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how true is this statement?


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It is scientifically proven in the Basle Report that rather than reduce pigeon numbers, culling actually results in flocks very quickly breeding to replace missing birds and in some cases actually increasing on their pre-cull numbers. Therefore, culling is not the answer in the long term .


I have just found this statement on a pest control website.

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Did You Know?

It is scientifically proven in the Basle Report that rather than reduce pigeon numbers, culling actually results in flocks very quickly breeding to replace missing birds and in some cases actually increasing on their pre-cull numbers. Therefore, culling is not the answer in the long term .


I have just found this statement on a pest control website.


What :good:

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Perfect , you are right. I carry out bird surveys over 250 acres of woodland around one of the farms i shoot pigeon on. The numbers I bag each winter vary between 1 and 3 ,000 and yet the number of breeding pairs have stayed between 50 and 61 over the past 12 years.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Perfect , you are right. I carry out bird surveys over 250 acres of woodland around one of the farms i shoot pigeon on. The numbers I bag each winter vary between 1 and 3 ,000 and yet the number of breeding pairs have stayed between 50 and 61 over the past 12 years.


If the number of breeding pairs are staying the same each year, no matter how many you shoot, doesnt this indicate that the shooting has no affect on the breeding and therefore it neither increases or decreases the number of birds each year? Im getting confused.



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‘It is scientifically proven’ and you believe scientists! Most are simply pulling out all the stops to back up their ever increasing need for funding...that’s why we keep getting told such and such is bad for you, then next week something else crops up and on and on we go!


IMO Mungler has the answer about square. :good:

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There is a great book by a guy called Murton on wood pigeons where he showed on a shooting estate wood pigeons numbers were not affected by heavy shooting . It was Food availibity has a greater effect on numbers than shooting mortality on the wood pigeon population..

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There is a great book by a guy called Murton on wood pigeons where he showed on a shooting estate wood pigeons numbers were not affected by heavy shooting . It was Food availibity has a greater effect on numbers than shooting mortality on the wood pigeon population..


The late Dr R K Murton, whose authoritative monograph 'The Wood Pigeon' came out in the Collins New Naturalist series almost 30 years ago. Working under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture on a 2,600-acre study area at Carlton, Cambridgeshire, during the Fifties and Sixties, Dr Murton estimated the national population at up to 10 million birds.


Not the least fascinating part of his book was the evidence he amassed to show that the pigeon is no modern menace, but has been regarded as a pest for hundreds of years. It was recorded as a 'serious evil to farmers' in Inverness-shire during the 1790s, and in 1862 the United East Lothian and Agricultural Society offered one penny for every pigeon's head handed in. Over the next eight years, 130,440 were presented for payment.


Excellent as Dr Murton's work was, many of his conclusions were rendered obsolete by a fundamental change that swept over British farmland during the Seventies. This was the introduction of oil-seed rape: a crop planted in autumn, standing through the winter months, and a winter lifesaver to pigeons - an unprecedented new source of food in a period that had always been lean.


Since then much else has changed in agriculture, the machinery, the crops and the management of the land to the extent that I believe it’s about time there was a revised study done in the same studious and scientific way that Dr Murton conducted his if we are to fully understand the modern pigeon. I did some time back call for PW members to put up the funds to allow this to happen but as usual it fell on deaf ears! Very few PW members want to spend money on their favorite sport! <_<

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The late Dr R K Murton, whose authoritative monograph 'The Wood Pigeon' came out in the Collins New Naturalist series almost 30 years ago. Working modern pigeon. I did some time back call for PW members to put up the funds to allow this to happen but as usual it fell on deaf ears! Very few PW members want to spend money on their favorite sport! :blink:

i would love to know the outcome of a survey something that has interested me for years and reckon it would open a few eyes and stop a debate that could go on for years because i think the survey would show a greater number of pigeons than the last survey. if taken into account woodpigeons that now live in towns near to agricultural land that foray out onto farm land to feed and ultimatley get shot from time to time. and can give a few examples we shot hundred pigeons on spring rape last week and we shot very near to a large council estate and a fair amount of woodpigeons not ferals. headed in from that direction admit there was 100s of acres of land in opposite direction but that had towns and villages dotted around and thats not a one off shot different areas of similar ilk and found the same. i for one would put a few quid in the pot to find out :good:

Edited by yickdaz
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Well there's two of us at least prepared to sponsor something, unfortunately I haven't won the lottery lately so unless there's a few others on here it looks like it's not going to happen. :)

your right it wont happen. but i bet the debate will go on and on.....

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