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12.30pm - time to take our medicine

Dr W

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As one of the people who funded said boob job, I would like either photographic evidence or the opportunity to inspect the work in person to ensure that value for money has been achieved.




Theoretically,we're all shareholders in the NHS as we all fund it and if this woman dont work-then really we're more entitled to look at her new boobs. :good:



The benefits system though needs shaking up.I know of several people who have made a career out of being unemployed which really narks me off cos i've been working 24 years since leaving school in 1986 and these people always seem to have better things than me!

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Every private owner, syndicate and flying school I can think of, is not only a Limited Company, but also VAT registered. Because of the fuel claim back, maintenance and the occasional aircraft purchase they would be daft not to be.


So its not really relevant to General Aviation.


What is relevant, and has been glossed over, is that it was stated that Fuel, Drink, Tobacco Duty and Flight Levies will be looked at for the October budget.


This was a scare story followed by a little tax hike to make us feel good. The real changes will come at the next budget in October.


Lets face it, the government has not had enough time to assess the situation and formulate meaningfull cuts right now. This was a muscle flexing exercise, putting their stamp on "their" government.

Edited by covlocks
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The VAT increase is a big problem for me as I deal with high value products (helicopters), at the moment they are selling very well both within the UK and Europe. With the VAT increase we are looking at an extra £15k+ per machine, that's obviously not good! You then have the running costs (fuel), AvGas and Jet-A1 - at the moment it costs £180 to fill a small aircraft, £500+ for a turbine. Once you factor in the 2.5% (doesn't sound like much) its no longer viable and wipes your profits. Its going to be crippling for small companies in the aviation sector (any other sector for that matter), there is no need to increase VAT yet, in 12-24 months time perhaps once the economy is in positive growth.

Increasing VAT is just going to slow growth, its always been the same with the Tories - sledgehammer to crack a nut!


As usual it’s that me, me, me syndrome similar to the one that’s put us in the mess we’re in now! Helicopters and the like don’t generally make up most peoples budgets and really don’t figure in the scheme of things so remove your head from the sand and try seeing things from a wider perspective. If someone is wealthy enough to afford helicopters etc then I don’t guess they’re going to feel the pinch quite like others. If I had the, what a spare £1 or £2 mill, to buy one in the first instance I don’t guess the odd £15k VAT would bother me much and in any event I’m willing to bet that 100% of them are bought by/with company finance so what’s the problem? :welcomeani:


“Ask not what your country can do for you but rather what you can do for your country” springs to mind at the moment. :good:


With this comment; 'its always been the same with the Tories - sledgehammer to crack a nut!' You're obviously one of those losers who voted Labour again. :welcomeani:

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Every private owner, syndicate and flying school I can think of, is not only a Limited Company, but also VAT registered. Because of the fuel claim back, maintenance and the occasional aircraft purchase they would be daft not to be.


So its not really relevant to General Aviation.


What is relevant, and has been glossed over, is that it was stated that Fuel, Drink, Tobacco Duty and Flight Levies will be looked at for the October budget.


This was a scare story followed by a little tax hike to make us feel good. The real changes will come at the next budget in October.


Lets face it, the government has not had enough time to assess the situation and formulate meaningfull cuts right now. This was a muscle flexing exercise, putting their stamp on "their" government.



I'm not so sure, from the start and increasingly recently they have been pulling the plug on non essential projects etc, they have done things like reducing corporation tax for companies etc which is meant to help them, The better the countries industry the less tax they have to find and the lower unemployment. Our big problem is Labour reduced unemployment by employing hoardes of people which isn't sustainable. The government know we all feel hammered by duty on those products so has been up front with its increases. The reason the tax on those products went up under liebour is that they were easy targets they thought they could hide without people complaining

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well the goverment has yet done it again , VAT up to 20%

well that means there is going to be a knock on efect

petrol, diesel, fuel, food prices will rise as will everything else

even cartridges and bullets will go up again

the goverment have not thought this through in my opinion

they have just jumped in and thought the only way to get back monies the previous goverment had lost

is to make joe public pay it all back for them

its alright for them being on the wages they get and all the expenses it dont cost them anything to live in my opinion

so its true what people have said , they only look after them selves and stuff the rest of the country

why cant a normal type of person (someone that has a realistic view of things not the idiots that just dream ) run for goverment , instead we had to have these idiots telling us what to do and running the country

wonder how the VAT will affect you and your opinions

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well the goverment has yet done it again , VAT up to 20%

well that means there is going to be a knock on efect

petrol, diesel, fuel, food prices will rise as will everything else

even cartridges and bullets will go up again

the goverment have not thought this through in my opinion

they have just jumped in and thought the only way to get back monies the previous goverment had lost

is to make joe public pay it all back for them

its alright for them being on the wages they get and all the expenses it dont cost them anything to live in my opinion

so its true what people have said , they only look after them selves and stuff the rest of the country

why cant a normal type of person (someone that has a realistic view of things not the idiots that just dream ) run for goverment , instead we had to have these idiots telling us what to do and running the country

wonder how the VAT will affect you and your opinions

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When VAT was at 15% temporarily I did not feel any flusher so am expecting at 20% it's not going to make too much difference either to be honest.


