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Billy you rich show off snob :lol:


my watch is worth £20, but it doesn't mean I don't appreciate quality workmanship.


:good: on reflection my post seemed rather 'showey offey'


Nevertheless, I'll be so poor when I'm back in England, in a month or so, that I may have to sell the watch :)

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Pfft if you worked for it show it off mate. I unfortunately have taken a massive paycut so have sold most of my nice things, but that was my choice. I don't begrudge anyone earning money and buying nice things.


I just think toolazy is a bit skint this month. So am I pal.

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how do you know he is rich are you a genius aswell


did you not read this topic? he just spent a grand and a half, yes, 1500 pounds on..... a scope!!!! anyone who has money to throw around like that is rich, and i have a 40 pound watch that means just as much (if not more) to me than your flash 3.500 pound job, you are also rich, or stupid? and the charity is for a young lad whos the son of a member whos been selling his guns to fund a 40g operation, and theres mugs spending 1000+ on scopes and watches?!?! people need to see the bigger picture

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did you not read this topic? he just spent a grand and a half, yes, 1500 pounds on..... a scope!!!! anyone who has money to throw around like that is rich, and i have a 40 pound watch that means just as much (if not more) to me than your flash 3.500 pound job, you are also rich, or stupid? and the charity is for a young lad whos the son of a member whos been selling his guns to fund a 40g operation, and theres mugs spending 1000+ on scopes and watches?!?! people need to see the bigger picture




How's your CZ .17HMR, Baikal and iPhone? They're all cheap things to own.


Why do you have an iPhone, out of interest? There are plenty of other phones out there that make a call and send a text. It's nothing to do with the fact that it's the leading mobile handset and very reliable??


Likewise, the CZ, very reliable, made by a good company. You could have probably picked up one for much cheaper, off a lesser known company, but maybe the reviews on it's build quality and reliability swayed you.


For your information and to set you straight, before you start hurling the 'mug' name at people. I used to have a fantastic job, which paid me well and therefore gave me the opportunity to buy myself a nice watch and live in a nice flat....


The recession kicked in and since then, I've been out on my backside. I have been forced to move back in with my parents, take up work with some awful employers -where I hated every working day.


If you spit in the face of every person who has a possession which is more than you'd be willing to pay, you will find that you're falling out with people for completely the wrong reason. It just sounds to me like you have some sort of envy/hatred towards someone who's done well and decides to treat themselves.


Next time you stick a post up about how proud you are to have bought a new gun/scope/magazine/cleaning kit/stock/snap cap, I'll be sure to come down on you like a ton of bricks.

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Now boys,just remember the adage"buy the best scope you can afford and with the change buy the rifle"!!!!


If you cant see your target clearly you can place the round to where it will be most effective,I have a friend who shoots with me regularily but chose to put a 40mm object Ziess on his 243 and moans thaat he cant see well enough when lamping with me!! I only use a red filtered light at night and so light gathering ability of your scope is paramount,I have an 8 x 56 S&B on my 223 and a 3x12 x56 Kahle on my 270,why he chose such a small objective I dont know maybe that was what he could afford,my Kahles would of cost me £1600 but happened too be in a shop with a cash flow problem last year and got offered it at £800 so wouldnt you take it.

As also mentioned by killer pigeon he was in the right place at the time,and like him I neither smoke or drink and am by no means rich!


If you want something either save up,sacrifice something or use a credit card there are plenty of options,my gns are tools of my trade and if you buy cheap you buy twice if not more so its not cost effective.I even have a £600 Kahles on my 27 year old .22 Brno.


Good glass gives you 20 minutes more at dusk than equivalent glass in my view so hunt all day or go home early and watch tv .

