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High frequency noise


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I wonder if anyone can help, i`m looking for someway of obtaining a high frequency noise that would be irritating to dogs and could be playable through speakers, would anyone know if this is possible and if so where could the sound be obtained from? i have seen the acoustic dog devices in catalogues but would prefer something abit more homemade and not being sold for vast ammounts of money.

I have a neighbour who lets their dog jump up at my fence and try to clamber over whenever my family are in the garden so rather than take the risk of the dog making it over the fence and me bringing about it`s end i think that it would be better for it to get the idea it would be in it`s best interest to go elsewhere, and before anyone asks i have approached the neighbours numerous times and they show no interest in stopping it ruining our enjoyment of our garden.

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I wonder if anyone can help, i`m looking for someway of obtaining a high frequency noise that would be irritating to dogs and could be playable through speakers, would anyone know if this is possible and if so where could the sound be obtained from? i have seen the acoustic dog devices in catalogues but would prefer something abit more homemade and not being sold for vast ammounts of money.

I have a neighbour who lets their dog jump up at my fence and try to clamber over whenever my family are in the garden so rather than take the risk of the dog making it over the fence and me bringing about it`s end i think that it would be better for it to get the idea it would be in it`s best interest to go elsewhere, and before anyone asks i have approached the neighbours numerous times and they show no interest in stopping it ruining our enjoyment of our garden.


Search online for a sound generator. Dependant on your age, you will have to set the frequency to something around the 17-20 khz range.


You can buy a dog/cat scarer on ebay for pennies. That will do the same and you'll probably save a few quid.


Careful you don't end up attracting the dog to your garden. It'll probably be inquisitive and might end up barking at the noise

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The air horn idea is a good one - if you can find a sound activated relay or similar then every time dog barks air horn goes off =- anyone complains say it's dog barking that does it. -- I had trouble with neighbour's little kids screaming so bolted a piece of 3x2x 1/4" angle iron to the adjoining wall - everytime I had to go in because of noise I got my battery 24v SDS drill out and drilled angle iron with masonary bit and drill on hammer -- One word of warning - make sure you wear ear muff's - real good ones and the drill took an hour to discharge.

This also works with **** head next door with thumpy music only use a short piece of RSJ against wall.


I do miss good old days - Not

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You can just approach your council and lodge a complaint about a 'nuisance'. The council come out and experience it, they will issue a notice to the neighbour (basically a doggy ASBO) you will then be requested to keep a diary of occurences. If it doesnt stop, the council can force the neighbour to remove the dog or i think they can do it.


Alternatively, spray it with water every time it does it, it'll soon stop.



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If your neighbours wont do anything about their dog-i'd get hold of a handheld airhorn and blast that at it whenever it starts yapping.For one thing,it will frighten the thing to death and other it will annoy your neighbours no end-touch!


I wouldnt go the council route until all other avenues have been explored incase you ever wanted to sell the house cos it would be logged as a complant indefinetly and might deter buyers.

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