gulf war or Bosnia?


Whats this Walts initials

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well here are some pics from afghanistan i just got back i serve in the 1st battalion the Princes Patricias Canadian Light Infantry, very glad to be back with my family now looking forward to some camping,fishing,shooting and a few rounds of golf, i can honestly say i lucked out on this tour and was in a pretty safe spot most of the time, I made some great friends from the British,Australian,New Zealand and American Armies if things go to plan in 2012 if the world doesnt end LOL i will be transfering to the New Zealand Army to the 1st battalion the Royal New Zealand Infantry Reg. i might also say You Brits had a tuff go in Helmand well i was there i tip my hat to you good fellas :good: here are some pics





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well here are some pics from afghanistan i just got back i serve in the 1st battalion the Princes Patricias Canadian Light Infantry, very glad to be back with my family now looking forward to some camping,fishing,shooting and a few rounds of golf, i can honestly say i lucked out on this tour and was in a pretty safe spot most of the time, I made some great friends from the British,Australian,New Zealand and American Armies if things go to plan in 2012 if the world doesnt end LOL i will be transfering to the New Zealand Army to the 1st battalion the Royal New Zealand Infantry Reg. i might also say You Brits had a tuff go in Helmand well i was there i tip my hat to you good fellas :good: here are some pics


Glad you're back safe and sound mate, well done :lol:

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Proud to say i served in the royal engineers 33(EOD) was in kosova but cant say much more secrets act an all :good::lol: ps how long does the secrets act tie you in for?


I am pretty sure that it refers to anything you learned has to remain secret for the rest of your life.

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I servied with 4624 squadron as a mover in op telic loaded lots of gucci gear RM SBS boats etc.


I seen some hot sunny places but nowt too danerous I have had the pleasure of working with Ex SAS Mick GINGE Tyler at his surival school called breakway he was the real deal just done a book called survial story.


I was there one week and another SAS chap was there just returned to hereford after being shot in ghan he had scares from his left foot across his body too his right shoulder.


Regards OTH

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post-18885-1273871718.jpg post-18885-1273871732.jpg



Was in a wee while,and thoroughly loved it.Way too many claim to be what they are not,and you have to pity the muppets.Still keep in touch with a few of the lads in and they are really earning their moolah at the moment.Couple of pics from the first gulf,one with the big man himself,Stormin Norman.

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I was in the SADF, and my kids know I single handedly won the war :P:P


Seriously I was in the REME in Namibia for a long while. After I left it always amased me how many "Walts" would tell me they were SAS etc. Problem was they would even do it in uniform with insignia of DLO and the likes on them.


It's a truley international problem! :oops:

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I was in the SADF, and my kids know I single handedly won the war :P:P


Seriously I was in the REME in Namibia for a long while. After I left it always amased me how many "Walts" would tell me they were SAS etc. Problem was they would even do it in uniform with insignia of DLO and the likes on them.


It's a truley international problem! :oops:



Dont forget that as a member of the SAS if you where killed you was RTU and was killed in action as your trade not as being a member of the SAS.


And in recent years there has been a big increase in squadron numbers at striling lines .


Regadrs OTH

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It's a truley international problem! :oops:


Not been in the army but my grandad was in the spanish civil war for 3 years. He never said anything about it. I only found out more information about it when he died, from his brothers and my grandmother. IMO true soldiers seem to keep it to themselves. A lot of the old boys that went to WW2 do not talk about it either. Respect to all of them. I'll never understand what it must be like in a war zone and the things they have seen.

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