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Hi all

have bought a trailer for me plant, hor can i secure this in me garden and what anti burgular mesures should i use, any tips greatly appreciated.







Hitchlock and then take the wheels off.....


on the other hand, if they really want it, then they will take it regardless of what you do.


Its the nature of the beast



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A chain and padlock are a mere time waster to most tea leaves-we had a £150 sold secure padlock and when i found it after our trailer was nicked it looked like it had been just split in half-take the wheels off-if it has feet that jack up like a caravan p.m. me and i will tell you a great way to stop your trailer getting nicked.

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i was amased how hard it was to get insurance on my ifor williams,but when i did through nfu they didnt stipulate anything chain hitch lock ?,i asked twice about it and they said no,it did have a hich lock and i suppose i have been lucky it aint been pinched,but trailers get knicked all the time

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Dig a deep hole awbout 2.5'square and drive angle iron in diangonly through the sides of the hole, fill with concrete then bolt a ground anchor to it, good heavy boron chain through the draw bar to to the anchor and a Chub batleship padlock or similar expensive padlock.


when possible try and block the trailer in with a vehicle.

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The best you can do is slow them down and make it difficult.


Chubb used to have a very good reputation, but its changed hands and the quality / security isnt there these days. Having some experience with NDE I would personally go for an Abloy. Tough as nuts and very few have the skills to open open one the smart way. They are still very tough even if going destructive. Which means noise and time, neither of which they want or have.


This sort of thing http://www.abloysecurity.co.uk/Products/pa...closed-shackle/


the weak point os more likely to be the chain or whatever you have it locked too.

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