I have not read or heard about the other changes based on the budget but I hope drinkers (of which I am one) and smokers (not one) took a inflation busting hit!?

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well the goverment has yet done it again , VAT up to 20%

well that means there is going to be a knock on efect

petrol, diesel, fuel, food prices will rise as will everything else

even cartridges and bullets will go up again

the goverment have not thought this through in my opinion

they have just jumped in and thought the only way to get back monies the previous goverment had lost

is to make joe public pay it all back for them

its alright for them being on the wages they get and all the expenses it dont cost them anything to live in my opinion

so its true what people have said , they only look after them selves and stuff the rest of the country

why cant a normal type of person (someone that has a realistic view of things not the idiots that just dream ) run for goverment , instead we had to have these idiots telling us what to do and running the country

wonder how the VAT will affect you and your opinions


Thank New Labour for putting us in this position.


Much as I dislike cameron he is only trying to balance the books and has to do something.


I came off much lighter than I was expecting to :yp:

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well the goverment has yet done it again , VAT up to 20%

well that means there is going to be a knock on efect

petrol, diesel, fuel, food prices will rise as will everything else

even cartridges and bullets will go up again

the goverment have not thought this through in my opinion

they have just jumped in and thought the only way to get back monies the previous goverment had lost

is to make joe public pay it all back for them

its alright for them being on the wages they get and all the expenses it dont cost them anything to live in my opinion

so its true what people have said , they only look after them selves and stuff the rest of the country

why cant a normal type of person (someone that has a realistic view of things not the idiots that just dream ) run for goverment , instead we had to have these idiots telling us what to do and running the country

wonder how the VAT will affect you and your opinions



You probably share the same sentiments as many.


What do you think they should have done? (baring in mind we need to somehow reign in one trillion pounds)

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The country has been left in a mess and this is the start of getting it back on track. It is very necessary and everyone will have to dig deep and get on with it.


What they need to do now is stop handouts to people that have not contributed, of which there are many, and cut handouts to the freeloaders who refuse to even try to work.

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I think the government are 100% spot on. Imagine in 4,5,6 years when we've nearly cleared all the debt and the £ is one of the most powerful currencies in the world. It's nice to think that you could get $2/£1 a year or so ago, but it'll be way above that if we sort ourselves out before everyone else.


It's Labour who mucked it all up. The coalition have opened the books up to the whole world to show what a mess this country is. This shows what a mess the last government made of the country and points out exactly what needs cutting.


Unfortunately we are all paying the price for a government who didn't care less how much it spent on making people happy. We are now on a major hangover and paying the price.


Wouldn't you rather get it out the way now, rather than slowly over decades?!

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When VAT was at 15% temporarily I did not feel any flusher so am expecting at 20% it's not going to make too much difference either to be honest.


I have not read or heard about the other changes based on the budget but I hope drinkers (of which I am one) and smokers (not one) took a inflation busting hit!?


I just feel sorry for all those cornershops which had to change all the stickers from 17.5% to 15% less and then back to 17.5% more and now 20% :yp:

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People would whine and bleat no matter what the government did.


This kind of **** is boringly predictable. It just shows why there are still people out there who vote Labour (difficult to believe though it is).


It was said before the election that whichever party won, they would be in the firing line in 5 minute flat, because of what needed to be done to set things right.


It seems there are still plenty out there who want to see the country back on it's feet, just as long as they don't have to contribute.