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did you not read this topic? he just spent a grand and a half, yes, 1500 pounds on..... a scope!!!! anyone who has money to throw around like that is rich, and i have a 40 pound watch that means just as much (if not more) to me than your flash 3.500 pound job, you are also rich, or stupid? and the charity is for a young lad whos the son of a member whos been selling his guns to fund a 40g operation, and theres mugs spending 1000+ on scopes and watches?!?! people need to see the bigger picture



I drive a VW golf i paid £250 for which works fine, 165,000 miles on clock. I dont even own a watch so my watch expenditure is £0 but do have a 5 year old mobile phone without a camera that tells the time fine, i rent a room in a shared house, i was made redundant end of last year but found alternative work at end of january. I have 3 kids with ex-wife so have to pay for their upkeep as well as feeding myself.


I have never been called rich before !!! i didnt even dare walk into the Holland and Holland or Purdey kiosks yesterday at CLA as i was too under-dressed and didnt feel worthy


please see my last post above on how i have scraped the money together over the last year.


I suspect you are considerably richer then me toolazydecoy and if it makes you feel better i walked away from the £3000 hensoldt scope, but if i was rich i would have snapped it straight up.

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how on earth can you justify spending that much on a scope?? more money than sense, i hate rich people!!!!!!!


R O F L M A O. Seriously, how old are you?


As for the scope, a very nice scope; good choice and enjoy - it will last you a life time and at that price you won't lose much on it if you trade on.

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course theres a touch of jelousy you absoulte genius, i hate rich people cos they have more money than me, and spend it on ridiculous things like 1500 pound scopes when theres people that need it so much more than all the rich toffs out there, im not afraid to admit it, stop arguing and ******* donate to jack01s charity!!!


Calling people who appreciate decent quality scopes toffs? its plebs like you who make me sick. I think you would be suprised at the amount of people on this forum and in the shooting world who don't earn a fortune yet still spend over £800 on a scope. You are coming across as a royal cock and if i was you i would leave now before you turn the entire forum against you. After all, i shoot a churchill that i sold my berretta and gold that i had bought several years ago as an investment when you could buy a kruger for £330 and sold one for £750. The Churchill cost 3 times what you could pick up a second hand beretta for and does it shoot any straighter? No. Is it any more reliable? probably far less so. But does it make me smile every time i take it out the safe? Yes not to mention when i actually shoot with it. People appreciate nice things and i think you need to grow up and realise this.



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I'm completely on KP's side. If we lived in communist China, then spending that on a scope might get you shot, but in this glorious nation you can spend your money on what you want.


I think toolazy is probably supportive of a cause which is to be applauded, but his anger would be better spent outside the bentley garage in wilmslow. No-one needs a £150k car.

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course theres a touch of jelousy you absoulte genius, i hate rich people cos they have more money than me, and spend it on ridiculous things like 1500 pound scopes when theres people that need it so much more than all the rich toffs out there, im not afraid to admit it, stop arguing and ******* donate to jack01s charity!!!


How much have you donated then :good:

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i have 2 swarovski scopes mate and i am no way rich but the scope does make the rifle and if you can why not i bet you wont be selling this one in a hurry is it the z6i as i use one on a .243 have you set up the ballistic turrett yet and if so how are you finding it?

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R O F L M A O. Seriously, how old are you?


seriously.....whats it got to do with you?? alot younger than you im guessing


its plebs like you who make me sick


haha calm down mate, if thats what makes you sick you should watch the news,prepare yourself though youll be horrified, im just voicing an opinion, and i couldnt care less how i make you feel to be honest but i think sick is a bit extreme, chill boss


How much have you donated then


hows that any business of yours?

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course theres a touch of jelousy you absoulte genius, i hate rich people cos they have more money than me, and spend it on ridiculous things like 1500 pound scopes when theres people that need it so much more than all the rich toffs out there, im not afraid to admit it, stop arguing and ******* donate to jack01s charity!!!



you really are a ***** :yes:


I have very expensive scopes on my centre fire rifles because I can afford it- get a better job and you too can have nice things


Cracking scope by the way Killer


Les :hmm:

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