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Conspiracy theories - what's the best one

death from below

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Leading on from another recent thread (David Ike and the idea that Rauol Moat never existed and it was all a ploy to desensitise the general public to cops carrying guns 24/7 etc etc), what's the best conspiracy theory you've heard of - I still see regular ones claiming that 9/11 was set up by the CIA to continue getting funding for anti terrorism activities to cover their illegal drug smuggling operations that make billions for the American Govn.


Oh, and the biggest, most stupidest one of all that we as a world seem to be falling for - global warming, now that is a nonsense.

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The 9/11 ones which claim that:


1)It was cruise missiles which hit the twin towers and giant holgrahic machines projected images of the planes onto the sky!


2)It were military planes which hit ther towers and not passenger jets.


I have also read that 9/11 didnt really happen because nothing is real!!! In this instance i would imagine the author had been smoking something exotic or watched 'The Matrix' once too often. :good:


Nutters-dont you love em'.

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I still see regular ones claiming that 9/11 was set up by the CIA to continue getting funding for anti terrorism activities to cover their illegal drug



The 9/11 ones which claim that:

Pray tell, what happened on the 9th November? Nothing I recall?



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Chard you are cool! Theres NO way they went on that moon they didnt have mobile phones in them days no Sky Plus no Xbox no central locking ,no solar lights for your garden,they cant even mop up an oil leak at the bottom of the ocean today!


I went to see the lunar module in Florida once :yes: :yes: :yes:


It's all Baco Foil and stuff. No fuel tanks. You'd have to be an American to believe they lobbed that at the moon. :good:


Laaaarf, I nearly ****. I'm going to Jupiter tomorrow to see if I can get some cheap Eley Superbs :oops:

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