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I will answer your post twice as I want to offer my opinion but I am really interested in what alternatives you would have put in place...

well the goverment has yet done it again , VAT up to 20%

well that means there is going to be a knock on efect

petrol, diesel, fuel, food prices will rise as will everything else

even cartridges and bullets will go up again


VAT...... this is the only truly fair way of doing it, by increasing VAT the government have given YOU, the consumer, the choice as to whether or not you pay a lot more tax, a little more tax etc... Only luxury food items are VATable, basics are not so it will have no effect on your food bill, remember the hauliers can claim VAT back from thier fuel bills so again this will have no knock on effect. If they had banged 2p a litre fuel duty on, that would have had a knock on effect.



the goverment have not thought this through in my opinion


Give us some alternatives? They did fire up a website asking for ideas... did you contribute?


they have just jumped in and thought the only way to get back monies the previous goverment had lost

is to make joe public pay it all back for them


The Labour Government did not 'lose' any money, it was all spent on YOU & ME, the public, on creating jobs and on health care and education etc.... This sounds like a noble way to spend money and it would have been if it had been managed sensibly... To offer an analogy, it is like you spending money on your children... great, nothing wrong with that, but instead of spending what you had in the bank, you applied for 20 credit cards and racked up a quarter of a million in debt buying anything YOU thought would make them happy and keep them quiet.... then what do you do... you can't borrow any more and you have to pay it back or...... you go bankrupt...



its alright for them being on the wages they get and all the expenses it dont cost them anything to live in my opinion

so its true what people have said , they only look after them selves and stuff the rest of the country


I think a 50p higher tax rate and the fact that higher income means higher costs in general is enough, remember, those on higher incomes will proportionately pay higher taxes as they will spend more on VATable goods, what would you have done?

Why cant a normal type of person (someone that has a realistic view of things not the idiots that just dream ) run for goverment


I doubt very much most of us (myself included) could get our heads round the scale of the problem to be able to come up with a real solution.... these people are well educated, very, very intelligent people, Clegg has a degree from Cambridge, Osbourne and Cameron both have degrees from Oxford, Cameron's is in economics amongst other things... apart from anything else they don't just let anyone into these establishments to study, irrespective of background..


, instead we had to have these idiots telling us what to do and running the country


See my last paragraph..... idiots they aint...


wonder how the VAT will affect you and your opinions


In fairness I don't think it will make a notibly painful dent anywhere, as has previously been said, when the VAT rate was cut I didn't feel my pockets were any fuller so I'm not expecting them to feel significantly emptier and at least I have the choice as to whether or not I pay that tax by spending or not spending. The only exception is deisel, which I use a lot of but to be fair, the price of oil has caused pump prices to fluctuate by as much as 10p a litre in my neck of the woods over recent months anyway... I am resigned to the fact that fuel will keep getting more and more expensive and a 2.5% VAT increase in that area is the least of my worries moving forward.. With regards to VAT and the lower paid, the increase in personal allowances will more than offset the 2.5% increase for families in that bracket...

Edited by Vipa
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VAT rise should have been higher!


Labours reduction to 15% was a waste of time and gained nothing, and as said before did you realy notice the difference? I doubt it unless you where buting somthing VERRRYYYYY expensive.


So likewise raising to 20%, will you really notice the difference? NO.


And VAT is fair to all. You spend more you pay more.

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As usual it’s that me, me, me syndrome similar to the one that’s put us in the mess we’re in now! Helicopters and the like don’t generally make up most peoples budgets and really don’t figure in the scheme of things so remove your head from the sand and try seeing things from a wider perspective. If someone is wealthy enough to afford helicopters etc then I don’t guess they’re going to feel the pinch quite like others. If I had the, what a spare £1 or £2 mill, to buy one in the first instance I don’t guess the odd £15k VAT would bother me much and in any event I’m willing to bet that 100% of them are bought by/with company finance so what’s the problem? :good:


“Ask not what your country can do for you but rather what you can do for your country” springs to mind at the moment. :yp:


With this comment; 'its always been the same with the Tories - sledgehammer to crack a nut!' You're obviously one of those losers who voted Labour again. :D


You may think helicopters/other high value items don't figure into the scheme, but it will filter down - ATC employees, tanker drivers, maintenance crews, pilots, brokers, airfields etc etc it will affect a number of sectors not just aviation.


and no I didn't vote labour nor the bunch of toffs who have found themselves in power and decided to screw the country (once again) and risk a depression.


I'm off for a beer before VATs slapped on ;):P

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Not seen it all yet but it doesn't appear to be as bad as I'd predicted. The country has lived above its means for far too long and it can't be allowed to continue. Anyone not recognising the need to drastically reduce our debt is living in cloud cuckoo land (or reaping the benefits of state handouts).

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Not seen it all yet but it doesn't appear to be as bad as I'd predicted. The country has lived above its means for far too long and it can't be allowed to continue. Anyone not recognising the need to drastically reduce our debt is living in cloud cuckoo land (or reaping the benefits of state handouts).


:yp: ;):good:

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